The Safari Ltd Mythical Realms armoured T. rex dinosaur model is now in stock at Everything Dinosaur. This is the third of five new dinosaur models to be introduced by Safari Ltd this year (2021), an armoured Triceratops and a model of the theropod Baryonyx have already arrived at Everything Dinosaur.

An Armoured Carnivorous Dinosaur
This cleverly designed dinosaur has armour on the top of its head. The tyrannosaur sports a breast plate, armour on its shoulders and protecting its ribs. There are three large plates of armour over the thigh and additional protection running down to the foot. The tail has a vicious-looking spiky club. A most impressive weapon one that would make an Ankylosaurus jealous.
Model Measurements
The Safari Ltd Mythical Realms armoured T. rex dinosaur model measures approximately 17 cm in length. In reality the model is bigger than this, as the tail is curved round on itself. That armoured head is around 11 cm off the ground.
To see the Mythical Realms Tyrannosaurus rex and the rest of the Safari Ltd models in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Mythical Realms and Wild Safari Prehistoric World models and figures.
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