Dinosaur model collectors and fans of Rebor figures have been contacting Everything Dinosaur. We have been emailed with dinosaur fans seeking advice on assembling the tail. The Rebor T. rex Cream models have been beautifully crafted. However, inserting the tail into the body can be a bit tricky. It can take considerable force. If you are careless, you might damage those small T. rex arms. Not to worry, we have put together a short, five-minute YouTube video that provides advice. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to insert the tail. In addition, we show how the arms can be positioned for display.
Video credit: Everything Dinosaur
To view the range of Rebor figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Rebor Models and Figures.
Assembling the Rebor T. rex Cream Figures – A Video Guide
Our video lasts a little over five minutes. It includes our top tips for assembling the Rebor Cream “Mountain” and “Skull Walker” models. Inserting the tail and posing the arms without any fuss.
Video Contents:
0:00 – Introduction.
0:43 – Subscribe!
0:54 – Unpacking your figure.
1:38 – Inserting the Tail.
3:01 – Apply some Heat!
3:39 – Moving the Arms.
4:18 – Where to Buy?
4:39 – “Skull Walker” or “Mountain” which figure do you prefer?
To visit the Everything Dinosaur YouTube channel: Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Model Videos.
Mike the narrator of the video commented:
“We hope this video helps. As well as showing how to assemble the Rebor T. rex Cream models, we demonstrate that these figures can stand on a flat surface unaided. However, we recommend that collectors use the transparent display stand that is supplied with these models.”

The Rebor T. rex Cream “Skull Walker” figure can stand on a flat surface without the transparent support stand. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
“Skull Walker” or “Mountain” Which Model do you Prefer?
Towards the end of our video, we pose a question. Which is your favourite Cream figure? Are you a fan of the “Skull Walker” model or do you like the “Mountain” variant?
Whichever figure you prefer, when it comes to Rebor Tyrannosaurus rex models there are plenty of exciting figures to choose from.
Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Figures and Toys.
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