New Prehistoric Times (Winter 2014) Reviewed
Prehistoric Times Winter 2014
With team members at Everything Dinosaur undertaking a lot of work in schools over the next few weeks, any members of staff staying away from the office will have plenty to read as the new edition of Prehistoric Times (issue 104) has arrived. Editor, Mike Fredericks proudly states that this latest edition of the quarterly magazine for fans of prehistoric animal models and everything to do with dinosaurs is “really special” and we are not going to disagree, as it is packed from cover to cover with lots of amazing prehistoric animal artwork, model and book reviews, articles and updates on the world of palaeontology.
Prehistoric Times
Let’s start by singing the praises of the front cover. Issue 108 (winter 2014) is adorned by a brilliantly evocative piece of art by that very talented artist and illustrator Fabio Pastori. Fabio depicts a feathered Allosaurus battling a Stegosaurus, whilst Late Jurassic birds flap their wings in earnest to escape the mayhem.
Prehistoric Times (Issue 108)

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur/Prehistoric Times
Super artwork Fabio, one of our favourite covers was your Dilophosaurus illustration on the front cover of issue 88, now we might just have to change our minds having seen the wonderful artwork on the latest edition of Prehistoric Times.
“How to Draw Dinosaurs”
One of the great things about this magazine is the regular feature “How to Draw Dinosaurs”, written by Tracy Lee Ford. His contribution deals with recent developments in the study of hadrosaurs (Saurolophinae), updating readers on changes in how these ornithopods may be illustrated with the discovery of a soft crest on the skull of a specimen of Edmontosaurus regalis discovered near the city of Grande Prairie in Canada. Everything Dinosaur wrote a short article about this amazing fossil find, one that could change the way that duck-billed dinosaurs are depicted in the future, when the academic paper was published in “Current Biology”.
To read Everything Dinosaur’s article: Duck-Billed Dinosaur with a Comb like a Rooster.
The article contains lots of interesting insights into Saurolophinae skull morphology, with some handy line drawings to help get the main points across.
The two prehistoric animals featured in this issue are Australovenator and the enormous ancient ape Gigantopithecus. Phil Hore goes over the finer details of these very diverse members of the fossil record and there are lots of amazing reader’s artwork included too. A big opposable thumbs up to Phil, especially for his highly informative and well-written article on Gigantopithecus.
Amongst all the updates on dinosaur collectibles and new model releases, there is an interview with artist David Krentz and his involvement in the 3-D “Walking with Dinosaurs” movie that is currently on release, plus the latest news concerning the Canadian-produced spin-off to the British television series “Primeval”. Look out for the book reviews and the highly informative overview of 2013 from a palaeontologist’s perspective written by the well-travelled Steve Brusatte. Now residing north of the border, Steve’s passion for palaeontology has taken him to Scotland to take up a post as a research fellow for the University of Edinburgh.
Prehistoric animals on stamps are a theme for the winter edition, with an article by James Gurney that details the work behind the production of a set of postage stamps commissioned by Australia Post showcasing the diversity of Mesozoic fauna from down under. British prehistoric animals get a look in too, as there is a feature on the twelve first class stamps illustrated by John Sibbick for Royal Mail. The stamps, originally commissioned to celebrate the centenary of the book “The Lost World” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle were delayed by Team GB’s success at the 2012 Olympics but were released in October of last year.
To read more about the stamps from Royal Mail: Royal Mail Issues New Prehistoric Animal Stamps.
John Sibbick’s artwork is superb and in Prehistoric Times he talks through how he went about depicting prehistoric fauna strongly associated with the British Isles. The stamps were released to celebrate over 150 years of the study of palaeontology in the United Kingdom, Everything Dinosaur got involved with this project when they were asked to write the cover notes and information on the extinct creatures featured in the set. It was fun!
There’s a lot packed into the latest edition, look out for the review of a visit to the famous Natural History Museum of Berlin, as well as interviews with dinosaur sculptors Allen Debus and Bob Morales, Everything Dinosaur even gets a mention in the editorial.
We asked our chum, Mike to give our Facebook page a plug, we are on a mission to get “likes” for our boss “Tyrannosaurus Sue”.
Hit the Facebook Logo to Visit Everything Dinosaur on Facebook

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
All in all, thoroughly recommended, a definite inclusion in our travel bags and overnight gear as team members spend the next few weeks on their adventures.
To learn more about Prehistoric Times visit the website: Prehistoric Times Magazine.
Congratulations to Safari Ltd, as their Gryposaurus dinosaur model was voted “Best New Toy” by Prehistoric Times readers.
To view the award-winning Wild Safari Prehistoric World model range: Wild Safari Prehistoric World Models and Figures.