New Prehistoric Animal Models from Schleich
Schleich, the Germany-based model and figure manufacturer have extended their range or prehistoric animal models by adding six new models to the “Conquering the Earth” range. All the dinosaurs and prehistoric animals are suitable for children from three years and upwards and they are designed to help encourage creative, imaginative play.
New for 2018 Prehistoric Animal Models from Schleich

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Familiar and Less Familiar Prehistoric Animals
One of the new additions is a model of the famous three-horned dinosaur Triceratops. This dinosaur tends to be well-represented in most prehistoric animal model ranges, but Schleich have branched out in recent years adding replicas of less well-known ancient animals, all of which come with a helpful booklet that provides a few details on the extinct creature that the figure represents. Take for example, the new for 2018 Tawa model (Tawa hallae), a model of a Triassic dinosaur that even the most ardent young dinosaur fan may struggle to know much about. Schleich have also introduced a number of feathered dinosaur models, the huge Therizinosaurus, the beautiful Oviraptor and the bristle-backed, plant-eater Psittacosaurus.
The New for 2018 Schleich Tawa hallae Dinosaur Model

Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
Fossils of this fast-running dinosaur come from sedimentary deposits in New Mexico. These rocks have been dated to around 215 million years ago and Tawa hallae has helped palaeontologists to better understand the evolution of lizard-hipped dinosaurs and meat-eating dinosaurs in particular.
Schleich Prehistoric Animal Models – Detailed and Accurate
From the initial draft sketches through to the final decoration by hand, all the Schleich prehistoric animal figures are based on the fossil evidence helping young people to learn about life in the past. Schleich models allow children to play and to learn at the same time. These very tactile replicas are ideally suited to little hands and they help to encourage creativity and independence.
Not Just Dinosaurs – The Schleich Dinogorgon Figure

The design team at Schleich are keen to help children to broaden their horizons. They don’t just produce dinosaur models, for instance, new for 2018 is a beautiful model of a fearsome predator that lived long before the first dinosaur evolved. The Schleich Dinogorgon model (see above), is a representation of what was once termed a “mammal-like reptile”. Indeed, these creatures are more closely related to modern mammals than they are to dinosaurs. By creating replicas of some of the more unusual animals in the fossil record, Schleich helps young children to learn about the evolution of life on Earth.
To view the range of Schleich figures and replicas available from Everything Dinosaur: Schleich Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models.