Dinosaur Poster Created After Dinosaur Workshop
Our thanks to the pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 at Streethouse Primary (West Yorkshire), who sent into Everything Dinosaur’s office a wonderful set of posters and thank you letters after our recent dinosaur and fossil workshop at the school. There were some wonderful examples of cursive hand-writing amongst the letters and some stencil inspired prehistoric animal drawings.
Year 5 and Year 6 Pupils Inspired by Dinosaur Workshop
Picture credit: Streethouse Primary School
For prehistoric animal themed toys and games, perhaps inspiring dinosaur posters of your own: Prehistoric Animal Toys and Gifts.
Dinosaur Posters
Everything Dinosaur was invited into the school to work with the Key Stage 2 class for a morning. The workshop provided a provocation for the term topic and during the morning, we challenged the children to have a go at a variety of extension activities. It seems that our workshop was a great success, earning 5* stars from the teaching team and a comment on the poster, says it all, “it was awesome!” The prehistoric animal stencils have helped produce a variety of posters and some stencils were even used to illustrate the thank you letters we received.
Examples of Posters and Letters Sent into Everything Dinosaur
Picture credit: Streethouse Primary School
The photograph above shows just some of the fantastic collection of letters and posters created by pupils in Year 5/6.
We are glad to have helped inspire the children and we wish them and their dedicated teachers every success with the term topic.
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