Everything Dinosaur Team Member to Speak at International Event
Everything Dinosaur team member Sue Judd has been asked to speak at an international business event organised by China Britain Business Council. The event hosted by KPMG is being held next month in Manchester. The prestigious event involving the China Britain Business Council, the UK Department for Business and Trade and the Manchester China Forum will explore opportunities for continuing UK/China commercial engagement.
Sue has been asked to speak about the prospects of developing more import and export opportunities. Her focus will be on business to consumer goods. Undoubtedly, dinosaurs will get a mention.
An Everything Dinosaur Team Member Mixes with the “Great and the Good”
Improving prospects along with the recent resumption of travel to China has permitted greater commercial engagement. The event aims to explore how companies can capitalise on the opportunities presented by China’s post-pandemic reopening. Many UK businesses have found huge success in the Chinese market. However, the world-wide economic slowdown, the global pandemic, and geo-political tensions have all had an impact on the environment for international business.
China remains the UK’s third largest trading partner. Trade between the UK and China was worth approximately £111 billion in 2022. The line-up of speakers from business, academia and government will discuss the prospects for trade with China. Presenters include Andrew Seaton, Chief Executive of the China-Britain Business Council and Gillian Drakeford MBE.
Sue Judd of Everything Dinosaur has played a significant role in helping to develop the company’s export success.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Sue commented that she was looking forward to speaking at the event. Her role was to help encourage other firms to develop business relationships with Chinese companies.
Sue added:
“Hopefully I will be able to encourage other businesses to consider working with Chinese companies and entrepreneurs in China. I might also get asked questions about dinosaurs too.”
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