Notes About Tyrannosaurus rex
Everything Dinosaur team members have been sent some notes from a model manufacturer all about that most famous dinosaur of all T. rex. Our dinosaur experts have been asked to proof read this information and to suggest any ways in which this data can be improved upon as it is to be used in a product information sheet to be supplied with the dinosaur model.
Here is the information that we have been asked to look at:
Tyrannosaurus rex:
[Tyrannosaurus (meaning “tyrant lizard”) is a genus of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur, the most well-known species Tyrannosaurus rex , also commonly abbreviated to T. rex (rex means “king”in Latin), lived during the the upper Cretaceous Period, 67 to 66 million years ago in what is now western North America. Tyrannosaurus rex is not only one of the largest land carnivores, but also one of the largest known land predators of all time.
The most complete specimen measures up to 12.3 metres in length, 4 metres tall at the hips, the estimated weight is around 7 tons. It is suggested that the bite force of Tyrannosaurus rex could have been the strongest of any terrestrial animal that has ever lived.]
Tyrannosaurus rex
Our team members will address this matter shortly, but first thing we have done is to put the species name into italics.
Preparing Notes on Tyrannosaurus rex for a Model Manufacturer
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Most of the information that we have been sent is right, more or less, we just have to polish the phrasing a little and perhaps change the order of the sentences. It should not take us too long, after all, we do supply a lot of dinosaur toys and dinosaur models, all with our own prehistoric animal fact sheets included.
To view the huge range of models and figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur including Mojo Fun prehistoric animals: Mojo Fun Prehistoric and Extinct Animal Models.
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