Our thanks to prehistoric animal figure collector Carl who sent into Everything Dinosaur some photos of his new Haolonggood Mamenchisaurus models. Recently, Haolonggood added three colour variants of the iconic Chinese sauropod Mamenchisaurus to their range. The brown-coloured figure is referred to as Zhu Wu. Furthermore, the green-coloured model is known as Chai Jin. In addition, there is the Haolonggood Mamenchisaurus model (heterochromatic edition). All three models are popular with dinosaur fans and collectors.

Three Haolonggood Mamenchisaurus dinosaur models on display. The three sauropods are surrounded by prehistoric plant and tree models from the CollectA range. Picture credit: Carl.
Picture credit: Carl
Haolonggood Mamenchisaurus Models
Each 1:35 scale figure measures around sixty-six centimetres in length. The head height is approximately twenty-eight centimetres. These are amazing replicas of a taxon that was formally described seventy years ago (Young, 1954). Carl has used some CollectA prehistoric plant models in his sauropod model display. The three giant herbivores are browsing on cycads. These dinosaurs had huge appetites and spent much of their time eating. We suspect that the Williamsonia and smaller cycads will also be on the menu.
View the range of Haolonggood prehistoric animal figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Haolonggood Prehistoric Animal Models.
Picture credit: Carl
Mike from Everything Dinosaur thanked Carl for emailing the images. He praised the creative use of the CollectA prehistoric plants to create a scene depicting sauropods feeding.
He added:
“I like the composition! These sauropods probably moved around in herds, and they would have spent a lot of time feeding. Their long necks enabled them to reach food sources that other herbivores could not. Food sources such as the top of cycad trees for example. We also enjoy seeing how creative our customers can be with dinosaur models and replicas of prehistoric plants. It is wonderful to see all the dioramas and scenes that they create.”
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