Everything Dinosaur recently received the official image of the CollectA giant short-faced bear model.  We had received some exclusive images of the prototype, however, now we can post up the official image from the manufacturer. It certainly is a wonderful model of Arctodus simus.  A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur confirmed that it would be in stock next year (2025), but they were not quite sure when. It should be available in the spring.

The CollectA Deluxe giant short-faced bear model.

The CollectA Deluxe giant short-faced bear figure. This model will be in stock at Everything Dinosaur in 2025. This is the official CollectA image included in the media release.

Intriguingly, the model in this view does not show the torn right ear.  This was a detail we highlighted in an earlier blog post when we announced this new figure.

To read our earlier blog post about the CollectA Deluxe Arctodus simusNew CollectA Models for 2025 (Part 2).

The CollectA Giant Short-faced Bear

This is the third prehistoric animal figure for 2025 to have been announced.  It joins the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Furcatoceratops and the remarkable 1:20 scale CollectA Deluxe Jaekelopterus.  Congratulations to CollectA these three models represent the enormous variety in the CollectA range.

The CollectA Deluxe Arctodus simus model has already attracted a lot of interest from dinosaur fans and model collectors.  Furthermore, having received the official CollectA image we can comment on some of the additional details that can be seen.  However, if you only have the official image to guide you, you will have missed that torn ear detail.

CollectA Arctodus simus model.

The CollectA Deluxe 1:20 scale giant short-faced bear. This figure shows some remarkable details, including a damaged ear. The red arrow points to the torn ear.

How Big is the Model?

There has been speculation as to the model’s size.  We can now confirm that the official measurements for this figure are height 17.3 cm, and length including that outstretched left paw, is around 9.5 cm.  With a declared height of 17.3 cm, this suggests an animal standing around 3.46 metres tall in 1:20 scale.

This confirms that this figure probably represents a male.  Males were much larger than the females.  In addition, it demonstrates the accuracy of this model, in terms of its scaling. The largest specimens of A. simus probably stood around 3.4 metres tall when they reared up onto their hind legs.

Confirmation of the height measurement of the CollectA Deluxe Arctodus simus model.

Confirming the size of the CollectA Deluxe giant short-faced bear model. Picture credit: Additional annotation by Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Additional annotation by Everything Dinosaur.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur confirmed that this model should be available around the same time as the Furcatoceratops and the 1:20 scale Jaekelopterus model (spring 2025).

To view the range of CollectA Deluxe figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: CollectA Deluxe Models.

Paws for Thought – A “False Thumb”

A close-up examination of the right paw of the CollectA figure reveals further carefully crafted details.  The pad has an enlarged and raised area under digit I (the thumb). This feature is seen in the only extant bear in the Tremarctinae subfamily (Tremarctos ornatus). In addition, almost diagonally opposite, there is a second, oval-shaped pad. It is the pad associated with the radial sesamoid bone.

This feature is also found in T. ornatus (the spectacled bear), as well as extant pandas.  This suggest that the sesamoid pad is a primitive, more basal characteristic that was lost in later bear taxa.  It is often referred to as the “False Thumb” as it has a role in helping the bear to grasp plant stems and other items.

The right paw of the CollectA giant short-faced bear figure.

A close-up view of the right paw of the CollectA giant short-faced bear model. The “False Thumb” is highlighted along with a secondary fleshy area of pad opposite it. This morphology reflects what is seen in the spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus).

Picture credit: Additional annotation by Everything Dinosaur

Team members at Everything Dinosaur are looking forward to the CollectA giant short-faced bear model coming into stock.

Mike from Everything Dinosaur added:

“The official CollectA image shows the details on the paw of the figure nicely.  This 1:20 scale figure should be in stock sometime in the spring of 2025.”

Visit the award-winning website of Everything Dinosaur: Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Toys.