All about dinosaurs, fossils and prehistoric animals by Everything Dinosaur team members.

About Mike

Mike runs Everything Dinosaur, a UK-based mail order company specialising in the sale of dinosaur and prehistoric animal models, He works alongside Sue, and between them they have become the "go to guys" for museum quality prehistoric animal models and figures. An avid fossil collector and reader of dinosaur books, Mike researchers and writes articles about palaeontology, fossil discoveries, research and of course, dinosaur and prehistoric animal models.
24 03, 2025

A New Tyrannosaurus Book by Dr Mark Witton

By |2025-03-24T21:04:19+00:00March 24th, 2025|Book Reviews|0 Comments

We have some exciting news!  A new dinosaur book by the extremely talented British palaeontologist and palaeoartist Dr Mark Witton is due to be published in May (2025).  Entitled “Tyrant King A Natural History of Tyrannosaurus rex“, this beautifully illustrated Tyrannosaurus rex book is available to pre-order from Princeton University Press.  Mark skilfully translates complex scientific concepts into an engaging narrative, helping to bridge the gap between academia and the general reader.

Mark is a highly respected palaeoartist. He has an extensive portfolio of prehistoric animal themed artwork. He created the striking front cover illustration.

The front cover of the new dinosaur book by Dr Mark Witton.

The fabulous front cover of the new book “King Tyrant A Natural History of Tyrannosaurus rex” by Dr Mark P. Witton. Dr Witton is an accomplished author and palaeoartist as well as a highly respected palaeontologist. Naturally, this stunning T. rex artwork on the front cover was created by the author. Picture credit: Princeton University Press.

Picture credit: Princeton University Press

A New Tyrannosaurus rex Book – “King Tyrant”

T. rex is arguably the world’s favourite dinosaur.  At Everything Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus rex models outsell all the other figures that we stock.  Virtually, every range we supply has at least one figure of this iconic Late Cretaceous theropod within it.  However, it is one of those dinosaurs so often depicted in the media, that sometimes the actual science gets overlooked.  Dr Witton sets out to distinguish the hyperbole surrounding this dinosaur from the actual fossil evidence.  The book presents these predators as palaeontologists consider them from the perspective of having interpreted the tyrannosaur fossil record.

With numerous original paintings, illustrations and diagrams by the author, this book focuses on the latest discoveries and provides a modern understanding of the Tyrannosaurus taxon.

Titus the T. rex Skull and Jaws. Dinosaur extinction.

The skull of a T. rex on display at Wollaton Hall (Nottinghamshire). This new dinosaur book discloses details about T. rex behaviour such as intraspecific combat and hunting strategies. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Dr Mark Witton has written several other books.  For example, in 2013 he wrote the highly acclaimed “Pterosaurs” which coincidently is also published by Princeton University Press.

To read Everything Dinosaur’s review of “Pterosaurs” by Dr Mark Witton: A Book Review “Pterosaurs” by Dr Mark Witton.

With over one hundred and fifty superb, photographs, illustrations and diagrams, this new Tyrannosaurus rex book is going to delight dinosaur fans.

Book Details

The book reviews the evidence for there being more than one species of Tyrannosaurus.  It examines whether they were solitary hunters or social animals.  How fast could T. rex run?  Was its bite as powerful as depicted in popular culture?   These are just some of the questions examined in the book’s seven chapters.  Some of the chapters have intriguing titles.  For example, chapter six entitled “Life, Food, Love, Death”.

“King Tyrant A Natural History of Tyrannosaurus rex

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Publish Date: May 13th, 2025 | Price: £35.00/$39.95 | Pages: 320

Illustrations: 150+ colour illustrations

ISBN: 9780691245584

Size: 20 x 25 cm (8 x 10 inches)

Visit the Princeton University Press website: Princeton University Press. To find the book search for “King Tyrant” or the author.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“I am so excited about this.  I can’t wait to read this new book all about this most iconic of all the non-avian dinosaurs.  After all, who doesn’t love a T. rex!”

The Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Models and Prehistoric Animal Figures.

23 03, 2025

PNSO Announces a New Horned Dinosaur Model

By |2025-03-23T11:29:48+00:00March 23rd, 2025|PNSO Age of Dinosaurs Models|0 Comments

PNSO has announced that they are making a new horned dinosaur figure. The PNSO Stella the Stellasaurus will be in stock at Everything Dinosaur soon.  This is the third ceratopsian in a row that this manufacturer has introduced.  Lokiceratops is now in stock at Everything Dinosaur, and Judith the Spiclypeus will be in stock soon.  Like Lokiceratops, Stellasaurus is a member of the Centrosaurinae ceratopsian subfamily.  In contrast, Spiclypeus is a chasmosaurine.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur stated that Stella the Stellasaurus will be in stock later in the spring.

PNSO Stella the Stellasaurus.

The new horned dinosaur figure, the PNSO Stella the Stellasaurus.

PNSO Stella the Stellasaurus

Stellasaurus (S. ancellae), was formally named and described in 2020 (Wilson, Ryan and Evans).  The flamboyant headshield with its enlarged epiparietals reminded the researchers of a star.  Hence the use of the Latin term for a star “Stella” in the genus name.  In addition, Stellasaurus pays tribute to the late British musician and song writer David Bowie.  Bowie released the single “Starman” in late April 1972.  The scientific paper describing this new taxon was published almost exactly forty-eight years later (late April 2020).

The species name honours Museum of the Rockies field palaeontologist and fossil preparator Carrie Ancell.  It was Ancell who discovered and prepared the holotype specimen (MOR 492).

The PNSO Stella the Stellasaurus will be supplied with an A3-sized, full-colour poster. Furthermore, the model comes complete with a full-colour, sixty-four-page booklet.

Stellasaurus accessories from PNSO.

The new PNSO centrosaurine figure is supplied with a sixty-four-page, full-colour booklet and an A3-sized colour poster.

To view the range of PNSO models and figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: PNSO Age of Dinosaurs Models.

A Transitional Form

The scientific paper describing this new North American ceratopsian was published by Royal Society Open Science.  In the paper, the researchers postulated that Stellasaurus ancellae could represent a transitional form within the Centrosaurinae.  The fossil material comes from the famous Two Medicine Formation of north-western Montana (USA). This dinosaur lived around seventy-five million years ago (Campanian faunal stage). From a stratigraphical perspective, the Stellasaurus fossil material is younger than Styracosaurus albertensis fossils, but older than fossils assigned to Einiosaurus.

That flamboyant head shield with its various lumps and bumps could reflect a transitional stage between the headshield morphology of Styracosaurus and that of Einiosaurus.

To read Everything Dinosaur’s blog post about the scientific description of Stellasaurus ancellaeA New Dinosaur Called Stellasaurus “Star Lizard”.

A close-up view of the magnificent nose horn of the Stellasaurus dinosaur model.

A close-up view of the magnificent nose horn of the Stellasaurus figure.

How Big is the PNSO Stella the Stellasaurus Model?

The fossil material assigned to S. ancellae is believed to represent a mature, adult animal. Scientists estimate that this dinosaur grew to a length of approximately five metres.  It may have weighed around two tonnes.

The PNSO Stella the Stellasaurus model measures fifteen centimetres in length. Although, no scale is declared by PNSO, Mike from Everything Dinosaur suggested that this new figure would represent a 1:33 scale model.

PNSO Stellasaurus model measurements.

PNSO Stellasaurus model measurements. The dinosaur model is approximately fifteen centimetres long.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“This is the third ceratopsian figure to be announced by PNSO in a row.  We are delighted to see another centrosaurine added to the range.  As always, this PNSO model shows some fantastic detail, and it will be stock later this spring.”

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Horned Dinosaur Figures and Other Dinosaur Models.

22 03, 2025

“Cyberzoic” Wave 1 Figures Feature in the Latest Customer Newsletter

By |2025-03-24T08:38:26+00:00March 22nd, 2025|Everything Dinosaur Newsletters|0 Comments

The first batch of “Cyberzoic” wave 1 articulated figures feature in the latest customer newsletter sent out by Everything Dinosaur.  The wave 1 figures include the stunning Allosaurus jimmadseni figure with its twenty-two points of articulation.  Indeed, this theropod figure was used as the headline model in the latest newsletter.

In total, there are four new wave 1 “Cyberzoic” figures:

  • Allosaurus jimmadseni
  • Achillobator giganticus
  • Smilodon populator
  • The Arctic Dragon – Kuraokami
Cyberzoic Wave 1 model (Allosaurus jimmadseni).

The new Beasts of the Mesozoic “Cyberzoic” figure (A. jimmadseni) is one of the highlights of the latest customer newsletter. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the range of articulated figures in the “Cyberzoic”/Beasts of the Mesozoic series: “Cyberzoic” and Beasts of the Mesozoic Figures.

“Cyberzoic” Wave 1 Models

The latest Everything Dinosaur customer newsletter also features the new Achillobator and Smilodon populator figures.  The Achillobator has twenty-three points of articulation. Whereas, the Smilodon model has twenty-one points of articulation.  However, the Sabre-toothed cat is supplied with two heads and interchangeable ears and claws.

The articulated Achillobator and the new Smilodon populator (tan colour) feature in the newsletter.

The articulated “Cyberzoic” wave 1 Achillobator giganticus (brown colouration) and the new Smilodon populator (tan colour) feature in the newsletter. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The dromaeosaur model has a declared scale of 1:18. In contrast, the new Smilodon populator in the tan colouration has a declared scale of 1:12.

The Cyberzoic Wave 1 model Arctic Dragon and the return of the popular Gorgosaurus figure.

The “Cyberzoic” Wave 1 model Arctic Dragon (Kuraokami) and the return of the popular Beasts of the Mesozoic Gorgosaurus libratus figure. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

An Arctic Dragon and Gorgosaurus libratus

The newsletter announced the return of the popular Beasts of the Mesozoic Gorgosaurus figure.  It was featured alongside the remarkable “Cyberzoic” Arctic dragon figure – Kuraokami.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur stated:

“We wanted to inform our customers about these new and exciting articulated figures.  Furthermore, by sending out a newsletter, we can alert our subscribers and ensure that they are the first to know about new additions to this range.”

To enquire about signing up to the free Everything Dinosaur customer newsletter: Email Everything Dinosaur Team Members.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Prehistoric Animal Models and Figures.

21 03, 2025

Providing Our Customers with a Rapid Response – Providing Helpful Information

By |2025-03-21T12:23:08+00:00March 21st, 2025|Everything Dinosaur News and Updates|0 Comments

At Everything Dinosaur updating customers is our priority.  Today, (March 21st, 2025), a major incident has been declared at London Heathrow airport.  A fire at an electricity substation near to the airport has led to the closure of Heathrow.  We would like to express our sympathies to all those people who have been affected by this unfortunate incident.  Some of our overseas customers might see a delay in their parcel delivery.

Mike and Sue from Everything Dinosaur apologise for any inconvenience caused.

We have put out the following media release.  Our thanks to one of our international courier partners (OCS Worldwide) for their assistance.

Everything Dinosaur updating customers about their orders.

Providing a prompt response to the fire at Heathrow (March 21st 2025) by sending out a media release, reassuring customers about the current status of orders going overseas from the airport. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur (image generated in Canva).

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur (image generated in Canva)

Everything Dinosaur Updating Customers

The media release explains why Heathrow airport has been closed.  It is hoped that the airport will be able to open tomorrow.  The airport will remain closed all day (Friday, 21st March).  The fire at a nearby electrical substation has also cut-off electricity to nearby homes and businesses.

The closure will mean that some of our customer’s parcels destined for overseas are likely to be delayed.

If you are concerned and wish to enquire about your order, please contact Everything Dinosaur: Email Everything Dinosaur Team Members.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“We want to reassure customers.  OCS Worldwide, one of the international couriers we use has a depot at Heathrow.  Whilst their depot is working normally, the disruption caused by the fire will lead to some delays for parcels. Sue and I recognise the importance of Everything Dinosaur updating customers.  We will continue to monitor the situation, and we are confident that our courier partners will be able to adjust and ensure the swift progress of our customer’s orders.”

The award-winning and customer friendly Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys and Figures.

18 03, 2025

The New Papo Corythosaurus Dinosaur Model is in Stock

By |2025-03-19T10:31:07+00:00March 18th, 2025|Papo Prehistoric Animal Models|0 Comments

The new Papo Corythosaurus dinosaur model is in stock at Everything Dinosaur.  It is great to see a new replica of a lambeosaurine dinosaur.  When it comes to hadrosaurs, model collectors have several Saurolophinae subfamily members to choose from.  Notably, Maiasaura and Edmontosaurus.  Indeed, the Lambeosaurinae subfamily is represented in model collections by the likes of Parasaurolophus and Lambeosaurus.  However, the flamboyant Corythosaurus has been somewhat neglected over the years.  Safari Ltd had a Corythosaurus in their Carnegie Collectibles line and PNSO introduced a Corythosaurus figure in 2020. The new Papo Corythosaurus is a most welcome new addition.

Sue from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“We have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of this new Papo dinosaur figure.  Corythosaurus is an iconic member of the Ornithischia.  Most books about dinosaurs feature “helmet lizard”.  Our thanks to Papo for adding a Corythosaurus to their range.”

Sue from Everything Dinosaur holding the new Papo Corythosaurus dinosaur model.

Sue from Everything Dinosaur holding the new Papo Corythosaurus dinosaur model. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the range of Papo prehistoric animal models and figures in stock: Papo Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animal Figures.

The Papo Corythosaurus Dinosaur Model

The Papo Corythosaurus measures around twenty centimetres in length.  It is the second lambeosaurine dinosaur model to be made by Papo.  A Parasaurolophus model was one of the first plant-eating dinosaur figures to be introduced.  The figure has been painted in a variety of brown and tan colours.  There is a single row of prominent scutes running from the back of the neck to halfway down the tail.  The Corythosaurus is depicted as a quadruped.

The Papo Corythosaurus dinosaur model.

A view of the Papo Corythosaurus dinosaur model (lateral view).

The skin texture shows some amazing detail.  Our congratulations to the design team they have replicated what is known about Corythosaurus skin texture from the fossil record.  It is a typical Papo figure.  The Corythosaurus typifies Papo’s unique take on the Dinosauria.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur stated:

“Papo figures are popular with young dinosaur fans.  This Papo Corythosaurus is ideal for robust, creative play.  We are sure this engaging dinosaur figure will prove to be a favourite amongst young fans of Papo figures.”

The award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys and Gifts.

17 03, 2025

Happy St Patrick’s Day – Celebrating the Remarkable Megaloceros

By |2025-03-19T09:46:00+00:00March 17th, 2025|Dinosaur Fans|0 Comments

A happy St Patrick’s Day! Legend has it that all the snakes were driven out of Ireland by St Patrick, but what about the dinosaurs in Ireland? Today, March 17th, is the day we celebrate Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. It is a day to wear green and to carry a shamrock. One of the myths that has emerged is that St Patrick banished snakes from Ireland. This might be a metaphor as some pagans used the snake as a symbol and St Patrick helped to introduce Christianity to the Emerald Isle.

We at Everything Dinosaur wish all our Irish customers a happy St Patricks Day.

What About Fossils of Dinosaurs in Ireland?

With so many limestone exposures on the island of Ireland there are plenty of places to find invertebrate fossils.  However, as far as we at Everything Dinosaur are aware, only two fossils of dinosaurs have been found on the island.  These specimens were found in Jurassic aged rocks exposed on the coast of County Antrim (Northern Ireland).

To read more about this fossil discovery: First Dinosaur Fossils from the Island of Ireland.

These two specimens represent two different dinosaurs.  One fragmentary bone probably represents an ornithischian dinosaur, perhaps an armoured dinosaur.  The second specimen, also fragmentary, has been assigned to the Theropoda.  It was certainly not a member of the Tyrannosauridae family.  Notwithstanding this, we used artificial intelligence (AI) to create an image for us.  We wanted a dinosaur celebrating St Patrick’s Day.  The image generated certainly fits the brief provided.  However, theropods like Tyrannosaurus rex never roamed Ireland.

Happy St Patrick's Day from Everything Dinosaur.

Happy St Patrick’s Day (March 17th). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur (image generated in Canva).

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur (image generated in Canva)

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Toys.

Not Many Dinosaurs but Megaloceros Aplenty

There might not be many dinosaur fossils. However, there are plenty of other, albeit much later vertebrates associated with this location. For example, large numbers of Megaloceros (M. giganteus) fossils have been found in Ireland. So many in fact, that this extinct deer is often referred to as the Irish elk. Ironically, Megaloceros was not confined to Ireland. Its fossils are found all over Europe and northern Asia. In addition, it was not closely related to the extant elk.

The term seems to have become popular from the 1800s onwards due to the large number of exceptionally well-preserved specimens found in lake sediments and peat bogs in Ireland. Many of these “Irish elk” specimens can still be seen in museums all over the world today.

A giant Irish Elk on display.

A Megaloceros skeleton on display in the National Museum of Scotland (Edinburgh). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Famed for its enormous antlers, Megaloceros exhibits are often found in prominent and busy locations in museums.  Their fossils certainly make an eye-catching display.  Model collectors have a rather limited choice when it comes to replicas of Megaloceros.  However, in 2020 Papo introduced a Megaloceros replica.  Team members at Everything Dinosaur had the opportunity to view a prototype, and the production figure is most impressive.

New for 2020 Papo Megaloceros model.

The beautifully painted Papo Megaloceros model. This figure was introduced in 2020. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the Papo prehistoric animal model range: Papo Prehistoric Animal Models.

There might not be many dinosaurs in Ireland, but we can still celebrate the island’s rich culture and fossil heritage.

16 03, 2025

Seven Amazing CollectA Prehistoric Animal Models

By |2025-03-16T20:50:41+00:00March 16th, 2025|Everything Dinosaur videos|0 Comments

CollectA are introducing seven new prehistoric animal models this year (2025).  Six of these figures are scale models.  The exception is the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Furcatoceratops model.  At Everything Dinosaur, we enjoy highlighting new figures.  We have made a YouTube short highlighting these new CollectA prehistoric animal models.  In sixty seconds, we outline what is coming in and when it is likely to be in stock.

Seven, new for 2025 CollectA prehistoric animal models.

The seven, new for 2025 CollectA prehistoric animal models. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the range of CollectA Deluxe models in stock: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Animal Models.

The not-to-scale range of CollectA prehistoric animal models: CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Prehistoric Life Range.

We have produced a YouTube short to celebrate these seven amazing CollectA prehistoric animal figures.  We congratulate CollectA for introducing such an eclectic group of figures. After all, these figures span a vast track of deep time.  There is the Jaekelopterus (J. rhenaniae) from the Devonian, as well as the Giant Short-faced bear (Arctodus simus) which lived during the Pleistocene.

Video credit: Everything Dinosaur

CollectA Prehistoric Animal Models for 2025

Here is the list of new CollectA figures:

  • The Age of Dinosaurs Popular Furcatoceratops model.
  • A CollectA Deluxe 1:20 scale Giant Short-faced bear.
  • 1:40 scale Ingentia prima (sauropod).
  • A wonderful 1:20 scale replica of the giant eurypterid Jaekelopterus (J. rhenaniae).
  • The 1:40 scale Maip macrothorax (giant megaraptorid).
  • A 1:20 scale “terror bird” – Phorusrhacos.
  • 1:40 scale Gallimimus figure.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“We had fun making the YouTube short.  The video is just under sixty seconds long.  That’s not long when it comes to discussing these new CollectA prehistoric animal models.  A picture speaks a thousand words.  So, hopefully, the visuals will help collectors and give them an opportunity for an early view of these new models.”

The Everything Dinosaur YouTube channel: Everything Dinosaur on YouTube.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Models and Toys.

15 03, 2025

Congratulations to Everything Dinosaur (7,000 Amazing Blog Posts)

By |2025-03-19T09:47:02+00:00March 15th, 2025|Everything Dinosaur News and Updates|0 Comments

Congratulations to Everything Dinosaur for the publication of the company’s 7,000th blog post. The Everything Dinosaur blog began in May 2007.  Team members have tried to add a blog post every day.  Recently, the blog passed the landmark of having published seven thousand articles.

Congratulations to Everything Dinosaur (7,000 blog posts)

Congratulations to Everything Dinosaur! The award-winning UK-based mail order company has just published its 7,000th blog post. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur image generated in Canva.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur (image generated in Canva)

One of our objectives with the blog is to provide updates on palaeontology and fossil discoveries. Moreover, we wanted to present news stories in a way that minimises the technical terms and use of jargon. We try to produce posts that can be read by those who do not have a formal scientific training. Furthermore, we share our interest in all things related to palaeontology and prehistoric animals. We write articles that can be used by fellow teachers, articles that showcase the work of others, articles whose aim is to inform and to educate.

Congratulations to Everything Dinosaur

Mike, one of the authors of the blog posts stated:

“Reaching 7,000 blog posts is a testament to our commitment to sharing valuable insights about palaeontology and research. In addition, this landmark showcases our passion for delivering quality content to our audience.”

Here’s to blog post 7,001!

Visit the award-winning and customer friendly Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys and Models.

14 03, 2025

How to Acquire Rare, Out of Production Dinosaur Models

By |2025-03-14T10:46:23+00:00March 14th, 2025|Dinosaur Fans|0 Comments

One of the most frequent questions we get asked is: how can I acquire rare dinosaur models?  For some collectors it is not enough to purchase the latest releases.  They are looking for retired and rare models too. Figures that they remember from their childhood.  Prehistoric animal toys that were once cherished.  Sometimes the collector sets out to obtain an entire retired range.  For example, we still get some enquiries about the Carnegie Collection.  Incidentally, this range of figures was retired a decade ago.

Carnegie Museum Scale Models. Acrocanthosaurus dinosaur model.

The rare and long ago retired Safari Ltd Carnegie Collection Acrocanthosaurus dinosaur model. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The retirement of the Carnegie range of prehistoric animal models: The End of the Line for the Carnegie Collectibles Range.

Rare Dinosaur Models

Acquiring rare dinosaur models can be an exciting extension to their hobby for collectors.  Unfortunately, we have heard many stories about collectors being let down.  For example, the advertised figure does not turn out to be as expected.  It is not in pristine condition, it lacks the original product tags or packaging.  Worse still, it turns out to be a copy of the cherished figure and not an original.

Here are our top tips when it comes to sourcing rare figures:

  1. Start by finding a reliable supplier.  A specialist in museum-quality collectibles.  Look for retailers with genuine customer reviews and a solid reputation in the model collecting community.
  2. Having identified such a supplier, reach out to them.  Contact them directly.  A reliable and trustworthy supplier should welcome your enquiry. In addition, they should be able to demonstrate considerable product knowledge.  This two-way contact can help provide valuable information about the quality and availability of figures.
  3. Ask for photographs.  Trusted companies should be happy to send out additional images.  For example, at Everything Dinosaur we often photograph individual models and email these images to the potential buyer.
  4. Make sure that any prices are clear and unambiguous.  There can be hidden costs, especially if purchasing from overseas.  Extra charges can occur due to customs, tariffs or additional costs for postage.  A transparent pricing structure helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures you know exactly what you’re paying for.

By following these steps, you can build a collection of rare prehistoric animal figures that will impress any enthusiast. Happy collecting!

Contact Everything Dinosaur: Email Everything Dinosaur.

Visit the retired or rare section of the Everything Dinosaur website: Retired or Rare Prehistoric Animal Figures.

13 03, 2025

The Beautiful and Detailed Cyberzoic Smilodon populator (Tan colouration)

By |2025-03-14T10:13:10+00:00March 13th, 2025|Beasts of the Mesozoic Models|0 Comments

Everything Dinosaur is delighted to be able to share with model collectors more images of the Cyberzoic Smilodon populator tan figure.  This beautiful, articulated replica has arrived in stock. Furthermore, team members have been busy contacting customers and dealing with the Kickstarter fulfilment.  This model is part of the first wave of figures in this new series.

The Cyberzoic Smilodon populator model.

An amazing articulated figure of a prehistoric cat. The open mouth head accessory has been added to this model.

To view the range of Beasts of the Mesozoic and Cyberzoic figures in stock: Cyberzoic and Beasts of the Mesozoic Figures.

The Cyberzoic Smilodon populator Tan Model

The 1:12 scale figure has twenty-one points of articulation.  Collectors can pose their Smilodon in a variety of ways.  In addition, the model is supplied with two heads (open mouth and closed mouth).  What’s more, the boxes contain pairs of interchangeable ears. Also, two sets of paws (clawed and retracted claws), along with two neck fur options, (short or long).

The Cyberzoic Smilodon populator figure displayed in a crouching position.

A crouching Smilodon populator. The Cyberzoic 1/12th Smilodon populator model in the tan colouration has 21 points of articulation. In addition, this beautiful figure is supplied with two heads – mouth closed and roaring, each with interchangeable ears. Also, two sets of paws (clawed and retracted claws), along with two neck fur options, (short or long).

Sue from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“This is a stunning Smilodon.  The details are amazing.  In addition, with so many points of articulation the model can be posed in a variety of ways.  Perhaps some of our customers will send in photographs, we would really like to see them.”

Cyberzoic Smilodon populator tan.

The Cyberzoic S. populator’s extensive articulation permits this figure to be put into some dynamic and extremely dramatic poses.

Dramatic Poses

Smilodon populator is the largest species of Smilodon known. Indeed, it is amongst the largest of all the Felidae members. A shoulder height of 1.2 metres has been reported with weight estimates of more than four hundred kilogrammes. This species roamed South America during the Pleistocene Epoch. However, isolated populations could have survived into the Holocene. It is known from Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and also Argentina.

Our thanks to the manufacturer for sending to us these additional images of the Cyberzoic Smilodon populator tan model.

The award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.

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