Everything Dinosaur will be stocking Haolonggood prehistoric animal models. The first shipment of models is due to arrive at Everything Dinosaur’s warehouse next month (September 2023).
A total of nineteen Haolonggood dinosaur models are on their way to Everything Dinosaur. The models to be stocked include both versions of the recently introduced Allosaurus figure. The Allosaurus models are named Yangzhi and Suochao respectively.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
To view the range of Haolonggood prehistoric animal models: Haolonggood Dinosaur Models.
Haolonggood Prehistoric Animal Models
The full list of Haolonggood prehistoric animal models due to arrive at Everything Dinosaur:
- Dicraeosaurus (Yunmi)
- Nasutoceratops (Huarong)
- Nasutoceratops (Yanqing)
- Ouranosaurus (Wuwei)
- Ouranosaurus (Wuju)
- Tianzhenosaurus (Shixiou)
- Tianzhenosaurus (Yangxiong)
- Pentaceratops (Lioutang)
- Pentaceratops (Likui)
- Apatosaurus (Shijing)
- Apatosaurus (Huangxin)
- Wuerhosaurus (Shiyong)
- Wuerhosaurus (Jiaoting)
- Pachyrhinosaurus (Ivfang)
- Pachyrhinosaurus (Guosheng)
- Edmontonia (Jiezhen)
- Edmontonia (Jiebao)
- Allosaurus (Yangzhi)
- Allosaurus (Suochao)
These models will be available for sale next month (September, 2023).
To enquire about these Haolonggood figures: Email Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
For further information about Haolonggood models and figures: Email Everything Dinosaur.
For dinosaur figures and prehistoric animal models: Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models.
Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
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