All about dinosaurs, fossils and prehistoric animals by Everything Dinosaur team members.
31 08, 2024

A New Carnotaurus Scale Drawing

By |2024-09-02T15:47:16+01:00August 31st, 2024|Everything Dinosaur News and Updates|0 Comments

Everything Dinosaur team members have commissioned a new Carnotaurus scale drawing. It is to be incorporated into the company’s updated Carnotaurus fact sheet.  This fact sheet will be sent out free of charge with Carnotaurus model purchases.  Several companies have included C. sastrei in their model ranges. For example, Safari Ltd, Papo, PNSO and Nanmu Studio have made models of this theropod.  Furthermore, Rebor recently announced the addition of a new Carnotaurus figure to their range.  This new Rebor figure is called “Carnotaurus rex”!

Carnotaurus scale drawing.

The Carnotaurus scale drawing has been commissioned by Everything Dinosaur for use in the company’s revised C. sastrei fact sheet. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The Carnotaurus Scale Drawing

The genus name translates as “meat-eating bull”. This is a reference to the two prominent horns located on the top of the skull. Carnotaurus was scientifically described in 1985, by the famous Argentinian palaeontologist José Bonaparte. It is known from a single, well-preserved fossil skeleton (MACN-CH 894).

The strata associated with the fossils were once thought to represent late Campanian deposits. However, subsequent studies have proposed that the rocks are younger (Maastrichtian faunal stage of the Late Cretaceous).

The Everything Dinosaur Carnotaurus fact sheet has been amended and the new scale drawing will be used to illustrate the approximate size of this theropod dinosaur.  A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur confirmed that these changes had been made in preparation for the arrival of the new Rebor Carnotaurus figure.

To view the range of Rebor figures: Rebor.

Rebor Carnotaurus rex premium.

The new Rebor Carnotaurus rex figure in lateral view.  Everything Dinosaur have amended their fact sheet on this abelisaurid in preparation for the arrival of the new Rebor figure.

Ironically, the illustration used for the fact sheet is not based on the new Rebor model.  It was the CollectA Deluxe 1:40 scale Carnotaurus that provided the inspiration.

CollectA Deluxe 1:20 scale Carnotaurus dinosaur model.

CollectA Carnotaurus dinosaur model.  This model inspired the new Everything Dinosaur Carnotaurus scale drawing.  Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the range of CollectA Deluxe figures in stock: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Life Figures.

Dinosaurs of the La Colonia Formation

Whilst numerous dinosaur fossils are associated with the La Colonia Formation, only a few taxa have been erected. Carnotaurus was the first dinosaur genus to be named from fossils from this formation. Intriguingly, another genus of abelisaurid was recently described (Koleken inakayali). Koleken was formally described in 2024. It is known from a partial skeleton that probably represents a sub-adult. It is thought to have been smaller than Carnotaurus sastrei.

To read an article about K. inakayaliA New Abelisaurid from Argentina.

Ornithischians such as hadrosauroid and armoured dinosaur remains are associated with this formation. Sauropods are known too. However, only one plant-eating dinosaur taxon has been established. Earlier this year (2024), scientists (Moreno et al) erected Titanomachya gimenezi. It is known from fragmentary remains and Titanomachya has been described as being a small-bodied saltasauroid. Perhaps Carnotaurus hunted this titanosaur, although the feeding habits of Carnotaurus are disputed.

The newly described titanosaur: Titanomachya: A New Titanosaur from Patagonia.

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur confirmed that the new Rebor Carnotaurus figure would be in stock in the late autumn.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Figures.

31 08, 2024

New Haolonggood Mamenchisaurus Models Browse Cycads

By |2024-08-25T19:34:20+01:00August 31st, 2024|Haolonggood Prehistoric Animal Models|0 Comments

Our thanks to prehistoric animal figure collector Carl who sent into Everything Dinosaur some photos of his new Haolonggood Mamenchisaurus models.  Recently, Haolonggood added three colour variants of the iconic Chinese sauropod Mamenchisaurus to their range.  The brown-coloured figure is referred to as Zhu Wu. Furthermore, the green-coloured model is known as Chai Jin. In addition, there is the Haolonggood Mamenchisaurus model (heterochromatic edition). All three models are popular with dinosaur fans and collectors.

Haolonggood Mamenchisaurus models on display.

Three Haolonggood Mamenchisaurus dinosaur models on display. The three sauropods are surrounded by prehistoric plant and tree models from the CollectA range. Picture credit: Carl.

Picture credit: Carl

Haolonggood Mamenchisaurus Models

Each 1:35 scale figure measures around sixty-six centimetres in length. The head height is approximately twenty-eight centimetres. These are amazing replicas of a taxon that was formally described seventy years ago (Young, 1954).  Carl has used some CollectA prehistoric plant models in his sauropod model display.  The three giant herbivores are browsing on cycads.  These dinosaurs had huge appetites and spent much of their time eating.  We suspect that the Williamsonia and smaller cycads will also be on the menu.

View the range of Haolonggood prehistoric animal figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Haolonggood Prehistoric Animal Models.

Haolonggood Mamenchisaurus models browing prehistoric plants.

A Haolonggood Mamenchisaurus browsing upon the CollectA cycad tree model. Picture credit: Carl.

Picture credit: Carl

Mike from Everything Dinosaur thanked Carl for emailing the images.  He praised the creative use of the CollectA prehistoric plants to create a scene depicting sauropods feeding.

He added:

“I like the composition!  These sauropods probably moved around in herds, and they would have spent a lot of time feeding. Their long necks enabled them to reach food sources that other herbivores could not.  Food sources such as the top of cycad trees for example.  We also enjoy seeing how creative our customers can be with dinosaur models and replicas of prehistoric plants.  It is wonderful to see all the dioramas and scenes that they create.”

The user friendly and award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys.

30 08, 2024

Providing Quotes for a New Dinosaur Book

By |2024-09-05T14:02:59+01:00August 30th, 2024|Book Reviews|0 Comments

In the dynamic and highly competitive world of publishing, a compelling quote from a respected reviewer can significantly enhance a book’s appeal. This is especially important when attempting to publicise a new dinosaur book, written by a distinguished author.

These endorsements provide multiple benefits. Firstly, they help to establish credibility amongst potential purchasers. A positive review from Everything Dinosaur signals that this book is worth considering. This is particularly essential in niche genres like palaeontology. Moreover, a captivating quote can intrigue a prospective buyer.  It sparks curiosity and excitement.

A History of Dinosaurs in 50 fossils by Professor Paul M. Barrett.

The front cover of the book features a mounted skeleton of Triceratops. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The Importance of a Reviewer Quote for a Dinosaur Book

In reality, a reviewer’s endorsement on the jacket is not just decoration. It is a vital tool for attracting readers and fostering enthusiasm in a crowded market. To this end, Everything Dinosaur team members provided the publisher of “A History of Dinosaurs in 50 Fossils” with a selection of quotations.

We had published a review of this new dinosaur book earlier and praised the work of author Professor Paul M. Barrett.

To read Everything Dinosaur’s book review: A New Dinosaur Book for the Festive Season.

This dinosaur book is published by the London Natural History Museum (ISBN: 9780565095338). It is highly recommended.

Archaeopteryx in a museum exhibit.

An Archaeopteryx (A. lithographica) model on display.  The iconic Archaeopteryx features in the new dinosaur book. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The publisher welcomed our review and comments.  In addition, we compiled some short quotations to support the marketing efforts.  These quotations are referred to as “blurbs”.

What is a Blurb?

A blurb is a short description. It is a concise, persuasive summary and provides a short, promotional description. Blurbs can relate to a book, film, podcast or any creative work. Blurbs typically appear on the back cover of printed books and are intended to encourage readers to buy the book.

Putting our thinking caps on we came up with the following quotations:

“A History of Dinosaurs in 50 Fossils is a captivating and illuminating journey through the awe-inspiring world of prehistoric life. With its masterful blend of scientific rigor and engaging storytelling, this book transports readers back in time, bringing the distant past to vivid life through the lens of carefully curated fossil specimens. A must-read for anyone fascinated by the mysteries and marvels of the dinosaur era.”

Our second quotation:

“It is a spellbinding voyage into the awe-inspiring domain of the Dinosauria. Professor Barrett’s masterful command of scientific rigor is seamlessly woven with captivating storytelling, transporting readers back through the mists of time and bringing the distant past to vivid, visceral life. Anchored by the lens of iconic fossil specimens, the book not only immerses us in the prehistoric world, but also deftly connects us to the latest theories and research, offering a holistic, enlightening experience. This is a must-read for anyone captivated by the enduring mysteries and marvels of the dinosaur era.”

The Dinosaur Book Blurb

After some discussion, we settled upon this quotation:

A History of Dinosaurs in 50 Fossils is a captivating and illuminating journey through the awe-inspiring world of the Dinosauria. Professor Barrett skilfully blends scientific rigour with engaging storytelling. He transports readers back in time, bringing the distant past to vivid life through the lens of iconic fossil specimens. Moreover, the author succeeds in bringing us back to the present by outlining some of the latest theories and research. A must-read for anyone fascinated by the mysteries and marvels of the dinosaur era.”

The award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Models and Toys.

29 08, 2024

Scientists Ponder the Remarkable Diversity of Cacti

By |2024-09-02T15:38:03+01:00August 29th, 2024|Palaeontological articles|0 Comments

Cacti (Cactaceae family) are a remarkably diverse group of plants.  Some are a few centimetres in size.  Moreover, others have tree-like habits such as the giant Pachycereus pringlei otherwise known as the elephant cactus.  This cactus can reach heights in excess of fifteen metres.  Their strange shapes and multiple spines might make you think that these angiosperms are truly ancient, perhaps amongst the first flowering plants to evolve.  However, the origins of the Cactaceae family might be relatively recent.  A new study by the Milner Centre for Evolution at the University of Bath has shed new light on cacti evolution and the mystery as to their remarkable diversity.

Cacti Evolution and Diversity

It had been thought that the dryness of the climate was the main driver in cacti evolution.  This new research published in “Nature Communications” challenges this view.  The study found that diurnal temperature range, sand content in the soil and seasonal changes are the biggest drivers of cacti evolution.

Cacti are popular house plants.  However, whilst they have a global distribution today, being found in homes all over the world, they are in fact native to the Americas.  The highest number of species are to be found in Mexico.

In a bid to better understand the diversity of the Cactaceae family and their evolution, researchers built the largest evolutionary tree for cacti.  The data tree was compiled using detailed DNA sequences.  Numerous biological variables were considered, including soil sand composition, plant size, geographical range, aridity and diurnal temperature range.  The diurnal temperature range measures the difference between the maximum and the minimum temperatures experienced over a day.  This database was then correlated using data on biodiversity and the perceived rates of the evolution of new species.

Cacti evolution in new scientific study.

Cacti evolution outlined in a new scientific study. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

 Machine Learning

The team used sophisticated machine learning techniques to model the interactions between several variables simultaneously.  Results were then validated using traditional evolutionary methods. Surprisingly, the team found that whilst the highest number of species was found in Mexico, the country also had the lowest evolution rates of new species (speciation).

Aridity was previously assumed to be the main driving factor of their evolution.  However, the new study points to the diurnal temperature range, sand content in the soil and seasonality as being more important drivers of cacti evolution.

Commenting on the results, first author Dr Jamie Thompson stated:

“Cacti are a really interesting, diverse family of plants that have evolved relatively recently in evolutionary time to live in a wide range of environments across the American continents. People think they are very hardy because they are able to live in such extreme climates, but in fact they are more at risk of extinction than other types of plants.”

The doctor carried out the research whilst at the Milner Centre for Evolution (University of Bath), however he has moved on to become a lecturer at the University of Reading.

He added:

“Because there is the highest biodiversity in Mexico, it was assumed this was because the conditions there were best for evolution of species. However, our study shows this isn’t the case – instead Mexico has the slowest rate of speciation but has lots of biodiversity because the extinction rates are slower. In other words, the Mexican climate is not necessarily better at producing new species but good at preserving existing ones.”

An example of a small cacti.

A small cactus. Around 1,750 species have been described. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

When Did Cacti Evolve?

Team members are not aware of any definitive Cactaceae fossils having been found. It is difficult to establish their evolutionary origins. However, the geographical distribution of cacti can offer a clue. Wild cacti are found in South America and the southern parts of North America. This suggest that the cacti family evolved after the fragmentation of Gondwana and the splitting off of South America from the rest of the landmass. This suggest that the ancestors of today’s cacti evolved in the Early Cretaceous.

In contrast, molecular studies suggest that the Cactaceae are a more recent lineage of angiosperms. These studies suggest that the first cacti evolved during the late Eocene or early Oligocene Epochs. During this time, it is thought that the world became drier. The increased aridity led to a decline in forest habitats, and this may have helped fuel the evolution of plants adapted for water conservation.

Commenting on the research, co-author Dr Nick Priest (University of Bath) explained:

“Our work shows that cacti are not as successful as we thought, and are more vulnerable to climate change. This is concerning – if cacti can’t thrive in our changing climate, what chance do other plants have?”

The research team included scientists from the University of Reading, the Desert Botanical Garden (Phoenix, Arizona) and the Tecnológico Nacional de México (Mexico).

For a recent article highlighting the discovery of nine new species of ancient grapes: Nine New Species of Fossil Grape Identified in Study.

Everything Dinosaur acknowledges the assistance of a media release from the University of Bath in the compilation of this article.

The scientific paper: “Identifying the multiple drivers of cactus diversification” by Jamie B. Thompson, Tania Hernández-Hernández, Georgia Keeling, Marilyn Vásquez-Cruz and Nicholas K. Priest published in Nature Communications.

The Everything Dinosaur website: Prehistoric Animal Toys.

28 08, 2024

Fascinating Dinosaurs and the Autism Spectrum

By |2024-08-28T14:07:17+01:00August 28th, 2024|Press Releases|1 Comment

As the summer holidays here in the UK draw to a close, we can reflect on all the amazing interactions we have had with young dinosaur fans.  We seem to spend most of our time being corrected by budding palaeontologists, keen to point out gaps in our dinosaur knowledge.  Many children develop a fascination for prehistoric animals.  Indeed, some go on to develop highly rewarding careers in the Earth sciences.  We are genuinely delighted, so pleased that they can develop their passion into a career.  We are aware that many children on the autism spectrum develop a fascination with the Dinosauria.  What is the link between dinosaurs and the autism spectrum?  That is an excellent question.

Dinosaur toys encourage play.

Children playing with dinosaur and prehistoric animal models.  Many children on the autism spectrum become obsessed with dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs and the Autism Spectrum

Every autistic person is different.  However, the Dinosauria provides plenty of scope for exploration and learning. Dinosaurs have captivated the imaginations of young people for generations, but this fascination often runs particularly deep among individuals on the autism spectrum.   The amount of facts associated with dinosaurs might be one motivation.  Individuals on the spectrum can thrive on structure and predictability.  Studying dinosaurs provides lots of scope for the comprehensive exploration of fossils, behaviours and anatomy. The extinct non-avian dinosaurs with their distinct names, classifications, and features, lend themselves to a deep dive into a structured yet imaginative realm.

A dinosaur designed by a schoolchild.

A very colourful dinosaur drawing. Many children obsess on the Dinosauria and Everything Dinosaur receives many prehistoric animal drawings from young dinosaur fans.

Providing a Bridge for Social Interaction

We are not experts on autism, but we are contacted by many parents and guardians of autistic children.  We try to offer as much support as we can.  For example, we provide free prehistoric animal fact sheets, quizzes and dinosaur-themed teaching resources.  We understand that for some children learning about dinosaurs can provide a valuable outlet for them allowing them to express the creativity.   Drawings are sent to us, and we take the opportunity to provide supportive feedback and kind comments.

Moreover, dinosaurs can serve as an excellent bridge for social interaction. Sharing facts, engaging in discussions, or even participating in dinosaur-themed activities can create meaningful connections.  In addition, for children on the spectrum, social interactions can be a little less daunting if they are comfortable with the topic being discussed.  Sharing a fascination for all things dinosaur can enable the establishment of friendships based on mutual interest.

Some dinosaur models are great for sensory play.  Back in 2017, we wrote an article praising the tactile elements of dinosaur toys.  Our article featured the recently introduced Schleich Brachiosaurus figure.

Schleich Brachiosaurus model.

The Schleich Brachiosaurus dinosaur model.  A model that is great for sensory play.  Is there a close connection between dinosaurs and the autism spectrum? Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To read our article from 2017 about the tactile qualities of a Schleich dinosaur model: The Tactile Qualities of the Schleich Brachiosaurus.

Schleich, the German-based figure manufacturer has done much to champion creative, imaginative play.  We too have a proud record of offering support and encouragement.  Whilst we might not be knowledgeable in this area, we understand that there is a link between a fascination for dinosaurs and the autism spectrum.

Dinosaur Toys and Sensory Experiences

The sensory experiences associated with dinosaurs also play a role. From the tactile elements of dinosaur toys to the visual stimulation of documentaries and books, these features can be incredibly engaging.   Many young people on the autism spectrum develop a passion for the Dinosauria.  We try our best to nurture this interest, to encourage and provide support.

Understanding this passion can help us appreciate the unique ways in which people on the spectrum connect with their interests and the world around them.

Now it’s time to turn back to our current project preparing a new dinosaur fact sheet that will (hopefully) help fuel and sustain a young person’s interest in prehistoric animals.

The award-winning and user friendly Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys.

27 08, 2024

The New Rebor Carnotaurus rex Premium Edition

By |2024-08-27T22:14:57+01:00August 27th, 2024|Rebor Models and Figures|0 Comments

Everything Dinosaur will be stocking the new for late 2024, Rebor Carnotaurus rex dinosaur model.  The dinosaur model Carnotaurus rex “Crimson King Requiem” premium edition is in 1:35 scale.  Essentially, it is a replacement for the popular “Carnotaurus Requiem” figure which was introduced a few years ago.  Rebor’s first Carnotaurus figure, the “Crimson King” was launched in 2017.  This is the third Carnotaurus replica to be added to the Rebor range. Team members expect this figure to be available in the late autumn.

Rebor Carnotaurus rex premium.

The Rebor Carnotaurus rex Crimson King Requiem premium edition dinosaur model has an articulated lower jaw and a flexible tail.

The Rebor Carnotaurus rex Premium Edition Figure

The new Rebor theropod figure has an articulated lower jaw and a flexible tail.  It measures around forty-one centimetres in length and the head height is approximately fourteen centimetres.

Rebor Carnotaurus rex premium.

The Rebor Carnotaurus rex dinosaur model. The dinosaur model has an articulated lower jaw and a flexible, poseable tail.

To view the range of Rebor models and figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Rebor Figures.

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented that team members were looking forward to receiving the Carnotaurus figures.

The spokesperson added:

“It is a most intriguing replica. The product images that have been released are amazing.  The theropod Carnotaurus sastrei is a favourite amongst model collectors and now those who missed out on the first two Rebor Carnotaurus figures have the chance to obtain this new Carnotaurus replica.”

Rebor Carnotaurus rex premium dinosaur model

The new for late autumn (2024) Rebor Carnotaurus rex Crimson King Requiem premium edition model.

It is not known at this time whether a second production run for these figures will be commissioned.  The premium edition Rebor Carnotaurus rex could ultimately be limited-edition.

Visit the user friendly and award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Models.

26 08, 2024

New Rebor Zombie T. rex Figures Reviewed

By |2024-08-24T10:55:48+01:00August 26th, 2024|Rebor Models and Figures|0 Comments

Our thanks to dinosaur model collector Carl, who sent into Everything Dinosaur a review.  The review featured the new for 2024 Rebor Zombie T. rex cannibal corpse figures.  The reviewer had purchased both the “Plain” and the “Jungle” colour variant.  Carl asked us to check that these figures balanced without the use of the support stand.  We duly checked the models and made sure they were stable.

Carl was delighted with the Rebor models and sent us a review of the two zombie figures.

Rebor Zombie T. rex figures (Jungle and Plain).

What an amazing pair of zombie dinosaurs! The Rebor Zombie T. rex Cannibal Corpse Jungle (left) and the Plain colour variant (right). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The Rebor Zombie Tyrannosaurus rex Cannibal Corpse Customer Review

Here is Carl’s Rebor Zombie T. rex model review (both colour variants).

The wait is over, the infected have arrived!

First of all, a huge thank you to the awesome award-winning team at Everything Dinosaur for supplying these two magnificent 1/35 scale replicas of the infamous Tyrant King, the Tyrannosaurus rex. Also, thank you to Rebor Studios.  A company to be congratulated in creating these two beautiful figurines.  Rebor deserves credit where credit is due.

The first thing about these figures is the size, a good-sized figure which has a gruesome but beautiful display presence. In essence both figures share the same sculpt but this model comes in two different colour variants.  There is the “Plain” colour variant which represents the female T. rex from the “Jurassic Park/World” movie franchise.  The second figure in the green camouflage colours is known as the “Jungle” variant. Again, it is from the “Jurassic Park/World” film franchise.

Both tyrannosaurs are supplied in a deluxe pack, having two severed arms, one from an Indominus and the other from an unfortunate Spinosaurus. The sculpt detail on these two beautiful dinosaurs is absolutely incredible.  You literally have to hold them in your hands to fully appreciate the effort involved in the creative process from Rebor Studio.

Rebor Zombie T. rex in the "Jungle" colour variant.

The Rebor Zombie T. rex in the “Jungle” colour variant.  Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the Rebor range of models and figures available: Rebor Figures and Models.

Praising the Rebor Zombie T. rex Figures

You are looking at loss of sight, peeling skin from the infection and horrible, open wounds.  In addition, muscle and sinew shows damage.  The tibia is exposed along with an open area of damage around the left flank exposing the rib cage.  However, no gastralia or possible floating ribs are showing.  This could be because of the massive trauma to the animal’s abdomen.

This figure has been skilfully designed and carefully thought out.  The sculpture displays a huge amount of detail.  For example, the hanging intestines are a highlight on both tyrannosaur figures.

The Rebor Zombie T. rex in the "Plain" colour variation,

The Rebor Zombie T. rex figure in the “Plain” colouration. The detail on these figures is remarkable. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The painting application has been carried out to a high standard.  It gives the appearance of a Tyrannosaurus rex which has lost its battle with an unknown, deadly disease.  This disease ultimately killed them both and they were reanimated as a zombie cannibal corpse.

Grab these two beautiful figurines at the fantastic Everything Dinosaur, a company dedicated to all dinosaur related models, the latest information on palaeontology and much more.

Grab them whilst they are in stock.  You will not be disappointed.

Our thanks to Carl for his review of the two, new for 2024 Rebor zombie T. rex models.

The award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur and Dinosaur Toys.

25 08, 2024

New PNSO Camarasaurus Model Coming into Stock

By |2024-08-25T16:11:05+01:00August 25th, 2024|PNSO Age of Dinosaurs Models|0 Comments

PNSO have announced that their next dinosaur model will be a replica of Camarasaurus.  The new PNSO Camarasaurus model will be coming into stock at Everything Dinosaur in the autumn.  Team members had known about this figure and the shipment of the figure has been organised.  It will be on the same shipment as the recently announced PNSO Baryonyx model. The new sauropod has been named Njor the Camarasaurus.

PNSO Camarasaurus model.

The new for late 2024 PNSO Camarasaurus figure (Njor). This is the latest sauropod figure to be introduced by PNSO.

PNSO Camarasaurus Model

The PNSO Camarasaurus model demonstrates some remarkable detail.  Fossils ascribed to the Camarasaurus taxon are the most common sauropod fossils found in the Morrison Formation.
Four species are currently recognised. The genus was erected in 1877 (Cope). It is a member of the Macronaria clade. They are differentiated from the diplodocids in several ways. For example, the forelimbs are enlarged in relation to their hindlimbs. The chest and shoulders were held higher than other sauropods. This reached an extreme with macronarians such as Giraffatitan and Brachiosaurus.

The limb proportions in Camarasaurus are not as acute, Camarasaurus is regarded as a basal member of the Macronaria.

PNSO Njor the Camarasaurus dinosaur model.

The new for 2024 PNSO Njor the Camarasaurus dinosaur figure. A superb replica of a Late Jurassic sauropod.

To view the range of PNSO models and figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: PNSO Dinosaur Models.

The “Big Noses”

The Macronaria means “big noses”.  The bony frames of the nostrils were much larger than the orbits (eye sockets).  It is not known why these dinosaurs had this feature.  The fleshy openings of the nostrils would have been much smaller.  However, in the PNSO Camarasaurus model the nasal area has been raised and made prominent.

The PNSO Njor the Camarasaruus model in close-up view.

The PNSO Camarasaurus figure has an innovative interpretation of the nostrils of a macronarian sauropod.

Whatever, the reason for the large nasal openings in the skull, the macronarians were extremely successful.  Whilst their cousins, the diplodocids declined after the Early Cretaceous and became rare, the “big noses” continued to thrive.  The majority of the Cretaceous sauropods including the titanosaurs represent the macronarian lineage.

The new for 2024 Camarasaurus model measures thirty-five centimetres long.  The head height is a fraction under twenty-four centimetres.

PNSO Camarasaurus model in anterior view.

The PNSO Camarasaurus model (Njor) in anterior view.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“We are looking forward to the arrival of Njor the Camarasaurus.  PNSO have already introduced several sauropod figures including the diplodocoid Amargasaurus and the macronarian Alamosaurus.”

The PNSO Njor the Camarasaurus model is due in stock at Everything Dinosaur in the autumn (2024).

The company’s award-winning website: Dinosaur Toys.

24 08, 2024

Celebrating Our Amazing 5-Star Feefo Reviews

By |2024-08-28T12:16:18+01:00August 24th, 2024|Everything Dinosaur News and Updates|0 Comments

Celebrating another 5-star Feefo review that has been posted by an Everything Dinosaur customer.  We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service and support.  This month (August 2024), we have received another thirty 5-star customer reviews.  According to our Feefo dashboard, over the last 12 months we have received over three hundred 5-star customer service reviews.

Another excellent Feefo review for Everything Dinosaur.

Another excellent 5-star Feefo review for Everything Dinosaur. Thirty 5-star ratings from customers have been received this month (August 2024). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The image (above) shows a typical Feefo comment and review.  Tom, an Everything Dinosaur customer kindly left feedback in response to an email from Feefo.  We understand that our customers are the heart of our business, and their satisfaction is our top priority.

Reading and Acknowledging Every Feefo Review

We receive lots of amazing feedback about our prompt despatch and helpfulness.  We try to assist and help where we can.  Customers frequently express their appreciation for our extensive knowledge of products, as well as our dedication to ensuring every order meets their expectations. Whether it is answering queries about prehistoric animal models or providing assistance with shipping, we try our best to assist.

It is always a pleasure to receive such positive feedback.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur thanked everyone for their comments and stated:

“Thank you to all our fantastic customers.  We appreciate your support and your trust in us.  Your feedback continues to inspire and helps us to provide even better customer service. Here’s to many more 5-star ratings in the future!”

Visit the award-winning and highly rated Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys.

23 08, 2024

Everything Dinosaur Takes Part in New Digital Training Initiative

By |2024-08-25T11:04:08+01:00August 23rd, 2024|Press Releases|0 Comments

Everything Dinosaur welcomed Dean Burrows and Kyle Carson from Digital Cheshire to the company’s offices and warehouse this week.  Digital Cheshire offer small businesses in the Cheshire, Warrington and Halton area, access to a variety of training programmes.  Mike from Everything Dinosaur had participated, learning more about digital marketing.  As a result, Dean and Kyle visited Everything Dinosaur to get some feedback on the training.  In addition, they took the opportunity to film Mike and Sue and to talk about dinosaurs!

Sue Judd of Everything Dinosaur with Dean Burrows (centre) and Kyle Carson of Digital Cheshire.

Sue from Everything Dinosaur with Dean Burrows (centre) and Kyle Carson (right) of Digital Cheshire.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Everything Dinosaur and Digital Marketing

Digital marketing can be a highly effective marketing strategy for companies. It enables Everything Dinosaur to reach new customers and to increase its global customer base. For example, it permits us to target our marketing messages to fans of prehistoric animal figures. Using a variety of digital platforms, we can identify customers who have an interest in dinosaur models. Everything Dinosaur can communicate effectively with its existing and with potential new customers.

Mike who had undergone the training explained:

“The greatest benefit of digital marketing training is the ability to keep up to date with developments.  The digital landscape is constantly changing, and those who invest in keeping their skills relevant are best positioned to take advantage of new opportunities and technologies as they emerge.”

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