A Delightful Dicraeosaurus Scale Drawing
Everything Dinosaur has commissioned a Dicraeosaurus scale drawing to use in a fact sheet in anticipation of the arrival of the Haolonggood Dicraeosaurus model. The Haolonggood shipment is due to arrive at the company’s warehouse in a few days.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Dicraeosaurus Scale Drawing
The Haolonggood Dicraeosaurus sauropod model has a scale of 1:35. The figure measures a fraction under 36 cm long. It stands approximately 9.5 cm high.
Two species have been named. Both the type species Dicraeosaurus hansemanni and the potentially geologically younger D. sattleri are known from numerous skeletons, many of which are nearly complete. Dicraeosaurus had a short neck, and a relatively large head. The jaws were more robust than those of other diplodocids. It is likely that this sauropod fed on coarse plant material.
To view the range of dinosaur and prehistoric animal models available from Everything Dinosaur: Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models and Figures.
Dicraeosaurus is regarded as one of the largest of the dicraeosaurid dinosaurs. Palaeontologists estimate that it grew to a length of around fifteen metres.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented that the team members were looking forward to the arrival of the Haolonggood models.
The spokesperson added:
“We expect the PNSO and Haolonggood shipments to arrive at our warehouse on the same day. It is likely that they will arrive next Wednesday [20th September]. We have made plans to ensure we can unpack the shipment rapidly and then get these sets of figures on-line quickly. We have also allocated some time that day to contact all those customers who wanted to be informed when the PNSO and Haolonggood figures arrived.”
Visit the website of Everything Dinosaur: Everything Dinosaur.
To view the range of Haolonggood models in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Haolonggood Models and Figures.