Team members at Everything Dinosaur have been busy preparing a Brighstoneus scale drawing in readiness for the arrival of the new for 2023 CollectA Brighstoneus dinosaur model. The first of the new for 2023 CollectA prehistoric animal figures are expected to be in stock in a few weeks. As we research and write our Brighstoneus fact sheet, a scale drawing was commissioned so that we could demonstrate the approximate size of this recently described dinosaur.

Brighstoneus scale drawing
The Brighstoneus scale drawing being prepared for the Everything Dinosaur Brighstoneus fact sheet that we intend to despatch with the CollectA Age of Dinosaur Popular Brighstoneus figure. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To read Everything Dinosaur’s article from November 2021 about this new herbivorous dinosaur: New Hadrosauriform from the Isle of Wight.

Brighstoneus Scale Drawing

When scientifically described (Lockwood et al), Brighstoneus was estimated to measure around eight metres in length, and to have a body mass of approximately nine hundred kilogrammes, team members at Everything Dinosaur have attempted to reflect the animal’s size by using a silhouette of a human being to give a visual guide to scale. Readers can hopefully appreciate how our drawing represents the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular model.

CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Brighstoneus Model
The CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Brighstoneus dinosaur model. This ornithopod figure should be available from Everything Dinosaur in early 2023.

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur, explained that they were looking forward to receiving this exciting new herbivorous dinosaur replica and confirmed that the first batch of CollectA prehistoric animal figures (with the exception of the 1:6 scale Stegouros and the 1:20 scale Koolasuchus), should be arriving at the company’s warehouse in a few weeks. The Stegouros and the Koolasuchus were due to be in stock later in the year (April/May 2023).

To view the CollectA Age of Dinosaurs range of not-to-scale figures: CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Range.