All about dinosaurs, fossils and prehistoric animals by Everything Dinosaur team members.

Our back catalogue of dinosaur inspired videos, model making tips and advice, reviews of models etc.

16 03, 2025

Seven Amazing CollectA Prehistoric Animal Models

By |2025-03-16T20:50:41+00:00March 16th, 2025|Everything Dinosaur videos|0 Comments

CollectA are introducing seven new prehistoric animal models this year (2025).  Six of these figures are scale models.  The exception is the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Furcatoceratops model.  At Everything Dinosaur, we enjoy highlighting new figures.  We have made a YouTube short highlighting these new CollectA prehistoric animal models.  In sixty seconds, we outline what is coming in and when it is likely to be in stock.

Seven, new for 2025 CollectA prehistoric animal models.

The seven, new for 2025 CollectA prehistoric animal models. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the range of CollectA Deluxe models in stock: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Animal Models.

The not-to-scale range of CollectA prehistoric animal models: CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Prehistoric Life Range.

We have produced a YouTube short to celebrate these seven amazing CollectA prehistoric animal figures.  We congratulate CollectA for introducing such an eclectic group of figures. After all, these figures span a vast track of deep time.  There is the Jaekelopterus (J. rhenaniae) from the Devonian, as well as the Giant Short-faced bear (Arctodus simus) which lived during the Pleistocene.

Video credit: Everything Dinosaur

CollectA Prehistoric Animal Models for 2025

Here is the list of new CollectA figures:

  • The Age of Dinosaurs Popular Furcatoceratops model.
  • A CollectA Deluxe 1:20 scale Giant Short-faced bear.
  • 1:40 scale Ingentia prima (sauropod).
  • A wonderful 1:20 scale replica of the giant eurypterid Jaekelopterus (J. rhenaniae).
  • The 1:40 scale Maip macrothorax (giant megaraptorid).
  • A 1:20 scale “terror bird” – Phorusrhacos.
  • 1:40 scale Gallimimus figure.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“We had fun making the YouTube short.  The video is just under sixty seconds long.  That’s not long when it comes to discussing these new CollectA prehistoric animal models.  A picture speaks a thousand words.  So, hopefully, the visuals will help collectors and give them an opportunity for an early view of these new models.”

The Everything Dinosaur YouTube channel: Everything Dinosaur on YouTube.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Models and Toys.

19 01, 2025

How to Assemble the Rebor Tyrannosaurus rex Cream Figures

By |2025-01-19T22:03:45+00:00January 19th, 2025|Everything Dinosaur videos|0 Comments

Dinosaur model collectors and fans of Rebor figures have been contacting Everything Dinosaur.  We have been emailed with dinosaur fans seeking advice on assembling the tail.  The Rebor T. rex Cream models have been beautifully crafted.  However, inserting the tail into the body can be a bit tricky.  It can take considerable force.  If you are careless, you might damage those small T. rex arms.  Not to worry, we have put together a short, five-minute YouTube video that provides advice.  Furthermore, we demonstrate how to insert the tail.  In addition, we show how the arms can be positioned for display.

Video credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the range of Rebor figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Rebor Models and Figures.

Assembling the Rebor T. rex Cream Figures – A Video Guide

Our video lasts a little over five minutes.  It includes our top tips for assembling the Rebor Cream “Mountain” and “Skull Walker” models. Inserting the tail and posing the arms without any fuss.

Video Contents:

0:00 – Introduction.
0:43 – Subscribe!
0:54 – Unpacking your figure.
1:38 – Inserting the Tail.
3:01 – Apply some Heat!
3:39 – Moving the Arms.
4:18 – Where to Buy?
4:39 – “Skull Walker” or “Mountain” which figure do you prefer?

To visit the Everything Dinosaur YouTube channel: Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Model Videos.

Mike the narrator of the video commented:

“We hope this video helps.  As well as showing how to assemble the Rebor T. rex Cream models, we demonstrate that these figures can stand on a flat surface unaided.  However, we recommend that collectors use the transparent display stand that is supplied with these models.”

Rebor T. rex Cream "Skull Walker" figure.

The Rebor T. rex Cream “Skull Walker” figure can stand on a flat surface without the transparent support stand. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

“Skull Walker” or “Mountain” Which Model do you Prefer?

Towards the end of our video, we pose a question.  Which is your favourite Cream figure?  Are you a fan of the “Skull Walker” model or do you like the “Mountain” variant?

Whichever figure you prefer, when it comes to Rebor Tyrannosaurus rex models there are plenty of exciting figures to choose from.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Figures and Toys.

16 01, 2025

Helpful Advice on Assembling the New Rebor Tyrannosaurus rex Cream Figures.

By |2025-01-19T15:35:36+00:00January 16th, 2025|Everything Dinosaur videos|0 Comments

The fantastic Rebor Tyrannosaurus rex Cream “Mountain” and “Skull Walkers” have arrived. Struggling to insert the tail piece? Our next video will demonstrate how to assemble your Rebor figure. It will be up soon! The next Everything Dinosaur YouTube video will provide advice on how to assemble these amazing Rebor replicas.

Assembling the Rebor Tyrannosaurus rex Cream figures.

Everything Dinosaur’s next YouTube video will provide a guide to assembling the new Rebor Tyrannosaurus rex “Cream” figures. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Visit the Everything Dinosaur YouTube channel for more helpful videos: Everything Dinosaur on YouTube.

These beautiful 1:35 scale theropod figures require assembling. The tail must be inserted into the body. In addition, the moveable arms can be stiff and difficult to move, we demonstrate how to set up these models.

Rebor Tyrannosaurus rex Cream “Mountain” and “Skull Walker”

The figures measure an impressive forty-two centimetres in length. The head height is around fifteen centimetres.  Each model has an articulated lower jaw and moveable arms.  In addition, the figures have flexible tails. They are supplied with a clear, plastic support stand.

How to assemble the Rebor Tyrannosaurus rex Cream figures.

The video will demonstrate how to insert the tail, adjust the jaw if necessary and to ease the moveable arms into place. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the range of Rebor figures in stock: Rebor Models and Figures.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“It can be a struggle to insert the tail.  We demonstrate how to do this without too much effort. In addition, we show how to ease the forelimbs of this detailed figure into place.”

The award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Models and Toys.

7 12, 2024

A New YouTube Short Highlights New Dinosaur Models

By |2024-12-08T05:24:58+00:00December 7th, 2024|Everything Dinosaur videos|0 Comments

This week, two new Wild Safari Prehistoric World models arrived at Everything Dinosaur. The Wild Safari Prehistoric World Therizinosaurus and Saltasaurus are in stock.  It is great to see these new figures arrive at our warehouse and to celebrate their arrival we got creative and produced a short video. In our YouTube short we briefly introduce the figures with Mike and Sue each highlighting a model.

Video credit: Everything Dinosaur

The short video was posted up on the company’s social media pages.  In addition, it was posted onto Everything Dinosaur’s YouTube channel.

To visit the YouTube channel of Everything Dinosaur: Everything Dinosaur on YouTube.

Wild Safari Prehistoric World Models

The Wild Safari Prehistoric World range of models is manufactured by Safari Ltd.  It is extremely popular.  However, in the past, this company had two, main ranges of prehistoric animal figures.  Alongside their own figures, models approved by the Carnegie Museum of Natural History were also made. First marketed in 1988, the Carnegie Collectibles range featured a number of iconic dinosaur figures. In addition, this range included many dinosaurs that had only recently been scientifically described. For example, a Concavenator model was introduced in 2013, just three years after the formal scientific description.

Concavenator dinosaur model.

Carnegie Collectibles Concavenator dinosaur model.  This figure was introduced in 2013.  It was one of the last dinosaur models to be added to the Carnegie Collectibles series. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

After twenty-eight years of partnership and collaboration, it was decided to move on and to terminate the Carnegie Collectibles. As a result, the Wild Safari Prehistoric World range became the mainstay of the company’s prehistoric animal model production efforts. Since then, Safari Ltd have regularly introduced new dinosaur models.

To read a blog post from 2015 about the ending of the Carnegie Collectibles model range: End of the Line for Carnegie Collectibles.

Therizinosaurus and Saltasaurus

The Therizinosaurus and Saltasaurus figures discussed in the YouTube short are new sculpts.  However, Safari Ltd have produced a replica of Saltasaurus before.  There was a Saltasaurus model in the Carnegie Collectibles range, and in 2012 we reviewed it.

Everything Dinosaur’s review of the Carnegie Collectibles Saltasaurus model: The Carnegie Collectibles Saltasaurus Model is Reviewed.

We look forward to hearing what dinosaur model fans think of the new Therizinosaurus and Saltasaurus figures.  Furthermore, we would welcome any comments about the new Saltasaurus and how it compares to the Carnegie Collectibles Saltasaurus.

Saltasaurus dinosaur model

“Reptile from Salta Province”.  The Carnegie Collectibles Saltasaurus dinosaur model.

Picture credit: Safari Ltd

To view the range of Wild Safari Prehistoric World figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Safari Ltd. Wild Safari Prehistoric World Figures.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur explained that the Saltasaurus and Therizinosaurus models will join the Estemmenosuchus and Kentrosaurus models that arrived earlier this year.

In addition, he added:

“Safari Ltd are already working on several new figures.  We will do what we can to bring new for 2025 models into stock quickly.”

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Models and Toys.

14 11, 2024

The Exclusive Giant Short-faced Bear Video

By |2024-11-14T06:09:32+00:00November 14th, 2024|Everything Dinosaur videos|0 Comments

Everything Dinosaur team members have posted up onto the company’s YouTube channel a video review of the new CollectA Deluxe Giant Short-faced bear model.  The video is a little over nine minutes in length.  It permits viewers to see some of the exclusive images of this new prehistoric mammal model supplied by the manufacturer.  The narrator uses these images to point out some of the features that could not be seen in the official media image.  For example, the figure has a torn right ear and there is a pad on the wrist to indicate the sesamoid bone.

Video credit: Everything Dinosaur

The CollectA Deluxe Giant Short-faced Bear Model

The figure is a 1:20 scale replica of Arctodus simus.  It stands 17.3 cm tall. As the largest male bears could rear up to a height of 3.4 metres, the 1:20 scale statement is quite accurate.  This new for 2025 prehistoric bear figure measures 9.5 cm in length from the tips of the digits on the outstretched paw to the end of its stubby tail.

It is likely to be in stock at Everything Dinosaur around the end of quarter one or the beginning of quarter two in 2025.

To view the range of CollectA Deluxe figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Life Models.

Mike who narrates the video explained that they try to post up a video review within a week of a new CollectA figure being announced.

Video Contents
0:00 – A Giant Short-faced Bear.
0:32 – Our Exclusive Images!
0:53 – Looking at the Head.
2:07 – Is That a Torn Ear?
2:42 – The Tail and Limb Proportions.
2:59 – The Colour of the Bear!
3:40 – It Stands on Two Legs!
3:56 – Why Chest and Face Markings?
5:52 – Spot the Sesamoid!
7:12 – Congratulations CollectA.
8:00 – In Stock When?
8:33 – Where to Buy?

CollectA Deluxe Arctodus simus model.

The new for 2025 CollectA Deluxe giant short-faced bear (Arctodus simus). The figure has a stated scale of 1:20.

Remarks on the Model’s Colouration

In the video review the narrator comments on the model’s colouration.  It would have been difficult for CollectA to make a brown Arctodus simus model.  Furthermore, giving the figure a black coat would have been tricky.  CollectA already have models of brown bears and black bears in their wildlife series.  The burnished grey colouration helps to differentiate the CollectA Deluxe Giant Short-faced bear model from other figures in the CollectA range.  In addition, the white bib on the chest and the face markings are commented upon in the video.  Perhaps these markings played a role in visual display.  Moreover, these markings could have intimidated predators when the bear reared up onto its hind legs.

We are looking forward to learning more about CollectA new releases.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Models and Toys.

13 11, 2024

An Exclusive CollectA Giant Short-faced Bear Video

By |2024-11-13T21:26:35+00:00November 13th, 2024|Everything Dinosaur videos|0 Comments

Everything Dinosaur will post on the company’s YouTube channel a brief video reviewing the recently announced CollectA Deluxe Arctodus simus model. Last week, Everything Dinosaur in collaboration with their chums at CollectA announced that there would be a 1:20 scale model of a Giant Short-faced bear introduced into the CollectA Deluxe model range in 2025.  Team members have been sent some exclusive images of this new model.  As a result, they have been busy preparing a video about this exciting new prehistoric mammal figure.

The video will be available to view on Everything Dinosaur’s YouTube channel at 9:30pm (GMT).

The Everything Dinosaur preview of the CollectA Deluxe Giant Short-faced Bear figure.

Everything Dinosaur will post up shortly on the company’s YouTube channel a video previewing the new for 2025 CollectA Giant Short-faced bear model. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The CollectA Arctodus simus Model

The design team at CollectA have listened to the requests from model collectors.  In response to these pleadings, a replica of Arctodus simus in 1:20 scale will be introduced.  It is likely to be available in the spring of 2025.

To read Everything Dinosaur’s recent blog post about this new figure: New CollectA Models for 2025 – Part 2.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“These exclusive images have given us the opportunity to take a close look at this prehistoric bear model.  They show the model from various angles.  Furthermore, we have been working on a short video which highlights some of the features on the Giant Short-faced bear.  We expect the video to be around nine minutes in length.”

Take a look at Everything Dinosaur’s YouTube channel: Everything Dinosaur on YouTube.

A Diverse Range of Prehistoric Animal Models

CollectA have introduced numerous prehistoric mammal models.  For example, a wonderful 1:20 scale model of Diprotodon was introduced.  It too, is part of the CollectA Deluxe range.

New CollectA prehistoric animal models (August 2024).

Five new prehistoric animal models in stock at Everything Dinosaur (August 2024). The new 1:6 scale Deluxe Velociraptor (left), the 1:20 scale Deluxe Diprotodon (back), Placerias 1:20 scale (centre) and the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Nanuqsaurus is at the front. The new Polacanthus foxii figure in 1:20 scale is on the right. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the range of CollectA Deluxe prehistoric animal models in stock at Everything Dinosaur: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Animal Models.

The award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Prehistoric Animal Models.

3 11, 2024

Exclusive CollectA Furcatoceratops Images and a Video Review

By |2024-11-03T14:22:55+00:00November 3rd, 2024|Everything Dinosaur videos|0 Comments

Thank you CollectA for sending to Everything Dinosaur some more images of the recently announced CollectA Furcatoceratops model.  These photographs display this new dinosaur figure for 2025 from various angles.  Their high resolution permits model collectors to get a good look at the fine details.  Our thanks to CollectA for sending us these images.  As a result, we have created a short YouTube video.  Our video looks at the skin texture and discusses the painting of the head and horns.  In addition, we examine how the model’s jugal horn and epoccipitals (pronounced eh-pox-ci-pi-tals) reflect the holotype.

Video credit: Everything Dinosaur

Everything Dinosaur on YouTube

The Everything Dinosaur YouTube channel is packed with news and updates about prehistoric animal models. There are helpful hints and tips for model collectors too.  Moreover, we can post up YouTube shorts and other videos highlighting our work as well as dinosaur model reviews.

To visit the Everything Dinosaur YouTube channel and subscribe: Everything Dinosaur’s YouTube Channel.

Commenting upon the new CollectA Furcatoceratops figure, Mike from Everything Dinosaur stated:

“This new horned dinosaur model will be available sometime in 2025.  We hope to have it in stock by the spring.  It is a figure in the Age of Dinosaurs Popular range.”

To view the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular range of prehistoric animal models in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Age of Dinosaurs – Popular.

The Age of Dinosaurs CollectA Furcatoceratops

The CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Furcatoceratops is one of two new CollectA figures to be announced.  The second figure is the remarkable Jaekelopterus model.

To read a blog post about these two new prehistoric animal models: New Prehistoric Animal Models from CollectA for 2025 (Part 1).

Furcatoceratops has been classified as a member of the Centrosaurinae subfamily of ceratopsids.  It is closely related to Avaceratops and Nasutoceratops.  Furcatoceratops was formally named and described in 2023 (Ishikawa et al).

The CollectA Furcatoceratops model.

An image showing the new for 2025 Furcatoceratops dinosaur model from CollectA.

To read about the discovery of Furcatoceratops (F. elucidans): Furcatoceratops – A New Centrosaurine.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur added that the company’s YouTube video would highlight features that the image on the media release did not show.

He explained:

“The Furcatoceratops video lasts around five minutes.  We look at the fine details on the skin of the model, including tubercles. In addition, we comment on the paint scheme chosen for the horns and highlight the details that can be found on the neck frill.”

Mike confirmed that he hoped to have the model in stock in the spring of 2025. Furthermore, he thanked CollectA once again for sending the Furcatoceratops photographs.

Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys and Models.

31 10, 2024

Packing Dinosaur Toys: We Tried to Make an Impressive Video

By |2024-10-31T14:21:19+00:00October 31st, 2024|Everything Dinosaur videos|0 Comments

At Everything Dinosaur, we take great pride in our customer service. We take care when it comes to packing up prehistoric animal models and dinosaur toys for customers. However, packing orders can sometimes lead to unexpected hilarity. For example, we thought it would be a good idea to produce a YouTube short, highlighting our packing prowess.

Sue showcased her impressive packing skills. She expertly packed a Beasts of the Mesozoic figure. Watching her work was poetry in motion. Within a few seconds the box had been assembled, protective packing materials added, and the prehistoric animal figure safely and securely packed inside.

As for me, things did not go as well. Watch our YouTube short to see what happens 🙂

Video credit: Everything Dinosaur

Subscribe to Everything Dinosaur on YouTube: Subscribe to Everything Dinosaur on YouTube.

Packing Dinosaur Toys

Sue is certainly an expert at packing and despatching parcels. Meanwhile, Mike found himself on the other side of the packing table, struggling to locate the parcel tape. While Sue swiftly packaged our beloved dinosaur toys, he fumbled around like a T. rex trying to tie its shoelaces.

Our viewers loved the contrast between Sue’s packing prowess and Mike’s struggles. It’s a reminder that while we take our prehistoric animal models and dinosaur toys seriously, we don’t always take ourselves seriously.

A trio of PNSO Lufengosaurus models.

Mike of Everything Dinosaur with three Lufengosaurus dinosaur models. It might be better for him to bring the models to the packing room for Sue to pack. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

If you want a good chuckle and to see how we ensure your dinosaur toys arrive safely, check out our YouTube short! Who knew packing could be this much fun?

In the meantime, for some serious prehistoric animal figures and dinosaur toys, take a look at the Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys and Prehistoric Animal Models.

25 10, 2024

Video Highlights Beast of the Mesozoic Models

By |2024-10-25T14:36:49+01:00October 25th, 2024|Everything Dinosaur videos|0 Comments

There has been a lot of interest in the new Beasts of the Mesozoic models.  Indeed, the black Smilodon in the Beasts of the Cenozoic range has also attracted a lot of attention.  With this in mind, we have put together a short video that shows these new figures.  In this YouTube video, Mike the narrator comments about these articulated prehistoric animal models.  In addition, he declares that the 1:18 scale Deinonychus figure is his current favourite.

Video credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the range of Beasts of the Mesozoic/Beasts of the Cenozoic models in stock: Articulated Prehistoric Animal Models.

Beasts of the Mesozoic Models

In this short video, it lasts under sixty seconds, the narrator highlights the new prehistoric animal models.  Furthermore, the large and medium-sized theropod stands are shown.  The Allosaurus (A. fragilis) figure is discussed.  This dinosaur model has twenty-two points of articulation.  It is supplied with 3 sets of interchangeable feet with side-to-side pivot.  Moreover, this figure includes a transparent, adjustable display base. The box art was created by the famous palaeoartist Gabriel Ugueto.

There is a second shipment of models in this range due to arrive next month (November 2024).  This shipment will contain tyrannosaurs, ceratopsians and some raptors.

The Beasts of the Mesozoic Deinonychus figure in 1:18 scale.

The Beasts of the Mesozoic Deinonychus figure (D. antirrhopus). This theropod model has nineteen points of articulation. In addition, it is supplied with three sets of interchangeable feet.

The image (above) shows the Deinonychus antirrhopus model.  This figure is also in 1:18 scale and the packaging illustrations were also created by Gabriel Ugueto.

Mike added that prehistoric animal model fans and collectors had been eagerly awaiting the arrival of these new figures.

He explained:

“We have received lots of enquiries and as well as packing and despatching orders we have been answering these queries.  Collectors wanted to see the packaging and to gauge the actual size of the models.  So, we created a short video enabling viewers to see the packaging and the model sizes.”

The award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models.

21 10, 2024

Highlighting New Haolonggood Dinosaur Models

By |2024-10-21T14:26:24+01:00October 21st, 2024|Everything Dinosaur videos|0 Comments

Sue from Everything Dinosaur narrates Everything Dinosaur’s latest YouTube short.  This video, which lasts a little under sixty seconds highlights the recently arrived Haolonggood prehistoric animal models.  She points out the new Diabloceratops figures, the Saichania and stegosaur armoured dinosaurs.  In addition, the Amargasaurus models get a mention.  The Haolonggood section of the Everything Dinosaur is shown.  Sue and her colleague Mike have checked to make sure that these exciting new dinosaur models are on-line.  By showing the boxes, collectors can get a good idea of the size of the various prehistoric animal figures.

Video credit: Everything Dinosaur

The Everything Dinosaur YouTube channel is packed full of helpful and informative videos.  Furthermore, prehistoric animal models are reviewed as well.

Subscribe to Everything Dinosaur’s YouTube channel: Everything Dinosaur on YouTube.

Haolonggood Prehistoric Animal Models

Collecting dinosaur models brings immense joy to enthusiasts of all ages. Each prehistoric animal figure sparks a sense of wonder as collectors marvel at the intricate details and museum-quality features. Most of the Haolonggood prehistoric animal models have the same declared scale – 1:35. This makes displaying them together easy.

To view the range of Haolonggood figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Haolonggood Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Figures.

New Haolonggood dinosaur models in stock (August 2024)

Thirteen new Haolonggood dinosaur models in stock at Everything Dinosaur. The brown boxes at the back of the group are the three new Haolonggood Mamenchisaurus figures.  There are regular deliveries of Haolonggood models and figures at Everything Dinosaur’s warehouse. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The thrill of discovering a rare piece or adding a new species to the collection generates excitement and anticipation. Sharing these treasures with fellow collectors and engaging in discussions about palaeontology and model collecting deepens the appreciation for these magnificent figures. Ultimately, each model tells a story, connecting collectors to the distant past and fuelling their passion for exploration and learning.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys and Models.

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