New CollectA Models 2018 (Part 4 of 4)
New CollectA Models 2018 (Part 4 of 4)
Today, Everything Dinosaur reveals the last of the new for 2018 CollectA prehistoric animal models and they are all dinosaurs. With the reassessment of the diplodocids back in 2015, the genus name Brontosaurus was resurrected and “thunder lizard” comes back with a bang with the introduction of a Brontosaurus model into the CollectA Prehistoric Life model range.
The New for 2018 Brontosaurus Model from CollectA
CollectA Prehistoric Animal Models
Eagle-eyed collectors will note that the whip-like tail has been retained but there are rows of prominent scales depicted on this finely detailed figure. This is a very up-to-date replica of a dinosaur first named and described back in 1879. Our congratulations to CollectA, they have excelled themselves in creating a model of Brontosaurus excelsus.
Commenting on the introduction of this extra-large dinosaur model, designer Anthony Beeson stated:
“In celebration of the recent return to something like respectability for Brontosaurus, that well loved sauropod of our childhoods, I thought it high time that a toy company brought out a model which I believe is the first modern one of the species. I have given him dermal spines. There is no way of knowing if the tail spines, where present on sauropods, formed one central row or diverged in two rows rather like those found on crocodiles. I have chosen the latter position, which I believe has not been tried before on a toy.”
To view the existing prehistoric animals in the CollectA Prehistoric Life model range: CollectA Prehistoric Life.
A Roaring Feathered Tyrannosaurus rex
Next up, is a wonderful CollectA Deluxe roaring T. rex figure. A fine accompaniment to the 1:40 scale feathered T. rex that was introduced into the Deluxe range in late 2015, just a few weeks after the scientific paper that led to the re-establishment of Brontosaurus.
This dinosaur has an articulated lower jaw and will prove popular, no doubt, with those model collectors who prefer their dinosaur figures to be provided without a base. The replica has fewer feathers than shown previously on other CollectA tyrannosaurid models. This version of an adult Tyrannosaurus rex roaring incorporates the latest ideas about adult dinosaurs having less plumage than previously imagined, after all, when you weigh in excess of seven tonnes, retaining body heat is much less of a problem!
The CollectA 1:40 Scale Deluxe Feathered Tyrannosaurus rex Dinosaur Model
CollectA Deluxe Mapusaurus Dinosaur Model
The last of the new for 2018 model introductions from CollectA is another giant, predatory dinosaur, although one not closely related to the Tyrannosauridae and a dinosaur that lived more than thirty million years before T. rex evolved. Mapusaurus was a member of the Carcharodontosauridae and it was closely related to another South American giant Giganotosaurus. Anthony Beeson explained to Everything Dinosaur, that this Deluxe model had been given a different colour scheme from the other Mapusaurus figure made by CollectA, this new colour scheme had been requested by dinosaur model fans.
The CollectA Deluxe Mapusaurus Dinosaur Model
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
This beautifully proportioned Mapusaurus (M. roseae) comes complete with an articulated jaw and it is great to see more large theropods added to the CollectA Deluxe range, joining the likes of Neovenator, Acrocanthosaurus, Torvosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus.
To see the range of CollectA Deluxe scale prehistoric animals: CollectA Deluxe Prehistoric Life.
New for 2018 CollectA Prehistoric Animal Models
The new for 2018 Mapusaurus figure sports a fringe of brightly coloured large scales running along the underside of the lower jaw. This feature on the model has been inspired by the dewlap – a flap of skin that hangs down from the jaw and neck, a feature found in many modern lizards, for example.
Anthony Beeson commented:
“I tried an iguana type run of hanging scales under his throat for the new Mapusaurus for a change and to make him different from other interpretations of theropods.”
The dewlap of iguanas has a number of functions and in males the dewlap is often larger and more prominent than in females. The fringe of scales play an important role in signalling and communication between individuals. It is likely that many of the Dinosauria had similar features too and these played an important part in visual communication.
CollectA Model Measurements
Here are the all-important model measurements:
CollectA Brontosaurus (classified as extra large, like the recently introduced Basilosaurus) – length a fraction under 30.5 cm long with a height of just over 10.5 cm (release date mid 2018)
The CollectA Deluxe Roaring Tyrannosaurus rex – length just over 34 cm long with a maximum height of just under 16.5 cm (release date mid 2018)
CollectA Deluxe Mapusaurus – length 32 cm long with a height of 12.5 cm (available quarter 1 2018)
As for when these models will be available, we expect them to be available from Everything Dinosaur around the middle of next year, could be earlier, could be later, we will update readers when we have more information.
For an article that provides an update on the Brontosaurus genus and provides information on the reassessment of the diplodocids: The Return of Brontosaurus.
Previous New for 2018 CollectA Model Posts
All in one location, here are links to the three other blog posts that provide information on new prehistoric animal models from CollectA in 2018.
New for 2018 CollectA models (part 1): New CollectA Prehistoric Life (Part 1).
The New for 2018 CollectA models (part 2): New CollectA Prehistoric Life (Part 2).
New for 2018 CollectA models (part 3): New CollectA Prehistoric Life (Part 3).
Visit the award-winning Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.