Our thanks to dinosaur fan and model collector Caldey who sent into Everything Dinosaur some pictures of her latest Beasts of the Mesozoic model acquisitions. The young artist and dinosaur fan had taken some ceratopsians into the garden and taking advantage of the sunny weather took some photographs of the articulated figures.
The adult Diabloceratops articulated figure with a trio of juvenile Diabloceratops. Picture credit: Caldey.
Picture credit: Caldey
Beasts of the Mesozoic
The Beasts of the Mesozoic range originally consisted of articulated “raptor” figures. It has been expanded to included horned dinosaurs such as the splendid Diabloceratops figure. A trio of juvenile Diabloceratops is a very recent addition to this popular series. These youngsters scale up well when compared to the adult Diabloceratops figure.
The Beasts of the Mesozoic Styracosaurus “Old Buck” takes a wander around the garden. Picture credit: Caldey.
Picture credit: Caldey
“Old Buck” Styracosaurus
The Beasts of the Mesozoic “Old Buck” Styracosaurus looks very much at home in the garden. It seems to be enjoying the sunny weather. The photographer has taken care to find suitable places on the rockery to photograph the figures. The sunlight certainly highlights the vivid stripes on the horns and back of the Styracosaurus.
On thanks to Caldey for sending in these photos of the latest editions to her model collection.
Large, predatory theropod dinosaurs are often portrayed as fierce-looking monsters, with huge and highly visible teeth. These teeth are visible over the jaw line when the meat-eating dinosaur’s mouth is closed. This is reminiscent of the appearance of modern crocodilians, which after all, are closely related to fellow archosaurs such as the theropod members of the Dinosauria. However, a new study suggests predatory dinosaurs had scaly, lizard-like lips. Even Tyrannosaurus rex had lips according to a new paper published in the academic journal Science.
A juvenile Edmontosaurus disappears into the enormous, lipped mouth of Tyrannosaurus. Picture credit: Mark Witton.
Tyrannosaurus rex Had Lips
The researchers including Dr Mark Witton (University of Portsmouth) and the study lead author Assistant Professor Thomas M. Cullen (Auburn University, Alabama) suggest that carnivores such as Tyrannosaurus rex did not have permanently exposed teeth. Films such as “Jurassic Park”, many palaeoartists and numerous model manufacturers have got it wrong. Instead, these dinosaurs had scaly lips, covering and sealing their mouths.
The debate as to whether theropod dinosaurs such as Giganotosaurus, Velociraptor, T. rex and Allosaurus had lips has gone on for some time. Did these dinosaurs have perpetually visible upper teeth that hung over their lower jaws and were therefore exposed and on view even with the jaw closed? The researchers suggest that dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus rex did not have a smile like a crocodile. Theropods possessed lips similar to those of lizards and the ancient reptile Tuatara, the only extant member of the Rhynchocephalia.
Detailed Study
In the most detailed study concerning the presence or otherwise of extraoral tissue in the Theropoda conducted to date, the researchers examined the tooth structure, wear patterns and jaw morphology of lipped and lipless reptile groups and found that theropod mouth anatomy and functionality resembles that of lizards more than the mouths of crocodilians.
T. rex skull and head reconstructions. Picture credit: Mark Witton.
These lips were probably not muscular, like those of mammals. Most reptile lips cover their teeth but cannot be moved independently, a reptile can’t curl its lips back and snarl like a dog. They could not make the sort of movements that we might associate with our faces or that of other mammals.
Derek Larson, Collections Manager and Researcher in Palaeontology at the Royal BC Museum in Canada and a co-author of the study stated:
“Palaeontologists often like to compare extinct animals to their closest living relatives, but in the case of dinosaurs, their closest relatives have been evolutionarily distinct for hundreds of millions of years and today are incredibly specialised.”
The research team concluded that theropod teeth were extremely similar to the teeth of monitor lizards (varanids). The teeth are thought to have functioned in the same way, so perhaps monitor lizards such as the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) can be favourably compared to extinct animals such as theropod dinosaurs, even though the Varanidae as members of the Squamata, are only very distantly related to the Dinosauria.
Upending Popular Theropod Depictions
Co-author Dr Mark Witton (University of Portsmouth) explained:
“Dinosaur artists have gone back and forth on lips since we started restoring dinosaurs during the 19th century, but lipless dinosaurs became more prominent in the 1980s and 1990s. They were then deeply rooted in popular culture through films and documentaries — Jurassic Park and its sequels, Walking with Dinosaurs and so on. Curiously, there was never a dedicated study or discovery instigating this change and, to a large extent, it probably reflected preference for a new, ferocious-looking aesthetic rather than a shift in scientific thinking. We’re upending this popular depiction by covering their teeth with lizard-like lips. This means a lot of our favourite dinosaur depictions are incorrect, including the iconic Jurassic Park T. rex.”
The Implications of “Tyrannosaurus rex Had Lips”
The results of the study, found that tooth wear in lipless animals was markedly different from that seen in carnivorous dinosaurs and that dinosaur teeth were no larger, relative to skull size, than those of modern lizards, implying they were not too big to cover with lips.
Furthermore, the distribution of small holes around the jaws, which supply nerves and blood to the gums and tissues around the mouth, were more lizard-like in dinosaurs than crocodile-like. In addition, modelling mouth closure of lipless theropod jaws showed that the lower jaw either had to crush jaw-supporting bones or disarticulate the jaw joint to seal the mouth.
Tyrannosaurus rex bellowing with its mouth shut, like a vocalising alligator. Picture credit: Mark Witton
Kirstin Brink (Assistant Professor of Palaeontology at the University of Manitoba, Canada) and fellow co-author of the scientific paper commented:
“As any dentist will tell you, saliva is important for maintaining the health of your teeth. Teeth that are not covered by lips risk drying out and can be subject to more damage during feeding or fighting, as we see in crocodiles, but not in dinosaurs.”
Assistant Professor Brink added:
“Dinosaur teeth have very thin enamel and mammal teeth have thick enamel (with some exceptions). Crocodile enamel is a bit thicker than dinosaur enamel, but not as thick as mammalian enamel. There are some mammal groups that do have exposed enamel, but their enamel is modified to withstand exposure.”
Theropod Teeth are Not Oversized
Previously, it had been suggested that the teeth of predatory dinosaurs were just too big to be covered by lips. This study challenges that view and suggests that theropod teeth were not atypically large. Even the huge, banana-shaped teeth of tyrannosaurs are proportionally similar in size to living predatory lizards when the actual skull size is considered. Therefore, the researchers reject the hypothesis that theropod teeth were too large to be covered by lips.
Model makers and figure manufacturers have created figures that reflect the current scientific debate about the presence or otherwise of lips in theropod dinosaurs. For example, Rebor recently introduced two new Tyrannosaurus rex figures “Kiss” being a lipped model, whereas the counterpart figure “Tusk” was lipless.
Some model manufacturers have reflected the current scientific debate by producing replicas with lips as well as lipless forms such as the recent Rebor “Kiss” and “Tusk” figures.
To view the range of Rebor figures and replicas in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Rebor Models and Figures.
Important Implications with Regards to Reconstructing Theropod Dinosaurs
This new study provides a new perspective on the “lips” versus “lipless” debate. It provides new insights into how scientists, artists and model makers reconstruct the soft tissues of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. This research provides information on how theropod dinosaurs fed, how they maintained their dental health as well as broader issues such as dinosaur ecology and evolution.
Dr Witton summarised the study stating:
“Some take the view that we’re clueless about the appearance of dinosaurs beyond basic features like the number of fingers and toes. But our study, and others like it, show that we have an increasingly good handle on many aspects of dinosaur appearance. Far from being clueless, we’re now at a point where we can say ‘oh, that doesn’t have lips? Or a certain type of scale or feather?’ Then that’s as realistic a depiction of that species as a tiger without stripes.”
The research team stress that their study does not say that no extinct animals had exposed teeth — some, like sabre-toothed carnivorous mammals, or marine reptiles and flying reptiles with extremely long, interlocking teeth, almost certainly did.
Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a media release in the compilation of this article.
The scientific paper: “Theropod dinosaur facial reconstruction and the importance of soft tissues in paleobiology” by Thomas M. Cullen, Derek W. Larson, Mark P. Witton, Diane Scott, Tea Maho, Kirstin S. Brink, David C. Evans and Robert Reisz published in the journal Science.
The popular Bullyland ammonite model is to be retired according to sources at the German model and figure manufacturing company. Everything Dinosaur team members made enquiries with Bullyland in Germany earlier in the week and it has been confirmed that the ammonite model is going out of production.
The Bullyland ammonite model is often used in museum displays to depict the living animal next to fossil material. This Bullyland model is being retired and there are no plans in place to make any more replicas. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Bullyland Ammonite Model
The Bullyland ammonite model was included in the company’s latest product catalogue, but according to Everything Dinosaur’s sources the ammonite figure is to be withdrawn. Over the last few years, the number of models made by Bullyland has been reduced. The company has been focusing on producing figures under licence for organisations such as Disney and Pixar.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“Over the last 2-3 years the Bullyland range of prehistoric animals has been significantly reduced. A new Ichthyosaurus model was due to go into production in 2020, but this replica seems to have been postponed, possibly permanently.”
The spokesperson went onto state:
“As for the Bullyland ammonite model, its partner product, a belemnite, was retired about a decade ago. Whilst we will be sorry to see this figure go, there are now a number of ammonite and other prehistoric invertebrate models on the market, most notably within the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range.”
New CollectA arthropods and cephalopods.
The picture (above) shows some of the cephalopod and arthropod figures within the CollectA range. In 2022, the range was extended with the addition of the nautiloid Cooperoceras and this year, a model of Anomalocaris is being added.
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Genuine Reviews
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
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The spokesperson explained that they were extremely grateful for all the reviews, comments and feedback the company received. Team members appreciated customers taking the time to provide feedback and reviews.
Plans are in place for an expedition to explore the seabed of the Adriatic for signs of early human settlement. Dr Simon Fitch, a geo-archaeologist at the University of Bradford is to embark on a mission to map submerged ice age landscapes and sunken settlements in what has been described as “a first of its kind”, scientific enquiry.
At the end of the month (March 2023), Dr Fitch will travel to Split in Croatia to begin a five-day survey of the Adriatic seabed using state-of-the-art underwater 3-D seismic sensors.
Dr Simon Fitch from the University of Bradford. Picture credit: University of Bradford/Simon Fitch.
Mapping Parts of the Adriatic and the North Sea
This expedition is the first of several that are being planned. Over the next five years, the researchers hope to map parts of the Adriatic and the North Sea. The North Sea being an area of particular interest to University of Bradford archaeologists as they have previously worked extensively on Doggerland, the huge tract of land that once linked Britain to continental Europe.
To read a recent article about research from the University of Bradford examining the impact of ancient Tsunamis on Doggerland settlements: Ancient Tsunamis Once Devastated Doggerland.
Between 24,000 and 10,000 years ago, global sea levels were around a hundred metres lower than they are today. This latest expedition is part of a long-term project to explore the archaeology of submerged human settlements.
The Life on the Edge Project
The Life on the Edge project is part of a UKRI future leaders fellowship for Dr Fitch, which last year attracted just over £1m in funding from UKRI, as well as £400,000 in-kind ship time from VLIZ (Flanders Marine Institute), and a PhD studentship from the University.
The University of Bradford’s Faculty of Life Sciences now has the largest submerged landscapes research group in the world and is one of the few places specialising in this exciting area of academic research.
3-D image of the coastline of Croatia with the 14000-year-old coastline outlined in red. Picture credit: University of Bradford/Simon Fitch.
Commenting on the significance of the study, Dr Fitch stated:
“This is the first time anyone is going more than 500 metres from the coastline in the Adriatic to map the seabed. We know humans once lived on the land down there because trawlers regularly dredge up artefacts. This is about finding out who we are as a species and where we come from”.
An Incomplete Picture of Our History
Dr Fitch went onto explain that we have an incomplete picture of our own history. During the Late Palaeolithic (24,000 to 10,000 years ago), our planet was in the grip of an Ice Age and during this time we experienced the last “glacial maximum”, when sea levels were much lower than today, due to the amount of water stored in the ice caps and glaciers. More land around coasts would have been exposed and it is very likely that Stone Age people lived in these areas.
Dr Fitch added:
“We know most human populations like to live on the coastline, so it’s likely there were settlements on what is now the seabed. Our aim is to find evidence of those settlements and then recover the archaeology.”
Helping Renewable Energy Companies
Archaeologists from Bradford University along with collaborators from the University of Split and Flanders Marine institute (VLIZ), are working with commercial companies, who are already mapping the seafloor as they prepare to construct wind farms.
World map showing sea levels as they were during last glacial maximum, circa 22,000 years ago with yellow dots to show proposed wind farm activity. Picture credit: University of Bradford/Simon Fitch.
Powerful supercomputers installed at the University of Bradford are being used to process the huge volumes of data the expeditions will produce and The Life on the Edge Project has already attracted attention from other archaeologists based overseas. Dr Jessica Cook Hale (University of Georgia, USA), is to join the project.
The Search for Sunken Settlements
The academic is an experienced archaeologist with over two decades of research and field work behind her, including having dived underwater prehistoric sites in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast.
Dr Jessica Cook Hale, (University of Georgia), who has joined the Life on the Edge project, diving a 5,000-year-old “midden heap” in the Econfina Channel site off the coast of Florida in August of 2015. Picture credit: Jessica Cook Hale.
Dr Cook Hale commented that she was excited to be joining this project and stated:
“Bradford is one of the few places doing this. I looked at this project from afar and wanted to be a part of it, so I’m thrilled to be joining the team. Carrying out geo-archaeology on submerged landscapes is really the only way to approach the problem of finding out about our prehistoric ancestors. As archaeologists, we’re naturally curious, we always want to ask, what came before?”
Training the Next Generation of Geo-archaeologists
One of the aims of the project team is to help recruit and train the next generation of geo-archaeologists.
The Life on the Edge project is an appropriate moniker, the team will be using cutting-edge mapping and computer technology and they will be exploring places that no archaeologists have explored before.
We wish the team every success with this intriguing venture.
Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a media release from the University of Bradford in the compilation of this article.
A colourful dinosaur wall display was spotted in a classroom when Everything Dinosaur team members conducted a dinosaur workshop at the school. The Year Two pupils had been learning all about prehistoric animals and fossils. The wall display had been produced during the term topic exploring “Would a Dinosaur Make a Good Pet”?
Everything Dinosaur team members are always impressed by school displays that feature dinosaurs and fossils. For example, Oakdene Primary pupils produced a colourful dinosaur wall display during their term topic studying prehistoric animals. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
A Colourful Dinosaur Wall Display
Children at Oakdene Primary produced fact sheets featuring their favourite prehistoric animal. There were fact sheets on Velociraptor, Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops. The eager, young palaeontologists had illustrated their dinosaur data sheets. The pictures and fact sheets were then posted up onto the “Wow Wall” in the classroom. The dinosaur facts and other learning materials made an attractive and most informative display.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“We visited Oakdene Primary some years ago to deliver a dinosaur themed workshop. Everything Dinosaur had been invited into the school to support the children’s learning. At the time we praised the colourful wall display, and we were given permission to take a photograph.”
Learning About Dinosaurs
The spokesperson explained that Everything Dinosaur team members always tried to encourage children and to help them with their studies. Team members were quick to praise the teaching team for their hard work and dedication.
Many schools in England and Wales introduce a dinosaur and fossil themed term topic. Foundation Stage pupils as they transition from Nursery to Reception can find a dinosaur topic helpful. Year 3 pupils often learn about fossils and dinosaurs when studying rocks and soils.
A dinosaur term topic is also enjoyed by the teaching team. It certainly brings out plenty of creativity in the pupils that Everything Dinosaur team members have met.
This year, marks the thirtieth anniversary of the release of the ground-breaking dinosaur movie “Jurassic Park”. The film was based on the 1990 novel by Michael Crichton. The film was extremely successful. It was a huge commercial success. It spawned a movie franchise with a further five films following, the original “Jurassic Park”.
The beautiful illustration of a pair of “raptors”. The drawing was inspired by the recent (June 2022) movie “Jurassic World Dominion. The adult Velociraptor Blue and her offspring Beta. Picture credit: Caldey.
Recently, Everything Dinosaur team members were interviewed about the impact of the film and the “Jurassic Park” legacy. The interview will form part of a seven-part, celebratory series being created for a YouTube channel.
The Impact on the Earth Sciences and Palaeontology
Many people working in the Earth sciences today, whether as palaeontologists or in some other related discipline were influenced by the movies. The Jurassic Park franchise is often cited as being a source of inspiration for them. The films and the book helped make up their mind as to their future career. They have watched the films, read the book and decided to become a palaeontologist.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“I do think it is fair to state that the book and these films have inspired and enthused new generations of scientists and academics. The Jurassic Park franchise has cemented the Dinosauria into popular culture and as a result, prehistoric animals are perhaps more popular than ever.”
The Everything Dinosaur spokesperson added:
“Jurassic Park may never exist, but maybe if the book or the films had never happened then perhaps what we term today as the golden age of palaeontology might not have come about.”
We look forwarded to viewing the YouTube videos when they are released later this year.
Whilst tidying up some papers, team members at Everything Dinosaur came across a visual of the CollectA nautilus model which was used in a YouTube video when this invertebrate figure was introduced back in 2020. The nautilus figure was one of seventeen new replicas introduced by CollectA in 2020.
The CollectA Nautilus model, a splendid replica of a living cephalopod. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
CollectA Nautilus Model
The largest extant species is Nautilus pompilius, which is sometimes also referred to as the Emperor nautilus. All living species are confined to tropical waters and these molluscs usually live at depths of more than a hundred metres.
In 2017, all the species of nautilus were afforded protection under Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The shells are highly prized and attempts have been made to regulate the trade in shells. However, much of the trade in Asia remains uncontrolled and although not directly threatened with extinction conservationists have expressed concern about their long-term survival unless trade in the shells is better regulated.
A scale drawing of an extant nautilus (Nautilus pompilius). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
The editor of “Prehistoric Times” magazine sent team members at Everything Dinosaur a preview of the front cover of the next edition of the quarterly magazine. The dramatic front cover artwork, which features a South American “Terror Bird” attacking a sabre-toothed cat, was created by southern California artist Kurt Miller.
The front cover of Prehistoric Times magazine issue 145 (Spring 2023). Picture credit: Mike Fredericks.
Picture credit: Mike Fredericks
“Prehistoric Times”
The spring issue features artwork and information on two prehistoric animals, the dinosaur Hypsilophodon and the giant Kelenken (K. guillermoi) a “Terror Bird”, that we suspect was the inspiration behind the stunning front cover artwork.
Kelenken is known from the Middle Miocene of Argentina. Standing more than 3 metres tall, it is the largest member of the Phorusrhacidae to have been described to date. Body mass estimates vary, but some palaeontologists have suggested that this giant flightless bird weighed around 200 kilograms.
Spring 2023 Edition
The next edition of “Prehistoric Times” is due out in a few weeks. The magazine will also feature an article from the distinguished Canadian palaeontologist Phil Currie. Professor Currie will examine the key dinosaur discoveries that took place more than a century ago.
The new for 2023 Papo Mosasaurus model is in stock at Everything Dinosaur. This marine reptile figure is the first new Papo prehistoric animal model to be introduced this year (2023). The model has an articulated lower jaw. It displays some amazing details such as pterygoid teeth located in the roof of the cavernous mouth.
The new for 2023 Papo Mosasaurus model is in stock at Everything Dinosaur. The Papo Mosasaurus figure has an articulated jaw. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
An Articulated Lower Jaw and Pterygoid Teeth
The Papo Mosasaurus marine reptile model measures around 25.5 cm (10 inches) in length and it has an articulated lower jaw. The impressively painted mouth reveals two rows of pterygoid teeth located towards the back of the mouth. These teeth, known in living members of the Squamata such as snakes, helped to grip prey and enabled these large predators to swallow their victims whole.
The Papo Mosasaurus figure has pterygoid teeth located in the roof of the mouth. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Papo Mosasaurus Model
This new marine reptile figure has been given an asymmetrical tail fin, referred to as a hypocercal tail. One lobe, the lower lobe of the tail, is much larger than the upper lobe. The model has also been given powerful front flippers and a dorsal fin.
There are examples of soft tissue preservation in mosasaur specimens, most notably in a specimen reported in the journal “Nature Communications” by Lindgren et al (2013). A mosasaur fossil specimen from the Upper Cretaceous sediments of central Jordan provided evidence of the shape of the tail and the flippers as soft tissue impressions were preserved.
Team members at Everything Dinosaur are not aware of any direct fossil evidence to indicate that these reptiles had dorsal fins.
The Papo Mosasaurus was due to come out at the end of 2022, it was expected quarter 1 of 2023 and it is now in stock at Everything Dinosaur.
An Intriguing Marine Reptile Figure
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“The new Papo Mosasaurus is an intriguing marine reptile figure. A second marine reptile model from Papo is due out later this year. It is a Kronosaurus and we look forward to comparing the two models.”