Everything Dinosaur team members are busy preparing for the arrival of the new CollectA models and have finished a Hadrosaurus scale drawing. The illustration will be incorporated into the free Hadrosaurus fact sheet which will be sent out with model purchases.

Hadrosaurus scale drawing
The Hadrosaurus foulkii scale drawing. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Hadrosaurus foulkii

As Everything Dinosaur prepares for the arrival of the first of the new for 2023 CollectA prehistoric animal figures we have been commissioning scale drawings of the models to incorporate into our free fact sheets. Fact sheets featuring Ceratosuchops, Anomalocaris, Ruyangosaurus and Shastasaurus are also being prepared.

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented that they hoped to have most of these fact sheets finished in the first week of March. The Hadrosaurus foulkii data sheet is currently being finalised.

New CollectA Models 2023 Hadrosaurus.
The new for 2022 CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Hadrosaurus dinosaur model.

Hadrosaurus Scale Drawing

The Hadrosaurus scale drawing will provide a visual guide to fact sheet readers as to the size of this herbivorous dinosaur. The fact sheet will explain about this dinosaur’s discovery and its importance in palaeontology. Hadrosaurus was the first dinosaur to be scientifically described from fossils found in North America. It was the first duck-billed dinosaur named and when an exhibition of its fossils was opened at the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences in 1868, it became the first mounted dinosaur skeleton to be erected in the USA.

To view the CollectA Prehistoric Life model range: CollectA Age of Dinosaurs Popular Model Range.