Reception and Year 1 Explore Dinosaurs

For children in Reception and Year 1 at Navigation Primary School today was a special “red letter” day as they got the chance to learn all about fossils and dinosaurs when an expert from Everything Dinosaur visited their school.  The children took part in a wide range of prehistoric animal themed activities described as “awesome” by one enthusiastic reception class pupil.  The children had the chance to handle real fossils and to see just how big some dinosaurs actually were.

As part of the planning for the dinosaur workshop, the teaching team had helped the children formulate questions and the dinosaur expert did his best to answer them throughout the day.

Questions Prepared for the Dinosaur Expert

Children prepare questions about dinosaurs.

Dinosaur day inspires young, creative minds.

Picture credit: Navigation Primary School

Dinosaurs either as a term topic or part of a specific science week help young children develop a keen interest in reading and exploring books.  One little boy in Year 1 even brought in his dinosaur book to show Everything Dinosaur.  He was very keen to point out which dinosaurs and flying reptiles we had just been talking about.

Imaginative Works of Art

Imaginative Art Project Inspired by Plant-Eating Dinosaurs

Dinosaur art in school.

A colourful dinosaur created by Year 1 children.

Picture credit: Navigation Primary School

Dinosaurs and Fossils

The children were keen to show a number of art projects that they had been working on, including a beautiful “Spottysaurus” that had been suggested to the class as part of Everything Dinosaur’s preparations for the visit.  The posters were used to help reinforce learning about plant-eating and meat-eating dinosaurs.

With Miss Carney and Miss Bolchove  helping, the children explored adjectives which could be used to describe fossils.  It was a very successful dinosaur workshop and the children were inspired by all the fossils that they had seen.

To view the range of educational games and toys in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Dinosaur Crafts, Toys and Games.