Primary School Pupils Explore the Dinosauria
Another busy day for Everything Dinosaur team members with a primary school visit. Children at St. Joseph and St. Bede R. C. Primary had a great time exploring fossils and learning all animals and plants that lived in the past. As part of our teaching work we looked at the work of a palaeontologist, examined the differences and the similarities between plants today and those preserved as fossils. The pupils looked at plant-eaters and meat-eaters, well done to Tilly for knowing what a herbivore ate.
Dinosaurs and Fossils
Our team member even met a student called Maia and we explained all about the dinosaur called Maiasaura (Good Mother Lizard).
To read more about the dinosaur called Maiasaura: Maiasaura – Mothers Day and Marsh.
The Teaching Team Prepared A Slide Show of the Activities
Slideshow credit: St. Joseph and St. Bede Primary School
We did have some dinosaur eggs, but we are not sure where they have gone. Could we have left them at the school?
Lots of extension activities have come out of the visit, we look forward to hearing more about how the school children have been learning to work scientifically.
For more information about Everything Dinosaur’s extensive dinosaur and prehistoric animal themed product range: Visit Everything Dinosaur.
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