New CollectA Models for 2023 (Final Part)
Everything Dinosaur in collaboration with our chums at CollectA announce the fourth and final batch of new CollectA prehistoric animal models for 2023. Two new prehistoric animal figures have been announced, both scale models, one a recently named dinosaur, the second the first replica of an ancient amphibian to be made by CollectA namely:
- CollectA Deluxe 1:20 scale Koolasuchus cleelandi – due to be available mid-2023.
- CollectA Deluxe 1:6 scale Stegouros elengassen – due to be available mid-2023.
New CollectA Prehistoric Animal Models

CollectA Deluxe Koolasuchus cleelandi
The Koolasuchus figure is the first prehistoric amphibian model to be made by CollectA. It was the last of its kind, surviving in the fast-flowing rivers of what was to become Australia some fifty million years after its closest relatives had become extinct. In the notes that accompanied the model photographs, reference is made to the Koolasuchus figure having paired tusks and tiny teeth embedded into the roof of its huge mouth, anatomical features found in other temnospondyls and presumed present in this ambush predator.

The tail is deep and broad, which would have helped propel this three to five-metre-long carnivore through the water. The tail looks to have a few nicks in it, very appropriate for a replica of a large, mature animal. The mottled green markings on the model would have helped to camouflage this amphibian as it lurked amongst the weeds waiting to catch its next meal. Those formidable, different-sized teeth look most impressive too.
CollectA Deluxe 1:6 Scale Stegouros
The final new for 2023 prehistoric animal figure to be announced is a replica of the bizarre, armoured dinosaur Stegouros (S. elengassen), which was formally, scientifically described in December 2021.
To read Everything Dinosaur’s blog post about Stegouros elengassen: New Armoured Dinosaur from Chile.
Roaming the southernmost parts of Chile in the Late Cretaceous, Stegouros demonstrates skull features that reflect a close affinity with the Ankylosauria, but the postcranial skeleton shows more primitive stegosaur-like characteristics.
The unique tail club, reminiscent of an Aztec warrior’s club (macuahuitl) is depicted along with the dermal armour and the skin texture looks amazing. The model has been posed as if it is about to swing its tail. The white flash over the eye reflects the view that facial markings could have been important visual signals to denote maturity and the health of an individual. The figure has a declared scale of 1/6th.
To view the range of CollectA Deluxe figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Life Models.
Model Measurements
- CollectA Deluxe 1:20 scale Koolasuchus (Other Prehistoric Animals) – length 21.4 cm, height 4 cm (approximately).
- CollectA Deluxe 1:6 scale Stegouros (CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Deluxe) – length 30.5 cm, tail height 9.5 cm (approximately).
This exciting pair of Cretaceous prehistoric animal models should be available from Everything Dinosaur in the middle of 2023.
This concludes the new for 2023 CollectA prehistoric animal announcements.
To view Everything Dinosaur’s blog post about the first batch of new CollectA prehistoric animals for 2023 to be announced (Ceratosuchops, Hadrosaurus and Triceratops horridus – confronting: New CollectA Models for 2023 (Part 1).
To read our blog post about the second batch of new CollectA prehistoric animal figures for 2023: Ruyangosaurus, Brighstoneus and Anomalocaris: New CollectA Models for 2023 (Part 2).
To read our blog post about the third batch of new CollectA models (Shastasaurus and Mosasaurus): New CollectA Models for 2023 (Part 3).
To view the CollectA Prehistoric Life Model range: CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular/Prehistoric Life Models.