A Classic Victorian Stegosaur Model
A team member from Everything Dinosaur spotted an unusual stegosaur replica on display at the Manchester Museum. The label next to the armoured dinosaur figure stated that this was a Victorian stegosaur model. The model must indeed be old, as stegosaurs such as Stegosaurus stenops are viewed very differently by palaeontologists today.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Stegosaurus stenops
The fossilised remains of an immature Stegosaurus stenops is on display at the Natural History Museum in London. The dinosaur, nicknamed Sophie comes from Wyoming and the fossil material represents one of the most complete stegosaur fossils known to science. The skeleton consists of more than three hundred bones.
The London Natural History Museum exhibit shows a modern interpretation of this iconic herbivorous dinosaur.
Everything Dinosaur stocks a large number of armoured dinosaur figures and models.
To view the models of prehistoric animals including armoured dinosaurs available from Everything Dinosaur: Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Figures.
The Victorian Stegosaur Model
The Victorian stegosaur model provides a reminder to visitors about how are views of the Dinosauria have changed. The side of the figure facing the public has been fleshed out, whilst the side which is not visible shows the animal’s skeleton. Note the bones of the lower portions of the limbs on the right side which are visible in the photograph.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“This Victorian dinosaur model is not an accurate representation of a Stegosaurus. However, it does remind us how dinosaurs used to be depicted. It acts as bellwether informing visitors about how our views regarding dinosaurs such as Stegosaurus have changed over time.”
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