Team members from Everything Dinosaur have spotted frogspawn in the office pond this morning. The overnight gales and heavy rain have not deterred the common frogs (Rana temporaria) and they have spawned.

Frogspawn spotted in the Everything Dinosaur office pond
Frogspawn in Everything Dinosaur’s office pond. Team members estimate that there were more than ten Common frogs (Rana temporaria) in the pond.  Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

An Early Spawning

With eggs being laid on the 11th March (2021), this is a little earlier than in recent years. For example, last year (2020), frogspawn was spotted on March 19th. In 2018, frogspawn was spotted on the 17th March, the last time the frogs spawned on the 11th March was 2017.

A spokesperson from the UK-based dinosaur model company stated:

“We keep a close watch on the office pond at this time of year and when the frogs spawn we record the date and then we monitor the progress of the tadpoles when they hatch and become more mobile.”

The frogs in the office pond are Common frogs, sometimes referred to as the European common frog or the grass frog (Rana temporaria).

The Everything Dinosaur website: Dinosaur Toys and Models.