Everything Dinosaur Stocks the New for 2018 Safari Ltd Booklet
Everything Dinosaur stocks a range of collector booklets and recently the new for 2018 Safari Ltd collectors booklet has arrived. This handy guide enables dinosaur model fans to see the full range of the prehistoric animal models that are currently produced by Safari Ltd, the majority of which are within the “Wild Safari Prehistoric World” portfolio.
The Safari Ltd Collectors Booklet
Available from Everything Dinosaur

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The 2018 Safari Ltd collectors booklet is now available from Everything Dinosaur. This handy guide to the Safari model range including the “Wild Safari Prehistoric World” series can be requested from us, or simply when placing an order, add a booklet to your shopping cart, it is free, only the subsidised postage to pay if it is ordered separately.
To view the prehistoric animal figures and dinosaur models from Safari Ltd at Everything Dinosaur: Wild Safari Prehistoric World Models.
New for 2018 Prehistoric Animal Models
Safari Ltd have something like 850 figures and sets within their huge range. This year, they have added a whopping fourteen new sculpts of prehistoric animals for dinosaur and model fans to collect. This total does include the Przewalski’s horse figure and the beautiful model of the Permian predator Dimetrodon (sail-backed reptile).
Lots of New Models Added to the Range in 2018

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Replacing the Carnegie Collectables Series
With the retirement of the Carnegie Collectables series of scale models, Safari Ltd have set about replacing some of these figures with new models, hence the introduction of a new Triceratops and Ankylosaurus, for example. It is great to see such a wide range of new for 2018 model introductions. The new figures (illustrated above), include both prehistoric mammals as well as dinosaurs and a substantial temporal range is represented. All credit to Safari Ltd for making models of some lesser known dinosaurs such as Malawisaurus (M. dixeyi). This sauropod heralds from the Sitwe Valley region of northern Malawi and it was first described ninety years ago by the English-born, South African palaeontologist Sidney Henry Haughton.
The New for 2018 Wild Safari Prehistoric World Malawisaurus Dinosaur Model

A Personal Favourite
We received an email from a collector last week that asked which of the new Safari Ltd models was our personal favourite? It is quite hard to pick a single figure from such an excellent range, however, after a discussion, we agreed that the Macrauchenia replica with its beautiful colour scheme and attention to detail was probably our current favourite. Which of these new models from Safari Ltd is your favourite?
Model collectors and fans of the Safari Ltd product range can peruse at their leisure all the new additions as well as viewing their favourites in the pocket-sized 2018 Safari Ltd collectors booklet.
The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
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