New CollectA Models 2018 (Part 1)
New CollectA Models 2018 (Part 1)
It’s that time of year, when our chums at CollectA give us official permission to post up pictures and provide information on the new for 2018 CollectA prehistoric animal models. There is so much going on at Everything Dinosaur that we have had a job to keep up, however, prior to publishing information about the second batch of models, here are our thoughts on the first of the new for 2018 CollectA introductions.
First up, representing the iguanodontoids is this beautiful Mantellisaurus, a dinosaur formally re-named and scientifically described in 2007. The genus name honours Gideon Mantell and it is great to see another model of a British dinosaur. At Everything Dinosaur, we have been helping to support the campaign team behind a bid to mount a life-size statue of this dinosaur in Gideon Mantell’s home town of Lewes (West Sussex). We sure the campaign team will be as equally excited about this new dinosaur model as we are.
CollectA Mantellisaurus Drinking
CollectA Prehistoric Animal Models – Mantellisaurus Drinking
This wonderfully coloured dinosaur is depicted in a drinking posture. Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis was more lightly built than Iguanodon bernissartensis and Dollodon bampingi. In addition, the forelimbs were smaller, this suggests that this Early Cretaceous plant-eating dinosaur spent most of its time as a biped, moving about on its hind legs. It may only have dropped down onto all fours to feed, or to drink, hence the drinking pose as shown in this well-designed model.
Designer Anthony Beeson remarked:
“I thought it about time that not only did someone do a Mantellisaurus but also had a dinosaur having a drink. I thought it would be good for children of all ages doing dioramas as well as advertising another British dinosaur.”
A Mantellisaurus skeleton (NHMUK R5764) is on display in one of the “Wonder Bays”, in the Hintze Hall of the Natural History Museum, London. This is one of the most complete dinosaur skeletons ever found in the British Isles and it is the only current dinosaur exhibit on display in the main hall of the museum.
NHMUK R5764 – Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis on Display at the London Natural History Museum
Picture credit: The Trustees of the Natural History Museum
To view the current CollectA Prehistoric Life range available from Everything Dinosaur: CollectA Prehistoric Life.
Sciurumimus Takes Centre Stage
CollectA has a deserved reputation for producing unusual theropod models and in early 2018 a Sciurumimus (S. albersdoerferi) is being introduced. Known from a single, spectacular specimen found in a limestone quarry in Germany, this dinosaur was once thought to be a megalosaurid, but a more recent analysis has placed this meat-eater into the Coelurosauria clade. The amazing fossil, which is 98% complete, represents a very young animal, the entire skeleton measures 72 centimetres long. Just how big Sciurumimus grew too, nobody knows. Sciurumimus (pronounced Skear-roo-my-mus), may have been a giant, but one thing is for sure, as a baby, it was covered in “dino fuzz”.
The CollectA Sciurumimus Dinosaur Model
The Deluxe range: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Life.
Model Measurements
CollectA Mantellisaurus = length around 15 cm, with a height over the hips of just over 5 cm.
CollectA Sciurumimus = length 13.3 cm, height 4.8 cm (it is going to be fun attempting to calculate a scale for this dinosaur model)!
Everything Dinosaur’s Commissioned Drawing of Sciurumimus albersdoerferi
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The picture above shows the Sciurumimus illustration that we have prepared for our fact sheet so from the Jurassic, we now move on to something which is very much 21st century.
CollectA Prehistoric Animal Models and Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the fastest growing areas of technology at the moment. CollectA have made a connection between their prehistoric animal models and cutting-edge computer generated images and effects. In early 2018, CollectA will introduce a range of blind bags. Each one will contain a mini dinosaur model and a data card that can be scanned by smart devices to bring your very own prehistoric animal to life on the screen.
CollectA Unites the Prehistoric with Innovative Computer Generated Visual Effects
Have pterosaurs fly under your nose, or see how a Brachiosaurus would walk! Bring your own prehistoric animals to life via your smart device. Dinosaurs and augmented reality, sounds like a very powerful combination indeed! Dinosaur fans and model collectors will be able to go “walking with virtual dinosaurs”, or, as there is a mosasaur in the twelve models chosen to launch this range, you can go “swimming with marine reptiles” if you prefer.
The mini prehistoric animals used in this exciting product extension are some of the models available in the CollectA Box of Mini Dinosaurs sets which have already proved to very popular.
We will post up more information and product news about new models from CollectA in a couple of days or so.
To read Everything Dinosaur’s article about the discovery of Sciurumimus: Megalosaurs Join the “Tufty” Club.
Note: the above article was written when Sciurumimus was believed to be a member of the Megalosauridae.
For an article about fund raising attempts to honour Gideon Mantell with a Mantellisaurus statue: The Lewes Dinosaur Project.
Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.