By Mike|2023-10-10T14:30:40+01:00April 30th, 2018|General Teaching, Key Stage 1/2|Comments Off on A Mini Dinosaur World Created in a Box
A Mini Dinosaur World Created in a Box
One enterprising Year 2 pupil showed us their mini “Jurassic Park” that they had created for a school project all about dinosaurs, fossils and prehistoric animals. The child had made their own mini dinosaur world using a cardboard box, some paints, tissue paper, small sticks and gravel.
A Mini Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Theme Park
Dinosaur dioramas created by children at Langley Hall Primary Academy. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
A Dinosaur World
The dinosaurs look very much at home in this scene, there is a river with a waterfall, the effect of the foaming water being created by scrunching up some tissue paper. The designer has provided the dinosaurs with a stone bridge so that they can cross safely to the other side of the river and reach the dinosaur nest composed of small sticks. The nest contains some yellow dinosaur eggs, which are being guarded by a meat-eating dinosaur.
A large, herbivorous dinosaur, a long-necked sauropod browses nearby and our dinosaur and fossil experts really liked the model tree complete with purple fruits that had been added to the diorama. In the background a volcano is erupting. The green tissue paper gives the impression of prehistoric vegetation. The plant-eating dinosaurs have lots of food to eat.
Our congratulations to the young model maker for building such a clever and colourful dinosaur diorama.
The latest edition of “Prehistoric Times”, the quarterly magazine for fans of dinosaurs and collectors of prehistoric animal models, has arrived at Everything Dinosaur. A veritable cornucopia of long extinct creatures is included in issue 125, from the false sabre-toothed cat Barbourofelis, to giant titanosaurs (Patagotitan), Burian’s ichthyosaurs, Tracy’s Tyrannosaurus rex and a dramatic Pleistocene tar pit diorama with a Smilodon feeding on a trapped Mastodon.
The Front Cover of Issue 125 Features Barbourofelis
The front cover of “Prehistoric Times” magazine (issue 125).Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Mike Fredericks/Photograph by Everything Dinosaur
“Prehistoric Times” Magazine
The artwork for the front cover was provided by the talented Spanish, palaeoartist Mauricio Anton and this issue features lots of reader art too. A special mention to Phil Wilson for a superb depiction of a pair of Carnotaurus causing mayhem and a big dinosaur thumbs-up to Marcus Burkhardt for highlighting Mesozoic plant life with a beautiful illustration of a cycad (Cycadeoidea family). Cycads were globally distributed during the Age of Dinosaurs, the contributors to this, the 25th anniversary edition of “Prehistoric Times”, are also spread world-wide with articles from New Zealanders, residents of Brazil, Englishmen, Canadians and an interview with the American palaeontologist Steve Brusatte, currently based at Edinburgh University (Scotland).
Patagotitan Profiled
The huge titanosaur Patagotitan (P. mayorum) is profiled in this issue. Phil Hore does an excellent job on telling the story of one of the largest terrestrial animals known to science, yet another giant from South America. Look out for the interview with palaeontologist Steve Brusatte, which along with Tracy Lee Ford’s feature on illustrating T. rex is a highlight of this edition.
The Giant Titanosaur Patagotitan Features in Issue 125
Sue from Everything Dinosaur poses in front of the colossal Patagotitan skeleton which is being exhibited at the Natural History Museum (London). Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
The spring edition of “Prehistoric Times” marks twenty-five years of publication. A lot has happened in palaeontology and dinosaur model making since this magazine first came out in 1993. Some of these developments are covered in the Mesozoic media section, which includes an excellent review of “The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs” penned by Steve Brusatte. The latest fossil finds and dinosaur discoveries are collated in the “Paleonews” section and there is the first part of a series of articles about prehistoric animals that have featured on stamps by Jon Noad. British model collector Mike Howgate outlines the origins and the evolution of the Dinocrats range of toys.
As always, this issue of the magazine is jam-packed with lots of fantastic articles, illustrations, news and features. A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented on the silver jubilee of “Prehistoric Times”.
“Our congratulations to everyone who has contributed to Prehistoric Times magazine. We are looking forward to reading the 50th year anniversary issue.”