New CollectA Prehistoric Animal Models for 2025 – Part 4

By |2024-11-21T23:04:50+00:00November 22nd, 2024|CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Animal Models|0 Comments

Some exciting news! In collaboration with our friends at CollectA we make a fourth announcement about new CollectA prehistoric animal models for 2025. There is going to be a CollectA Deluxe Gallimimus model! Dinosaur model fans have been lobbying for more ornithomimids and CollectA have listened.  Our thanks to CollectA for sending Everything Dinosaur some exclusive images.

  • CollectA Deluxe 1:40 scale Gallimimus (G. bullatus).

We expect this theropod figure to be in stock sometime in 2025, we are not sure when at the moment, but we will do our best to keep everyone informed.

The CollectA Deluxe Gallimimus model.

The new for 2025 CollectA Deluxe Gallimimus model shown in lateral view.

The CollectA Deluxe Gallimimus Model

We know that dinosaur fans and model collectors have considered ornithomimid models somewhat underrepresented.  It can be challenging to make replicas of these graceful theropods, with their long legs and small heads.  However, CollectA have listened to dinosaur fans, and they have produced an intriguing dinosaur figure.  The model is bird-like and those striking blue wings with their flashes of red would be ideal for visual displays.  Perhaps this is a male in his courtship colours.  There are bright red quills on the top of the head and a large, flashy wattle on the throat.  This is one eye-catching theropod!

CollectA Deluxe Gallimimus model.

The striking colours of the Gallimimus figure. This is a very flamboyant dinosaur!

A view of the figure from the front provides the opportunity to see the paler throat and the lighter underside of the figure.  The CollectA Deluxe Gallimimus model measures around fifteen centimetres long.  If an adult Gallimimus bullatus reached a body length of approximately six metres, then, a scale declaration of 1:40 would be quite accurate.

To view the range of CollectA Deluxe figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Animal Models.

The CollectA Deluxe Gallimimus figure.

A graceful dinosaur figure with bird-like features. The new for 2025 CollectA Deluxe Gallimimus bullatus.

An Intriguing Base

The model is perched (very appropriately for a bird-like theropod), on a small display base.  As the feet are in proportion to the rest of the figure, a base was required to allow the figure to stand up.  This base is predominately a light brown colour.  The base could represent a muddy area close to a body of water.  Mudstone deposits are associated with the Nemegt Basin of Mongolia.

Intriguingly, if you look carefully, these images give a tantalising glimpse of a couple of extra details on the base.  For example, at the back of the base there is a raised, grey-coloured area. Many Gallimimus quarries have been raided by illegal fossil collectors.  These poachers damage fossils in their haste to extract as many bones as they can before the alarm is raised.

In one Gallimimus quarry palaeontologists discovered an isolated right foot. It probably had been part of a much more complete specimen, but the site was raided by poachers and most of the fossil material had been removed.  In addition, three-toed Gallimimus tracks were found.  These tracks were of different sizes.  This indicates that juveniles as well as adults left their prints.

The Gallimimus base could show these tracks and the fossil foot bone.  These images show a prototype model, it is not attached to the base but has been stuck to it with blu tack.  We expect the production figure to be firmly attached to the base.

Details of the Gallimimus base.

The model’s base shows some amazing details. There is a Gallimimus foot bone and Gallimimus tracks.

Thank You CollectA!

Mike from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“Thank you CollectA!  It’s great to have a model of the largest ornithomimid known to science.  If the base includes tracks and a foot bone it demonstrates that CollectA have paid attention to the fossil record.  If the foot bone is present, then in a subtle way the manufacturer is raising awareness about the problem of poaching fossils.”

The new for 2025 CollectA Deluxe Gallimimus model.

The new for 2025 CollectA Deluxe Gallimimus model. The model measures around 15 cm long, so based on a 6-metre-long adult Gallimimus, this figure is in approximately 1:40 scale.

To paraphrase a line from the 1993 movie “Jurassic Park” – Gallimimus is flocking your way – sometime next year.

Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Models and Toys.