By Mike|2023-10-10T14:30:40+01:00April 30th, 2018|General Teaching, Key Stage 1/2|Comments Off on A Mini Dinosaur World Created in a Box
A Mini Dinosaur World Created in a Box
One enterprising Year 2 pupil showed us their mini “Jurassic Park” that they had created for a school project all about dinosaurs, fossils and prehistoric animals. The child had made their own mini dinosaur world using a cardboard box, some paints, tissue paper, small sticks and gravel.
A Mini Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Theme Park
Dinosaur dioramas created by children at Langley Hall Primary Academy. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
A Dinosaur World
The dinosaurs look very much at home in this scene, there is a river with a waterfall, the effect of the foaming water being created by scrunching up some tissue paper. The designer has provided the dinosaurs with a stone bridge so that they can cross safely to the other side of the river and reach the dinosaur nest composed of small sticks. The nest contains some yellow dinosaur eggs, which are being guarded by a meat-eating dinosaur.
A large, herbivorous dinosaur, a long-necked sauropod browses nearby and our dinosaur and fossil experts really liked the model tree complete with purple fruits that had been added to the diorama. In the background a volcano is erupting. The green tissue paper gives the impression of prehistoric vegetation. The plant-eating dinosaurs have lots of food to eat.
Our congratulations to the young model maker for building such a clever and colourful dinosaur diorama.
The latest edition of “Prehistoric Times”, the quarterly magazine for fans of dinosaurs and collectors of prehistoric animal models, has arrived at Everything Dinosaur. A veritable cornucopia of long extinct creatures is included in issue 125, from the false sabre-toothed cat Barbourofelis, to giant titanosaurs (Patagotitan), Burian’s ichthyosaurs, Tracy’s Tyrannosaurus rex and a dramatic Pleistocene tar pit diorama with a Smilodon feeding on a trapped Mastodon.
The Front Cover of Issue 125 Features Barbourofelis
The front cover of “Prehistoric Times” magazine (issue 125).Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Mike Fredericks/Photograph by Everything Dinosaur
“Prehistoric Times” Magazine
The artwork for the front cover was provided by the talented Spanish, palaeoartist Mauricio Anton and this issue features lots of reader art too. A special mention to Phil Wilson for a superb depiction of a pair of Carnotaurus causing mayhem and a big dinosaur thumbs-up to Marcus Burkhardt for highlighting Mesozoic plant life with a beautiful illustration of a cycad (Cycadeoidea family). Cycads were globally distributed during the Age of Dinosaurs, the contributors to this, the 25th anniversary edition of “Prehistoric Times”, are also spread world-wide with articles from New Zealanders, residents of Brazil, Englishmen, Canadians and an interview with the American palaeontologist Steve Brusatte, currently based at Edinburgh University (Scotland).
Patagotitan Profiled
The huge titanosaur Patagotitan (P. mayorum) is profiled in this issue. Phil Hore does an excellent job on telling the story of one of the largest terrestrial animals known to science, yet another giant from South America. Look out for the interview with palaeontologist Steve Brusatte, which along with Tracy Lee Ford’s feature on illustrating T. rex is a highlight of this edition.
The Giant Titanosaur Patagotitan Features in Issue 125
Sue from Everything Dinosaur poses in front of the colossal Patagotitan skeleton which is being exhibited at the Natural History Museum (London). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
The spring edition of “Prehistoric Times” marks twenty-five years of publication. A lot has happened in palaeontology and dinosaur model making since this magazine first came out in 1993. Some of these developments are covered in the Mesozoic media section, which includes an excellent review of “The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs” penned by Steve Brusatte. The latest fossil finds and dinosaur discoveries are collated in the “Paleonews” section and there is the first part of a series of articles about prehistoric animals that have featured on stamps by Jon Noad. British model collector Mike Howgate outlines the origins and the evolution of the Dinocrats range of toys.
As always, this issue of the magazine is jam-packed with lots of fantastic articles, illustrations, news and features. A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented on the silver jubilee of “Prehistoric Times”.
“Our congratulations to everyone who has contributed to Prehistoric Times magazine. We are looking forward to reading the 50th year anniversary issue.”
By Mike|2024-05-10T21:37:05+01:00April 29th, 2018|General Teaching|Comments Off on Wonderful Dinosaur Trackway Biscuits
Dinosaur Trackway Biscuits
Tracksites and fossilised footprints can tell palaeontologists a lot about the behaviour of long extinct animals. These fossils are called “trace fossils”, as they preserve the activity of animals. Unlike “body” fossils such as bones and teeth, which may have been transported after death a long way from where the animal died, most trace fossils are direct evidence of the environment at the time and place the organism was living.
Everything Dinosaur received some pictures from a young dinosaur fan from Germany who had used a dinosaur model to make a wonderful trace fossil biscuit.
Dinosaur Model Used to Make a Biscuits
Dinosaur shortbread biscuits
What a very clever idea! Everything Dinosaur team members are always pleased to see how various prehistoric animal themed toys are used in such creative ways, the biscuit dough makes a wonderful media to preserve the dinosaur footprints. The dinosaur model used for the biscuit trackways was a Papo Parasaurolophus.
Baked Dinosaur Biscuits
T. rex biscuits. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Art Imitates Science
Recently, Everything Dinosaur wrote an article about the discovery of a single slab of rock that preserved a collection of prehistoric animal footprints, including several types of dinosaur tracks. The block, found in the grounds of NASA’s Goddard Spaceflight Centre (Maryland, USA), holds the fossilised tracks of several dinosaurs, flying reptiles and preserved tracks of early mammals.
A Dinosaur Footprint Preserved on a Single Slab of Rock
A fossil dinosaur footprint photographed at the London Natural History Museum. The exhibit features a three-toed print from the famous Lark Quarry track site in Australia. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Dinosaur Teeth Provide Information on the Diet of Theropods
Palaeontologists have speculated on the preferred prey of theropod dinosaurs for decades. These mainly meat-eating dinosaurs did not chew their food but bit into their victims and tore off chunks of flesh, a feeding technique named “puncture and pull”. In newly published research, scientists have looked at the serrations on the sides of theropod teeth and assessed their role in feeding.
An analysis of microscopic scratches and wear patterns on the teeth of several different types of Canadian and Spanish carnivorous dinosaur has revealed that the troodontid dinosaurs with their large, broad and hooked, serrations (denticles) may have specialised in hunting smaller, softer prey as their teeth might have been damaged if they had bitten into a struggling, large animal.
Study of Dinosaur Tooth Serrations Suggest Differences in Preferred Prey
The serrated teeth of theropod dinosaurs provides evidence of preferred prey. The teeth in the picture have been scaled to the same crown height for comparative purposes.
Picture credit: Current Biology
The Ziphodont Teeth of Theropods
The teeth of meat-eating dinosaurs tend to be curved, with sharp, serrated edges (ziphodont), the shape and size of the tooth serrations (the denticles) varies considerably between different species. Tyrannosaurids such as the North American Gorgosaurus and dromaeosaurids such as Dromaeosaurus both have rounded, almost rectangular denticles, despite these animals being very different sizes, with the Gorgosaurus having much larger teeth.
In contrast, the dromaeosaurid Saurornitholestes has more pointed denticles that, over time can become worn and then they resemble the serrations found on the tooth of Dromaeosaurus. Troodontids, such as Troodon have unique hooked denticles, that are proportionally much bigger than the denticles found on similarly sized theropods. Troodon means “wounding tooth”, a reference to the large, distinctive serrations on its teeth.
This new study under taken by University of Alberta scientists, along with colleagues from the Universidad de Zaragoza and the Universidad de La Rioja (Spain) and the Royal Ontario Museum, examined the strength of the teeth and their serrations to see whether they provided any clues about potential prey as these dinosaurs fed using the “puncture and pull” technique.
Microscopic Scratches on Dinosaur Teeth Identified by Scanning Electron Microscopy
Tiny scratches (highlighted in yellow) support the idea of puncture and pull feeding in theropod dinosaurs.
Picture credit: Current Biology
The picture (above), shows microwear patterns on three different theropod teeth (scale bar = 100 um). Each pair of pictures shows the same section of tooth with the microwear and scratches highlighted in yellow on the picture (right). Two scratch orientations were present on all studied teeth, one oriented parallel to the border of the tooth, and one oriented 30°–40° to the tooth border, this supports the idea of “puncture and pull” feeding behaviour.
The photographs at the top show the denticles of Pyroraptor, a dromaeosaurid from Laño, Spain. The middle photographs represent the tyrannosaurid Gorgosaurus from the Dinosaur Provincial Park (Alberta, Canada). The photographs (bottom) show the denticles of Troodon (T. inequalis), also from the Dinosaur Provincial Park (Alberta, Canada).
Microwear and Finite Element Analysis of Dinosaur Teeth
The researchers used scanning electron microscopy to map the wear and scratches on individual serrations in conjunction with a statistical method (finite element analysis), to identify stress patterns in teeth as they were involved in feeding.
Commenting on the research, one of the authors of the scientific paper, Ryan Wilkinson (University of Alberta), explained that their study supported the idea of “puncture and pull” feeding:
“We found the microwear patterns were similar in all of the teeth we examined, regardless of the size of the dinosaur, the size of the tooth or the shape of the denticles.”
It was concluded that the shape and strength of the dinosaurs’ teeth made them more or less vulnerable to breakage, forcing them to select different types of prey. For troodontids, their tooth serrations were particularly prone to stress and therefore not suited to coping with struggling prey. This suggests that although troodontids were of a similar size to many dromaeosaurs, they may have selected much smaller, less mobile prey, hinting at niche partitioning in those environments were dromaeosaurs and troodontids may have been coeval.
Stress Tests on Different Theropod Teeth
Stress assessments of different theropod teeth.
Picture credit: Current Biology
The picture above shows plotted stress tests on three types of theropod dinosaur teeth – Dromaeosaurus (top), the dromaeosaurid Saurornitholestes (middle) and a troodontid (bottom). The “hotter” the colour ie. red, orange, yellow, the greater the stress on that part of the tooth during a bite.
The teeth of troodontids were identified as being particularly susceptible to breakage when biting into struggling prey.
Ryan Wilkinson added:
“The large hooked denticles of troodontids acted like a lever and caused high stress within the denticles and the tooth, which may cause the tooth to break.”
Implications for Feeding Troodontids (Studying Dinosaur Teeth)
The researchers, which included renowned ankylosaur expert Victoria Arbour of the Royal Ontario Museum and a former student at the University of Alberta working with Professor Phil Currie, who also contributed to the study, conclude that the microwear evidence supports the idea of “puncture and pull” feeding in theropod dinosaurs and that troodontids may have favoured smaller prey than dromaeosaurids, as their teeth did not stand up so well to the stresses and strains of coping with struggling prey.
The “Puncture and Pull” Feeding Technique as Demonstrated by the Dromaeosaurid Saurornitholestes
Saurornitholestes demonstrates the puncture/pull feeding technique of theropod dinosaurs.
Picture credit: Sydney Mohr with additional annotation by Everything Dinosaur
Dromaeosaurus and Saurornitholestes were well-adapted for handling struggling prey, whilst troodontid teeth indicate that these dinosaurs may have had a different diet.
Troodon May Have Tackled Small Prey
The Beasts of the Mesozoic Mountains accessory pack, features Troodon. New research suggests that Troodon may have fed on different prey when compared to dromaeosaurids.
The scientific paper: “Puncture-and-Pull Biomechanics in the Teeth of Predatory Coelurosaurian Dinosaurs” by Angelica Torices, Ryan Wilkinson, Victoria M. Arbour, Jose Ignacio Ruiz-Omeñaca and Philip J. Currie published in “Current Biology”.
Children in Year 1 compiled lots of facts about dinosaurs and prehistoric animals as part of a term topic on life in the past. The enthusiastic teaching team had challenged the pupils to conduct some independent research into dinosaurs and other creatures that lived before people.
The children were given a choice, they could research a single animal such as Brontosaurus, Triceratops or Tyrannosaurus rex, or they could create a poster about dinosaurs in general. The only prerequisite stated by the teachers was that the children’s work had to include lots of information, lots of facts.
Children in Year 1 Compile Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Posters
Year 1 children design dinosaur posters. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Newport Infant School (Squirrel Class)/Everything Dinosaur
Demonstrating Knowledge About Dinosaurs
During our visit to the school to conduct a series of dinosaur workshops with the Year 1 classes, the children were keen to demonstrate their knowledge confidently asserting that dinosaurs laid eggs and that dinosaur fossils could be found all over the world, even in Australia! We provided a number of extension resources to help support the school’s scheme of work, including a challenge to the children to create a non-chronological report on the life and times of the famous scientist Sir Richard Owen, highly appropriate since one of the children was called Owen.
Producing Dinosaur Posters for Display at the School
Dinosaur facts compiled by Year 1 children. This poster features a lot of different dinosaurs including herbivores and carnivores. To date, something like 1,300 dinosaur genera have been described. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Newport Infant School (Squirrel Class)/Everything Dinosaur
For further information about Everything Dinosaur’s work in schools and to enquire about our outreach work: Contact Everything Dinosaur.
Dinosaurs as a Teaching Topic
Learning about dinosaurs provides plenty of opportunities for cross-curricular activities. For example, the children had been exploring the properties of different materials by making prehistoric animal models and this topic has lots of scope to include writing activities (fiction and non-fiction writing). Everything Dinosaur’s workshop leader challenged the classes (and their teachers), to produce a dinosaur themed poem. A piece of prose that features a prehistoric animal, an intriguing idea that helps the children explore different types of writing and gives them the opportunity to develop their vocabulary, introducing the idea of stanzas, cadence, verses and iambic pentameter.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“Our workshops provided the ideal provocation to kick-start the children’s term topic. Dinosaurs and prehistoric animals certainly enthused the pupils and they were eager to demonstrate their pre-knowledge and to show their visitor all the posters, fact sheets and non-chronological reports on life in the past that they had created. The teachers too, were very enthusiastic and eager to learn, taking lots of notes and photographs during the sessions with the three classes.”
May Newsletter – Model Retirements and New Figures Back in Stock
Subscribers to Everything Dinosaur’s newsletter received their latest bulletin this week. They were the first to know about the arrival of more stocks of the Rebor Velociraptor 1:18 scale replica “Winston”, as well as the arrival of more of the Rebor Yutyrannus huali figure, the Rebor Y-REX, the first 1:35 scale model produced by Rebor.
Everything Dinosaur’s Newsletter
Back in Stock at Everything Dinosaur the Rebor Y-REX and the Rebor Velociraptor Figure “Winston”
Everything Dinosaur May newsletter announces Rebor models back in stock.Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Everything Dinosaur customers who had requested a model be reserved for them have already been contacted by team members.
Model Retirements Announced in Everything Dinosaur’s Newsletter
In a meeting with the senior management of Safari Ltd a few months ago, Everything Dinosaur was informed that the model making company was going to slim down its inventory. Three models have been retired, the Edmontosaurus, Inostrancevia and the Nigersaurus, expect more retirements to be announced by Everything Dinosaur in the near future. Also, rumoured to be consigned to extinction, is the Battat Terra Amargasaurus figure, this sauropod dinosaur model, is believed to be out of production.
Newsletter Readers were Amongst the First to Find Out About Model Retirements
Everything Dinosaur announces model retirements in its May 2018 newsletter – three Safari Ltd models (Inostrancevia, Nigersaurus and Edmontosaurus) plus one retirement from Battat (Battat Terra Amargasaurus). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Safari Ltd Retirements
The model of the gorgonopsid Inostrancevia, part of the Wild Safari Prehistoric World model range was introduced along with the Edmontosaurus back in 2011. It is a shame to see these three figures out of production, but we can expect to hear of new model introductions to this award-winning range in the autumn.
Models Out of Production
Safari Ltd model retirements in 2018.
Battat Terra Amargasaurus
Rumours abound about the retirement of the Amargasaurus dinosaur model from the Battat Terra range. It is proving very difficult to find stocks, however, model collectors and dinosaur fans can rest assured, Everything Dinosaur has plenty of stock of this figure that is believed to have been withdrawn from production.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“One of the benefits of subscribing to our newsletter is that you can find out about model retirements and figures going out of production before most other collectors. This enables dinosaur fans who have subscribed to complete their model collections.”
To request a subscription to Everything Dinosaur’s regular newsletter, simply drop us an email: Email Everything Dinosaur.
Giant Squid Soft Toys and New Papo Models
One of our more unusual soft toys features in the May newsletter, the cute and cuddly giant squid soft toy. This colourful plush cephalopod measures over eighty centimetres long from the tips of the tentacles to its rear end. We also had to mark the arrival of the first for 2018 Papo figures by giving the Papo cave man with spear, the Papo young Spinosaurus and the Papo Amargasaurus a mention.
New Papo Figures and a Giant Squid Soft Toy
May newsletter 2018 – Papo models and a giant squid soft toy.Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
With the disappearance of the Battat Terra Amargasaurus and the arrival of the Papo Amargasaurus model, it seems fans of this South American, long-necked dinosaur will be able to collect a replica of this dinosaur after all.
Evidence of Insect Mimicry and Camouflage in Burmese Amber
Researchers from the China Agricultural University, the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, have discovered a new species of Cretaceous lacewing preserved in 100-million-year-old Burmese amber (burmite). The scientists have identified two lacewing larvae that show adaptations for mimicking liverwort plants. Mimicry and camouflage is relatively commonplace in the natural world, but evidence of this within the fossil record is extremely rare.
Two views (Dorsal and Ventral) of a Preserved Lacewing Larva Camouflaged to Look Like a Liverwort
New green lacewing larva Phyllochrysa huangi in (A) dorsal view and (B) ventral view.
Picture credit: the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology
Lacewings and Liverworts
Lacewings are insects which are characterised by their very fine, reticulated wings. They are globally widespread and something like 2,000 living species have been described to date.
As larvae and adults, they are voracious hunters and are popular with farmers and growers as they eat lots of pests, such as aphids. Fossils of these delicate insects are rare but specimens are known that date from the Jurassic. Liverworts are much older, they lack a vascular system and true roots tending to grow very close to the ground. Liverworts are thought to be similar to the very first land plants that evolved in the Silurian geological period.
Despite liverworts having existed since the Palaeozoic, mimicry between insects and liverworts is extremely rare in both modern and fossil ecosystems. This discovery, reported in the academic journal “Current Biology” represents the first record of liverwort mimicry by fossil insects and brings to light an evolutionary novelty, both in terms of morphological specialisation as well as plant-insect interaction.
Lacewing Larvae and Liverworts Preserved in Amber
New green lacewing larva and potential model plants from Burmese amber. (B, E, G are larvae, the others are liverworts)
Picture credit: the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology
Camouflaged to Look Like Liverworts
The larvae have broad flanges on their abdomen and thorax that resemble the fleshy, ribbon-like fronds of liverworts. The insect which has been named Phyllochrysa huangi, is the only known species of lacewing with distinctive foliate lobes on the larval body. These newly described insects are the first evidence of direct mimicry in lacewing larvae. This camouflage may have helped the vulnerable larvae to avoid detection by predators, or they might have used this body bauplan to help ambush potential prey.
Two Phyllochrysa huangi Larvae Hide Out Amongst the Liverworts
A life reconstruction of two Phyllochrysa huangi hiding amongst liverworts. The larvae are highlighted by red arrows.
Picture credit: Yang Dinghua
The researchers conclude that these fossils preserved in amber demonstrate a hitherto unknown life-history strategy amongst these types of insect, a strategy that apparently evolved from a camouflaging ancestor but did not persist into modern times with this lineage.
A Hot and Humid Cretaceous Jungle
The amber from Burma (Myanmar) has provided palaeontologists with an astonishing insight into life in a Cretaceous tropical rainforest. Numerous types of invertebrate have been named, including damselflies, spiders and blood-sucking ticks that may have fed on the blood of dinosaurs. The remains of larger creatures have been found preserved in amber too, including the feathered tail of a dinosaur and a baby enantiornithine bird.
The globally widespread extant liverworts consist of over 9,000 named species. Although, like the lacewings, their fossil record is very poor, it seems likely that they began to become much more diverse during the Cretaceous as the rapidly evolving angiosperm trees provided new habitats for them. Just like their modern counterparts, Cretaceous liverworts grew on the leaves and bark of trees as well as on other plant surfaces. It is logical to assume that the camouflaged lacewing larvae also probably lived on trees which were densely covered by liverworts, with the lacewing’s liverwort mimicry aiding their survival.
Accolade for Wild Safari Prehistoric World Feathered T. rex
Readers of Prehistoric Times magazine have voted the Wild Safari Prehistoric World Feathered T. rex model the best dinosaur toy of 2017. The figure faced tough competition, but it had a number of factors in its favour. Firstly, it is a model of a Tyrannosaurus rex, the most popular of all the prehistoric animals and secondly, this skilfully crafted replica depicted T. rex with a shaggy coat of feathers, a modern interpretation of this iconic dinosaur.
Voted the Best Dinosaur Figure of 2017 by Readers of Prehistoric Times Magazine
Standing a little under fifteen centimetres high and measuring an impressive 32 centimetres long, this Tyrannosaurus rex figure depicts the “Tyrant Lizard King” with a coat of reddish-brown protofeathers, with more prominent quills on the top of the formidable skull and the running down the back of the neck. The feathers on the back of the head and neck suggest that these quills might have played a role in visual display, the body feathers as shown in this replica, would have made a very effective coat, helping to keep this reptile warm.
The designers at Safari Ltd chose to make the snout and the underside of the neck bare, a similar characteristic is seen in extant vultures. Many species of vultures such as the Lappet-faced (Torgos tracheliotos) and the White Rumped vulture (Gyps bengalensis) have heads and necks which are devoid of feathers. A mistake often made, is to assume that this lack of feathers on the neck and head prevents the bird from getting caked in blood as it reaches inside carcasses to feed.
This adaptation may assist in helping the vulture to keep clean, but it is now known that the bare head and neck play a role in thermo-regulation, helping the bird to cool down. Perhaps the design team at Safari Ltd had considered this research before finalising the feathery features on their 2017 dinosaur model.
A Close-up View of the Head of the Wild Safari Prehistoric World Feathered Tyrannosaurus rex
The back of the neck of the T. rex model has prominent feathers.Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Previous Winners (2015 and 2016)
Safari Ltd have won this accolade on several previous occasions, in 2015 the Wild Safari Prehistoric World Sauropelta model was voted number one, whilst last year the Wild Safari Prehistoric World Iguanodon figure was honoured.
Previous Winners the Wild Safari Prehistoric World Iguanodon and Sauropelta Models
Previous award winners (top) the Iguanodon figure in 2016 and the Sauropelta, winner in 2015 (bottom).
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur/Safari Ltd
Attention to Detail
It is the attention to detail that impresses. This product line has a deserved reputation for the excellent painting of models, but it is the fine details that really make the feathered T. rex figure stand out from the pack. Take, for example, the scratches and scars on the muzzle of the dinosaur model. Face biting amongst Tyrannosaurs has long been suspected and the sculptors at Safari Ltd were keen to incorporate evidence of this behaviour into this T. rex model.
Note the Scars on the Maxilla and the Beautifully Painted Head of the Figure
Note the prominent scars on the muzzle of the T. rex figure (face biting). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur stated:
“We congratulate Safari Ltd for winning the Prehistoric Times best dinosaur model of the year award for three years running. Given the fantastic quality of prehistoric animal replicas available at the moment winning this hat-trick is some achievement. The feathered T. rex model is truly spectacular and a worthy winner.”
The Artwork Depicting the Safari Ltd Feathered T. rex when it was Launched in 2017
The concept art linked with the 2017 launch of the T. rex model.
Congratulations to “Prehistoric Times” magazine it has just published issue number 125 (Spring 2018). The 125th edition of this quarterly publication marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of this magazine, a firm favourite amongst dinosaur fans and model collectors.
The Front Cover of Prehistoric Times (Issue 125)
The front cover of “Prehistoric Times” magazine (issue 125).
Picture credit: Mike Fredericks/Prehistoric Times
“Prehistoric Times” Just Arrived in the Mail
Everything Dinosaur’s copy has just arrived in the post and we are looking forward to publishing a full review of this issue in the very near future.
A lot has happened in the fields of palaeontology, fossil hunting and prehistoric animal model production since the magazine’s first issue was published way back in 1993, but the magazine continues to act as forum for palaeoartists to highlight their work. The front cover features a pair of squabbling Barbourofelis, an illustration by the amazingly talented Mauricio Anton.
Over the years, a large number of world-renowned palaeoartists have had their work grace the front cover of Prehistoric Times. The front covers are a real “who’s who” in this specialist area of artwork. Don’t let the image of the Barbourofelis duel on the front cover, fool you. Just because the genus Barbourofelis (false Sabre-Toothed cat), was endemic to North America, do not think this magazine is only for those who reside in the USA and Canada. The publication has a world-wide (and growing) readership.
Celebrating 25 Years – Prehistoric Times Magazine
Prehistoric Times magazines celebrates 25 years.
Picture credit: Mike Fredericks/Prehistoric Times
“Prehistoric Times” Magazine
The magazine is aimed at prehistoric animal enthusiasts and collectors of dinosaur merchandise. Every full colour issue has around sixty pages and it includes updates on the latest research, news and reviews of models and model kits plus interviews with artists and palaeontologists. Readers can submit their own dinosaur and prehistoric animal themed artwork and illustrations too.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“We congratulate Prehistoric Times magazine for reaching this landmark. Our team members do appreciate how much work is involved in producing this quarterly bulletin. We would like to thank all those involved in its production and we wish all the staff and contributors every success. We are looking forward to another twenty-five years of Prehistoric Times.”
Mother creates palaeontology in a plastic tub for her children.
We are always impressed by the efforts of parents, grandparents and guardians who do so much to help encourage and inspire their young charges. This week, whilst visiting a primary school to conduct a series of workshops with Year 2 children, we were given a tour of the classrooms and shown some of the amazing dinosaur and fossil themed crafts and activities created by the children and their grown-up helpers.
Amongst the numerous posters, dinosaur models and prehistoric dioramas that had been made, we spotted one enterprising family’s contribution. Mum had created a mini fossil dig for her child, a very clever idea indeed.
A Mini Fossil Dig Site Created as Part of a Term Topic Learning About Dinosaurs
Palaeontologists do use brushes when working on a fossil excavation. The general rule is, the closer you get to the fossil material the smaller the tools you use. For example, when removing the surrounding matrix from a fossil bone in the field, we use small brushes and tiny dental picks, to take away the surrounding rock, one grain at a time. In this way, progress may be very slow but at least the fossil is protected and not likely to be damaged.
To create her “palaeontology in a plastic tub”, the mum made salt dough fossils and rolled up pieces of white paper to represent bones. An old paint brush makes an ideal tool for brushing off the dirt, so this budding young scientist can find and identify the fossils.