Everything Dinosaur are passionate about dinosaurs and prehistoric animal models. The award-winning, UK-based company exports to over a hundred countries and recently they were interviewed about their export success as part of a project to help inspire others to follow their dreams.

Passionate about dinosaurs - Everything Dinosaur sucessful exporters.
Cheshire and Warrington Growth Hub wanted to highlight local businesses that could help to inspire other companies to export their goods and services. Everything Dinosaur team members were interviewed, and a short video produced. The aim of this project is to help and inspire others to export. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Everything Dinosaur Helping to Inspire Others

Cheshire and Warrington Growth Hub wanted to help support the drive for exports during International Trade Week and contacted Everything Dinosaur to see if team members were willing to be interviewed about how they sell dinosaur and prehistoric animal models to customers based overseas. Lauren and Emily from Prickly Peach Films were despatched, and they made a short video about Everything Dinosaur’s export success.

Everything Dinosaur video.
Lauren and Emily from Prickly Peach Films with a representative of the DIT preparing to shoot a video at Everything Dinosaur’s warehouse. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

The aim of this video, one of a series of promotional activities organised by the Cheshire and Warrington Growth Hub in collaboration with the Department of Industry and Trade (DIT), is to help encourage other companies to open businesses and to export their goods and services.

Passionate About Dinosaurs

Sue of Everything Dinosaur was reluctant to be interviewed but she helped with the shooting of the B-roll as she was filmed and photographed preparing and packing an order for a customer. Mike was given the task of answering the questions posed by the interviewer and hopefully the video will help to inspire others to pursue their passions and develop sales overseas.

The Everything Dinosaur Exporting Case Study

Everything Dinosaur Exporting Case Study – Cheshire and Warrington Growth Hub

Mike and Sue hope their short video helps to inspire other companies to explore export markets. Perhaps it might even encourage young people just beginning their careers to start their own business dealing with something that they too care about passionately in the same way that Mike and Sue are passionate about dinosaurs.

To view Everything Dinosaur’s award-winning website: Everything Dinosaur.