JurassicCollectables Reviews a New Pteranodon Model
Wild Safari Prehistoric World Pteranodon Model Review
The talented team at JurassicCollectables have posted up a short video review of the new for 2019 walking Pteranodon model from the Wild Safari Prehistoric World figure collection. This video review really helps collectors and prehistoric animal model fans to appreciate the vivid colours that Safari Ltd chose for their new pterosaur figure. Unlike most flying reptile figures, this new for 2019 introduction, depicts Pteranodon on the ground, after all, these members of the Pterosauria must have spent some time on “terra firma”.
The Wild Safari Prehistoric World Pteranodon Video Review
Video credit: JurassicCollectables
Fantastic Details Around the Skull and the Eye
In the short video review, (the video lasts six minutes and thirty seconds), the narrator takes the Pteranodon model out of its wrapping and provides viewers with a guided tour of the figure. Much of the video focuses on the beautifully-painted head, crest and beak. In particular, the painting around the eye is praised. Safari Ltd have made Pteranodon figures before, but this is the first Pteranodon model that has been depicted in a walking pose and not with the wings stretched out in a flying position.
In the Video, the Quality of the Painting Around the Eye is Highlighted

Picture credit: JurassicCollectables
Pteranodon longiceps
The genus Pteranodon and the first species (P. longiceps), was erected in 1876 (Othniel Charles Marsh). Numerous models of this famous Late Cretaceous pterosaur have been made, but few of them with the quality of sculpt and the paintwork of this Safari Ltd replica. The shape of the crest denotes the species and the tiger colouration and the subtle airbrushing on the crest is admirable.
The Wild Safari Prehistoric World Pteranodon (P. longiceps) Model
Picture credit: JurassicCollectables
A Well-crafted Pteranodon Model
This well-crafted figure measures over eight centimetres long and the head is some ten centimetres off the ground. The Pteranodon model used in the review was one of the first of the production figures to be made. In this most informative video review, the model is compared with the recently reviewed Kaiyodo Sofubi Toy Box T. rex figure . The Papo green standing T. rex also features, along with a cameo appearance by off-colour Alan. No JurassicCollectables video review would be complete without an appearance of the Alan Grant figure.
The Wild Safari Prehistoric World Pteranodon Compared to the “Classic” Kaiyodo Sofubi Toy Box T. rex Figure
Picture credit: JurassicCollectables
Our thanks to JurassicCollectables for posting up such an interesting and helpful video review, of what is an excellent pterosaur model.
The YouTube channel of JurassicCollectables contains lots of informative and helpful dinosaur and prehistoric animal videos. Everything Dinosaur recommends that readers subscribe to JurassicCollectables: JurassicCollectables YouTube Channel.
To view the range of Wild Safari Prehistoric World models and figures including the 2019 Pteranodon model: Safari Ltd Wild Safari Prehistoric World.
Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.