More Improvements to the Everything Dinosaur Website
Everything Dinosaur team members have set aside much of the time this week to schedule some adjustments and improvements to the company’s website. Some minor changes are being made to the way in which pictures are being uploaded onto the site, these alterations are part of Everything Dinosaur’s on-going plans for continuous improvement and customers will not notice any difference in the operation of our various platforms.
As part of the changes, some of the visuals have been updated to include images of recently introduced or items that are being introduced in the very near future.
Changing Some of the Visuals on the Everything Dinosaur Website

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Continuous Improvement – Kaizen
The Everything Dinosaur website is being constantly examined and analysed in order to detect areas where improvements can be made. Our aim is to build a culture of continuous improvement and these goals and aims are reflected in the way in which we try to maintain and develop our on-line presence. All team members have a role to play in helping to develop continuous improvement. Take for example, some of the visuals that we use to promote various categories and sub-categories of products. These are updated and refreshed in order to reflect the latest additions to our product range.
Updating the Papo Sub-category Image
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
To view the Papo prehistoric animal models section: Papo Prehistoric Animal Models.
Updating Papo Images on the Everything Dinosaur Website
As part of our revision of the images we use on the website, the visual associated with the Papo website has been updated to include the recently introduced brown, running Tyrannosaurus rex figure. The image also depicts the Papo Pentaceratops and the Gorgosaurus, both models are due to in stock later on this year (summer 2019).
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“Updating the visuals is important for our customers, it helps them to see how a product range is changing. We not only take care to include upcoming, new items but also we ensure that out of production items are removed from these visuals. After all, we don’t want to confuse our visitors.”
Updating Wild Safari Prehistoric World Images to Improve Page Loading
In addition to the Papo category being adjusted, other model categories have been revamped too. Take for example, the Wild Safari Prehistoric World range of prehistoric animal models and figures. Virtually all of the new for 2019 models are already in stock at Everything Dinosaur, but plans are well advanced to receive the last of this year’s new models – the Wild Safari Prehistoric World Allosaurus. As a result, the visual used to promote this sub-category has also been revised. The new Allosaurus model has been added to this image.
To view the Safari Ltd model section: Wild Safari Prehistoric World.
Updating the Wild Safari Prehistoric World Model Sub-category
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Find Everything Dinosaur’s main website: Everything Dinosaur.
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