The five recently introduced Schleich prehistoric animal figures are featured in the latest Everything Dinosaur customer newsletter. There are four new dinosaurs – Styracosaurus, Majungasaurus, Amargasaurus and Parasaurolophus, plus Schleich have added a model of the fearsome marine reptile Nothosaurus. All these figures are now in stock, further increasing customer choice when it comes to Everything Dinosaur toys and dinosaur models.
Many factories have had problems with production over the last two years due to the impact of the global pandemic on logistics and manufacturing. It is great news to see five new Schleich prehistoric animals.
Schleich Styracosaurus
The first new figure to feature in the Everything Dinosaur newsletter is the Styracosaurus, an updated replica of the Styracosaurus figure that was introduced by the German manufacturer nine years ago, but then retired in 2016. The hand-painted Schleich Styracosaurus dinosaur model measures a fraction under twenty centimetres in length and it has been praised by many dinosaur fans and model collectors for its attractive colouration and detailed skin texture.
To read an earlier article that looked at the history of Styracosaurus figures made by Schleich: The Evolution of the Schleich Styracosaurus.
Schleich Majungasaurus and Schleich Amargasaurus
Schleich may have produced replicas representing Carnotaurus in the past, in addition, they have made many replicas of sauropods too, but this is the first time that an Amargasaurus and a Majungasaurus have been included in the Schleich product portfolio. The Majungasaurus colouration has been commented upon by collectors. It has been suggested that the paint scheme chosen is reminiscent of the artwork for the “Dinosaur King” animated Majungasaurus from the Japanese computer game.
Schleich Parasaurolophus and Schleich Nothosaurus
The other two models to feature in Everything Dinosaur’s newsletter are the Schleich Parasaurolophus and the replica of the Triassic marine reptile Nothosaurus. Schleich have made models representing Parasaurolophus in the past, they have also added replicas of marine reptiles such as Mosasaurus and Plesiosaurus to their model range, but this is the first time that a Nothosaurus figure has been introduced.
To view the range of Schleich prehistoric animal figures and models available from Everything Dinosaur: Schleich Models and Figures.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“It is wonderful to be able to discuss new figures and models, after all, global manufacturing has been hit hard over the last two years or so. It is pleasing to see Schleich adding five new prehistoric animal models to their range. Our customer newsletter helps to inform model collectors and dinosaur fans about new product introductions. We hope that the information we supply assists them and keeps them up to date with product development.”
The Everything Dinosaur Customer Newsletter
The Everything Dinosaur customer newsletter is sent out periodically to our subscribers. It is a free newsletter containing information on new products, competitions, product updates and so forth. To request to be added to our database, simply send Everything Dinosaur an email: Email Everything Dinosaur.
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