JurassicCollectables Reviews the Wild Safari Prehistoric World Stegosaurus
A Review of the Wild Safari Prehistoric World Stegosaurus Model
Safari Ltd have a long history of making Stegosaurus models, in fact when Safari Ltd first introduced the Carnegie Collection of figures back in 1989, the first figure in terms of its catalogue reference number was a Stegosaurus (400-01).
Stegosaurus Dinosaur Model
Over the last thirty years or so, our knowledge of armoured dinosaurs has greatly improved and there have been numerous stegosaurid figures produced. Those dedicated people at JurassicCollectables have just produced a video review of the latest Stegosaurus model to be added to the Safari Ltd prehistoric animal portfolio. They have reviewed the 2019 Wild Safari Prehistoric World Stegosaurus.
A Video Review of the New for 2019 Wild Safari Prehistoric World Stegosaurus Figure
Video credit: JurassicCollectables
The 2019 Wild Safari Prehistoric World Stegosaurus Model
One of the most iconic and easily recognisable of all the dinosaurs, Stegosaurus was first scientifically described in 1877 by the famous American palaeontologist Othniel Charles Marsh and in this six minute video review, JurassicCollectables provide a detailed overview of this latest stegosaur figure.
This is the third video review to be made in the last few weeks by JurassicCollectables that features a prehistoric animal from Safari Ltd. Everything Dinosaur dispatched a Stegosaurus along with the new for 2019 swimming Spinosaurus and the beautifully painted, Wild Safari Prehistoric World Pteranodon model to the video making enthusiasts, as soon as these figures became available. One section of this video review looks at all of these three models together, it is great to see new figures and models coming out from a mainstream model maker like Safari Ltd.
JurassicCollectables have already produced video reviews of the Wild Safari Prehistoric World Spinosaurus and the Pteranodon figure. These videos are available to view on the JurassicCollectables YouTube channel. Everything Dinosaur team members recommend that dinosaur fans and model collectors subscribe to JurassicCollectables on YouTube, the channel can be found here: The YouTube Channel of JurassicCollectables.
The Wild Safari Prehistoric World Stegosaurus Model
Compared in Size with Other Safari Ltd Figures
One of the benefits of a video review is that it enables potential buyers to get a really good look at a figure before purchasing. The video format also permits a model to be compared with a number of other figures and replicas. Naturally, we have a cameo appearance from “off-colour” Alan, an action figure of Alan Grant from the “Jurassic Park/World” franchise, but in addition, the video shows the Stegosaurus and compares it in size to the other recent Safari Ltd introductions.
Comparing Different Wild Safari Prehistoric World Figures Together
Picture credit: JurassicCollectables
A Close-up View of the Head of the Wild Safari Prehistoric World Stegosaurus Model

Picture credit: JurassicCollectables
To view the Wild Safari Prehistoric World models and figures including the new for 2019 introductions: Wild Safari Prehistoric World Models.
Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.