Reviews of products supplied by Everything Dinosaur. Product and gift reviews written by Everything Dinosaur team members.
New Haolonggood Stegosaurus Models Reviewed by a Dinosaur Fan
Our thanks to dinosaur model collector Carl who sent into Everything Dinosaur his review of the new Haolonggood Stegosaurus models. As well as sending in his review, Carl kindly provided some information about the Stegosaurus genus. In addition, we received some photos of his recently acquired models too.

A pair of Stegosaurus dinosaur models (Haolonggood figures. The model known as Sun Li (left) and Hao Si Wen (right). Picture credit: Carl.
Picture credit: Carl
Reviewing Haolonggood Stegosaurus Models
Here is the review sent into Everything Dinosaur:
I’d like to thank the award-winning team at the exceptional Everything Dinosaur for supplying these beautiful representations of the Late Jurassic thyreophoran clade – the majestic Stegosaurus in 1:35 scale from Haolonggood.
In 1877 the name Stegosaurus was first described as the “roofed lizard”, but Haolonggood have created a model called Stegosaurus ungulatus. In Greek and Latin, it means “clawed roofed lizard”.
Greek – stego = roofed.
Greek – saurus = lizard.
Latin – unguis = claw, hoof, nail.
It was originally thought that the dermal plates covered the animal’s body like the tiles on a roof. Hence the genus name meaning “roofed lizard”. This was not the case. Actually, the plates are not fused to the spinal vertebrae of the Stegosaurus skeleton.
In books, TV and film productions the plates are depicted on the top of the animal’s body. The plates could have been used for regulating body temperature, helping to keep the Stegosaurus cool in hot, humid climates. Or perhaps the plates were used to attract a mate, or to provide a threat display to deter an attack from predatory dinosaurs. I don’t think that anyone will know for sure, but I am confident our imaginations will fill the gaps.
Picture credit: Carl
The “Thagomizer” and its Origins
Stegosaurus plates had an irregular arrangement along the top of the animal’s body, from the base of the head to almost the end of the tail. At the end of the tail, it had large spikes. This arrangement of spikes is referred to as a “Thagomizer”. What a fantastic name!
To learn how the “Thagomizer” term came into common usage: How the “Thagomizer” was Named.
These spikes were no doubt defensive weapons. They were used to protect the animal and any offspring from theropod dinosaurs.
Haolonggood have done an impressive, and highly detailed sculpt for their take on Stegosaurus. There are three colour variants to choose from. Two of the three have a flamboyant paint application. However, once in the hand the colour scheme is not as vibrant as the promotional images.
A graceful gait, a high hip girdle as well as long hind legs and an almost horizontal tail gives the appearance of a very elegant animal indeed. A very narrow head with its small beak and the throat armour are also nicely done.
View the Haolonggood range of prehistoric animal models: Haolonggood Prehistoric Animals.
Picture credit: Carl
The Colour of Stegosaurs
I think a lot of herbivorous dinosaur taxa would not have had vibrant and flamboyant colouration. Such colour patterns could easily attract predatory dinosaurs. So, I don’t think that would have been the case. Camouflage would have been best and a safer colour design in nature, whether it was an extant animal or an animal that lived millions of years ago.
Nonetheless, Haolonggood’s version of Stegosaurus are still impressive figures. I would like to add that for anyone who is interested in the world of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals, please make your purchases from the fantastic team members at Everything Dinosaur.
Trust me, you will never be disappointed in the service that is provided.
I hope this review has been informative to some degree and enjoyable for all the people who are fascinated by dinosaurs.
I would like to send my sincere thanks and gratitude to the ever-hard-working team members at the simply exceptional Everything Dinosaur – thank you!
Our thanks to Carl for sending in his review and photographs of the Haolonggood Stegosaurus models.
Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys.