Everything Dinosaur team members have commissioned a new Carnotaurus scale drawing. It is to be incorporated into the company’s updated Carnotaurus fact sheet.  This fact sheet will be sent out free of charge with Carnotaurus model purchases.  Several companies have included C. sastrei in their model ranges. For example, Safari Ltd, Papo, PNSO and Nanmu Studio have made models of this theropod.  Furthermore, Rebor recently announced the addition of a new Carnotaurus figure to their range.  This new Rebor figure is called “Carnotaurus rex”!

Carnotaurus scale drawing.

The Carnotaurus scale drawing has been commissioned by Everything Dinosaur for use in the company’s revised C. sastrei fact sheet. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The Carnotaurus Scale Drawing

The genus name translates as “meat-eating bull”. This is a reference to the two prominent horns located on the top of the skull. Carnotaurus was scientifically described in 1985, by the famous Argentinian palaeontologist José Bonaparte. It is known from a single, well-preserved fossil skeleton (MACN-CH 894).

The strata associated with the fossils were once thought to represent late Campanian deposits. However, subsequent studies have proposed that the rocks are younger (Maastrichtian faunal stage of the Late Cretaceous).

The Everything Dinosaur Carnotaurus fact sheet has been amended and the new scale drawing will be used to illustrate the approximate size of this theropod dinosaur.  A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur confirmed that these changes had been made in preparation for the arrival of the new Rebor Carnotaurus figure.

To view the range of Rebor figures: Rebor.

Rebor Carnotaurus rex premium.

The new Rebor Carnotaurus rex figure in lateral view.  Everything Dinosaur have amended their fact sheet on this abelisaurid in preparation for the arrival of the new Rebor figure.

Ironically, the illustration used for the fact sheet is not based on the new Rebor model.  It was the CollectA Deluxe 1:40 scale Carnotaurus that provided the inspiration.

CollectA Deluxe 1:20 scale Carnotaurus dinosaur model.

CollectA Carnotaurus dinosaur model.  This model inspired the new Everything Dinosaur Carnotaurus scale drawing.  Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the range of CollectA Deluxe figures in stock: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Life Figures.

Dinosaurs of the La Colonia Formation

Whilst numerous dinosaur fossils are associated with the La Colonia Formation, only a few taxa have been erected. Carnotaurus was the first dinosaur genus to be named from fossils from this formation. Intriguingly, another genus of abelisaurid was recently described (Koleken inakayali). Koleken was formally described in 2024. It is known from a partial skeleton that probably represents a sub-adult. It is thought to have been smaller than Carnotaurus sastrei.

To read an article about K. inakayaliA New Abelisaurid from Argentina.

Ornithischians such as hadrosauroid and armoured dinosaur remains are associated with this formation. Sauropods are known too. However, only one plant-eating dinosaur taxon has been established. Earlier this year (2024), scientists (Moreno et al) erected Titanomachya gimenezi. It is known from fragmentary remains and Titanomachya has been described as being a small-bodied saltasauroid. Perhaps Carnotaurus hunted this titanosaur, although the feeding habits of Carnotaurus are disputed.

The newly described titanosaur: Titanomachya: A New Titanosaur from Patagonia.

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur confirmed that the new Rebor Carnotaurus figure would be in stock in the late autumn.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Figures.