All about dinosaurs, fossils and prehistoric animals by Everything Dinosaur team members.
16 03, 2014

Win “Ovi” the Oviraptor with Everything Dinosaur

By |2023-03-11T14:38:13+00:00March 16th, 2014|Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur News and Updates, Everything Dinosaur Products|0 Comments

Win an Oviraptor Dinosaur Soft Toy with Everything Dinosaur

This competition has now closed.

It’s competition time again with one lucky dinosaur fan being able to adopt their very own cute and cuddly Oviraptor soft toy.  With Easter just around the corner, we thought it would be fun if we could come up with a contest with an egg theme and so we come to Oviraptor the dinosaur whose name means “egg thief”.  When the fossils of this dinosaur were first discovered it was mistakenly believed that the Oviraptor had been eating the eggs of another dinosaur.  Scientists now know that although the diet of the virtually toothless Oviraptor is uncertain, the dinosaur whose fossils were found was actually protecting a nest of its own eggs.


Poor Oviraptor, this feathered dinosaur was very bird like and was probably a very attentive parent, just like lots of bird species today.

Win “Ovi” the Oviraptor with Everything Dinosaur

Visit Everything Dinosaur's Facebook Page, give our page a "like", leave a comment suggesting a surname for "Ovi".

Visit Everything Dinosaur’s Facebook Page, give our page a “like”, leave a comment suggesting a surname for “Ovi”.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

For your chance to win a super, soft and cuddly “Ovi” the  Oviraptor soft toy simply log on to Everything Dinosaur’s Facebook page, (click on the picture above or the Facebook logo below), “like” our page and leave a comment on the “Ovi” the Oviraptor picture suggesting a surname for our “Ovi”.

Visit Everything Dinosaur on Facebook and “Like” our Page

Click the logo to visit our Facebook page and to give our page a "like".

Click the logo to visit our Facebook page and to give our page a “like”.

Soft Toy Dinosaur

That’s all there is to it, our “Ovi” the Oviraptor needs a surname, and one lucky winner will be sent there very own “Ovi” the Oviraptor dinosaur soft toy.  Just visit the Everything Dinosaur Facebook page, give our page a “like” and suggest a surname for “Ovi” for the chance to win an Oviraptor soft toy.  The competition runs until Friday April 11th and at midday we will put all the competition entrants into a palaeontologist’s hard hat and pick a winner, which will be then be sent the dinosaur soft toy in time for Easter.

What Surname will you Give “Ovi” the Oviraptor?

Win me in a competition!

Win me in a competition!

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view Everything Dinosaur’s huge range of dinosaur soft toys: Soft Toy Prehistoric Animals.

Terms and Conditions of “Ovi” the Oviraptor Dinosaur Competition

Automated entries are not permitted and will be excluded from the draw.

Only one entry per person.

The prize is non-transferable and no cash alternative will be offered.

The Everything Dinosaur name a dinosaur caption competition runs until Friday 11th April 2014.

Winner will be notified by private message on Facebook.

Prize includes postage and packing.

For full terms and conditions contact: Contact Everything Dinosaur.

This competition has now closed.

15 03, 2014

New Papo Archaeopteryx Model Reviewed

By |2024-05-02T06:22:40+01:00March 15th, 2014|Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur Products, Product Reviews|8 Comments

A Review of the Papo Archaeopteryx Model

Archaeopteryx may not be the oldest known member of the Avian family tree any more, but it remains one of the most famous of all the creatures recorded in the fossil record and the “London” specimen, that marvellous slab of lithographic limestone acquired by Sir Richard Owen for the princely sum of £600.00 GBP, is perhaps one of the most studied fossils in all the world.  Fitting then in 2014, Papo of France have added a model of Archaeopteryx to their prehistoric animal model collection.

Papo Archaeopteryx Model

In the Late Jurassic, a large lagoon, dotted with low-lying islands and sheltered from the Tethys Ocean by a substantial reef, covered most of what is now known as southern Germany.  The fine grained limestone that was deposited as sediment, coupled with the anaerobic conditions to be found at the bottom of the still, brackish water led to the preservation of the flora and fauna of the area in exquisite detail.  A dozen or so specimens of Archaeopteryx have been discovered, including a single feather impression.

Sharing Archaeopteryx’s world were pterosaurs such as Rhamphorynchus and other flying animals such as dragonflies.  Stalking amongst the undergrowth was the tiny theropod dinosaur called Compsognathus, one of the smallest dinosaurs, whose fossilised remains have been found in Europe.  There were also turtles, king crabs, crocodiles, the remains of ammonites that had been washed up.  Thanks to the Solnhofen Lagerstätte, palaeontologists have been able to build up a detailed picture of life in this part of the world during the Late Jurassic.

Feathered Papo Model

For a definition of the term Lagerstätte: Lagerstätte Defined.

The Papo Archaeopteryx Replica

New from Papo for 2014 a model of Archaeopteryx.

New from Papo for 2014 a model of Archaeopteryx.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Papo have combined the features of a reptile and a bird very well in this replica.  The model reflects the latest scientific thinking about this transitional fossil, even down to the streaks of darker feathers in the wings and the black tipped feathers that make up the rearward edges of those wings.  The three-fingered claws are clearly visible and the paintwork and detail around the reptilian-looking head is excellent.  The model measures around twelve and a half centimetres in length and the head is about seven centimetres off the ground.  Based on estimations that this “dino-bird” grew to the size of an extant magpie, our experts have estimated that this replica is in approximately 1:5 scale.

Papo Archaeopteryx About to Take to the Air

Papo Archaeopteryx "ancient wing" by Papo

Papo Archaeopteryx “ancient wing” by Papo.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The figure rests on its long, fan-like tail, as well as on its dainty toes.  The detailing on the underside of the tail is particularly praiseworthy.  The design team at Papo have carefully picked out the details of individual feathers, the central shaft or rachis can be made out and even some of the vanes that branch out from this central stem.  The colour scheme chosen is innovative and highly decorative and this Archaeopteryx even has a plume of red, display feathers on the back of its head.

To view the range of Papo models available from Everything Dinosaur: Papo Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Figures.

All in all a delightful replica of this Late Jurassic flier.

14 03, 2014

The Ultimate Beginners’ Guide to Dinosaurs

By |2023-03-11T14:33:59+00:00March 14th, 2014|Dinosaur Fans, Educational Activities, Teaching|0 Comments

 The Ultimate Beginners’ Guide to Dinosaurs – Kickstarter Campaign

Every once in a while, we at Everything Dinosaur come across a really good idea.  As dinosaur enthusiasts who spend a great deal of our time writing lesson plans for teachers working in Foundation stage and Key Stage 1, we are aware of the limited amount of really good, fact-based reading resources aimed at this particular age group.


Whilst working in schools we are all too frequently approached by a teacher or a member of the learning support team to ask our advice about how to motivate and help enthuse young children who love dinosaurs, but are not that keen on reading.  Talented writer Nicky Allison, might just have the answer…

London-based Nicky, has written seventeen books under the umbrella title of “The Ultimate Beginners’ Guide to Dinosaurs”, each book will be aimed at children from four years to seven years of age and combines a fascination for dinosaurs with a desire to help encourage and motivate children with their reading.   To get this exciting project up and running some more funding is required, and a “Kickstarter” campaign has been set up.

Nicky explains about the project and how the books have been designed with the needs of young readers in mind in a short video.

Video credit: Nicky Allison

Dinosaurs an Ultimate Guide

A spokes person from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“Children from four years of age, seem to act like sponges when it comes to absorbing information about prehistoric animals.  Books such as these tick all the right boxes when it comes to reflecting the national curriculum and they should provide a valuable resource for use in schools and for home educators.”

We wish Nicky well in her endeavours and we can’t wait to hear more about her ambitions to enthuse the next generation of palaeontologists.

Visit Everything Dinosaur’s award-winning website: Everything Dinosaur.

13 03, 2014

New Genus of Ancient Crocodile from the Isle of Wight

By |2023-03-11T14:13:34+00:00March 13th, 2014|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans|0 Comments

New Genus of Cretaceous Crocodile – Koumpiodontosuchus aprosdokiti

Living alongside Early Cretaceous dinosaurs such as Baryonyx and the giant herbivore Iguanodon was a small crocodile, which probably grew to no more than a metre in length.  It was probably very much at home in water, just like today’s crocodilians but this button-toothed predator, specialised in catching molluscs and arthropods.  Scientists are aware of this newly described genus of ancient crocodile from the Isle of Wight, thanks to serendipity.  From time to time palaeontology gets helped out with an enormous slice of luck.

Cretaceous Crocodile Fossil

Two fossilised skull fragments found in the same location, but by different people and months apart turned out to belong to a single skull from a sixty-centimetre-long crocodile which is new to science.  When experts at the Dinosaur Isle Museum examined the specimens, they found, to their collective amazement that the two pieces fitted together perfectly.

Dr Steve Sweetman has published a paper on the newest member of the crocodile lineage, in the scientific journal “Acta Palaeontologica Polonica.”  It has been named Koumpiodontosuchus aprosdokiti and the name means “unexpected button-toothed crocodile” and pronounced (and we suggest you take a run up with this one), Comp-pee-oh-dont-to-suk-us ap-pros-doe-kee-ti.

The first part of the skull fossil, most of the cranial elements with just the front portion of the snout missing was discovered by holiday maker Diane Trevarthen on a beach near Sandown in March 2011. She took her specimen to the local museum and it was identified as being a crocodile fossil, probably a fossil of the skull of a juvenile from a large crocodile species that had already been described. Three months later, Finley and Austin Nathan found the snout whilst out fossil hunting. When museum staff saw their fossil, somebody must have said snap! Diane was asked to visit the museum with her fossil again and the two pieces of the skull were united.

An Artist’s Reconstruction of Koumpiodontosuchus aprosdokiti

126 million year old "button-toothed" crocodile.

126-million-year-old “button-toothed” crocodile.

Picture credit: Dr Mark Witton

A wonderful illustration by the highly talented Dr Witton, we think those dinosaurs in the background are a pair of Neovenators (N. salerii).

Koumpiodontosuchus aprosdokiti

Dr Sweetman had thought that the specimen represented an example of a crocodilian known from Spain, Belgium and elsewhere in Europe called Bernissartia, but when the fossils were cleaned it was noted that the bones at the back of the skull were very different and this led to a new genus being established.

Dr Sweetman added:

“Both parts of this wonderful little skull are in good condition, which is most unusual when you consider that crashing waves usually batter and blunt the edges of fossils like this within days or even hours of them being washed onto the beach.  Both parts must therefore have been found very soon after they were released from the mud and debris originally laid down on a dinosaur-trampled river floodplain around 126 million years ago.  The sheer serendipity of this discovery is quite bizarre”.

For replicas and models of Early Cretceous prehistoric animals including dinosaurs: CollectA Prehistoric Life Replicas.

12 03, 2014

Bullyland Europasaurus Dinosaur Model Video Review

By |2023-03-11T14:08:31+00:00March 12th, 2014|Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur Products, Everything Dinosaur videos|0 Comments

A Video Review of “Europe’s Lizard” – Europasaurus

Everything Dinosaur team members have produced a short video review of the new Bullyland Europasaurus dinosaur model.  This model is part of Bullyland’s Museum Line dinosaur model collection, also known as “Prehistoric World”.  It is great to see a German model and figure manufacturer making a model of a dinosaur that lived in what was to become part of Germany (Lower Saxony).

Bullyland Europasaurus Dinosaur Model

In this short video (5:30), we explain how these long-necked dinosaurs came to be so small when compared to their close relatives, other members of the brachiosaurid family.

The Bullyland Europasaurus Video Review by Everything Dinosaur

Video credit: Everything Dinosaur

Europasaurus (E. holgeri) was formally named and described in 2006.  It had been thought that the fossilised bones that had been discovered represented a group of baby dinosaurs, but in this video we provide a little more information about this Late Jurassic sauropod and insular dwarfism.

To view Everything Dinosaur’s collection of Museum Line dinosaur models: Bullyland Museum Line Figures.

11 03, 2014

The New Wild Safari Dinosaurs Megalodon (Shark) Model Reviewed

By |2024-05-02T10:11:49+01:00March 11th, 2014|Everything Dinosaur Products, Product Reviews|0 Comments

Everything Dinosaur Review’s the C. megalodon Model

The Wild Safari Dinosaurs model range manufactured by Safari Ltd contains a wide range of prehistoric animal models, not just dinosaurs.  For example, recently introduced into this range is a replica of the prehistoric shark commonly referred to as “Megalodon” and it’s fitting to have a bespoke model of this apex predator added to a mainstream model maker’s range.

Wild Safari Dinosaurs Megalodon

Let’s first deal with the name of this replica.  The term “Megalodon” refers to the actual species name.  It’s a bit like calling Tyrannosaurus rex just “rex”.  The scientific name for a species consists of two parts – the genus name which is the term used to define a group of closely related species and the specific or trivial name which identifies the actual species.  It is not technically correct to use the species name on its own, but due to the amount of media coverage that this very dangerous prehistoric shark has attracted, the name “Megalodon” has been firmly established in people’s minds.

The Wild Safari Dinos “Megalodon” Prehistoric Shark Model

Fearsome marine predator.

Fearsome marine predator.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Megalodon Model

The naming issue is further confused as palaeontologists remain unsure as to how this huge, meat-eating shark should be classified.  As a member of the shark family, this shark had a skeleton made of cartilage, the only fossils we have are a few isolated, calcified vertebrae and of course those famous triangular teeth.

To read an update on the classification debate surrounding this extinct fish: Getting Our Teeth into the C. megalodon debate.

The model depicts “Megalodon” as an active predator, the model balances on its large pectoral fins and the lower fluke of the tail.  The triangular dorsal fin is roughly the same size as the top part of the tail.  Whether or not this is correct is open to speculation.  This shark has five prominent gill slits, very typical of Lamniformes (the Order of sharks that Megalodon, we shall stop putting this word in quotation marks for the rest of this article, is believed to belong to) and the huge eyes are painted black and positioned towards the top of the skull.

Examining the Fossils

Fossils ascribed to the genus that we refer to in Everything Dinosaur as C. megalodon date from the Miocene to the Pliocene Epochs, ranging from 16 million years to around 1.6 million years ago.  The teeth, for which this shark is so famous, have been found in Europe, Africa, Australasia and North and South America.  This indicates that C. megalodon was a very geographically dispersed shark with a presence in virtually all of the tropical and sub-tropical waters of the world at some point during its evolutionary history.

As for the size of this monster, this causes quite a problem.  Although this fish was first scientifically described back in 1843, size estimates do vary considerably.  For example, the American zoologist Professor Bashford Dean suggested that this predator could reach lengths in excess of thirty metres.  However, most scientists suggest that it was smaller than this, perhaps reaching lengths of fifteen metres or more, with a maximum weight of around 20,000 kilogrammes.

As this Safari Ltd replica measures around nineteen centimetres  in total length, then based on the estimated size of approximately fifteen metres, this model represents a 1:78 scale figure.

Detailed Painting

The model makers and design team have once again done a fantastic job when it comes to painting.  It is not known what colouration this shark actually had, however, as an active predator, probably patrolling open waters and ambushing mammalian prey and large fish from below, the model has been painted a battleship grey colour topside, with contrasting white markings underneath and along the flanks.  Many of the fins, including that impressive dorsal fin have been tipped with black paint.

A feature of this model that is particularly well done are the rows of the teeth visible in the open mouth.  Three rows of triangular shaped teeth are visible in the lower jaw and three rows of teeth have been clearly defined in the upper jaw.  Once again the paint job around the mouth is excellent with individual teeth carefully picked out.

A Close up of the Model Showing the Teeth

Rows and rows of teeth inside the mouth.

Rows and rows of teeth inside the mouth.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

This is an exciting addition to the Wild Safari Dinosaurs model range made by Safari Ltd and it means that Everything Dinosaur now has a model of the shark known as “Megalodon” to supply to model collectors and fans of prehistoric animals.  Everything Dinosaur even supplies a fact sheet all about C. megalodon and this will be sent out with model sales.


A taxonomic revision has led to this prehistoric shark being reclassified as Otodus megalodon.

To view Everything Dinosaur’s stock of Safari Ltd prehistoric animal models: Wild Safari Prehistoric World Replicas and Figures.

10 03, 2014

Diving for a Rare Dinosaur Footprint

By |2024-05-02T10:12:27+01:00March 10th, 2014|Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Geology, Palaeontological articles|0 Comments

State Officials Go Diving for a Stolen Dinosaur Footprint

Back on February 22nd, Everything Dinosaur reported on the shocking theft of a three-toed dinosaur footprint that had been stolen from an adventure trail called Hell’s Revenge close to the town of Moab in Grand County (eastern Utah).

The Bureau of Land Management, responsible for the management of the site had said in a statement that the theft of such objects was becoming all too commonplace and an appeal went out to help try to locate the missing theropod dinosaur footprint.

To read the article about the theft: Dinosaur Footprint Stolen in Utah.

We are pleased to say that there have been a number of developments in the case, which might lead to the footprint fossil being recovered.  Over the weekend, officials from the State, organised a dive team to explore an area of river bed downstream of the Dewey Bridge over the Colorado River.  Unfortunately, the divers were unable to locate the missing fossil.

Dinosaur Footprint

Their efforts were hampered by the very poor visibility and the fact that unfortunately, that part of the Colorado river has a very rocky riverbed.  It’s not the easiest of tasks groping around in near zero visibility looking for a rock amongst many hundreds of other rocks.

According to a statement from the Grand County Sheriff’s Office, investigators had identified a suspect but this person’s name was not being released for the moment.  The area of river bed immediately below and just downstream of Dewey Bridge on State Road 128 is being explored as this is where the print is believed to have been dumped.

The dinosaur track which measures around twenty-five centimetres in length is thought to have been stolen sometime around the 17th or 18th of February.  No explanation for the reason for the robbery has been given, but it is known that dinosaur fossils such as this single foot print may fetch very high prices on the black market.

A Reward Offered

The Bureau of Land Management offered a reward for information leading to the identification of the culprit or culprits, other parties such as a group of off-road enthusiasts that use the Hell’s Revenge trail also chipped in and the various rewards offered now total somewhere in the region of $9,000 USD (£5,400 GBP).

Commenting on the loss of the 190-million-year-old theropod footprint, Rebecca Hunt-Foster, a palaeontologist for the Bureau of Land Management stated that this specimen was one of the nicest tracks in the area and that the three-toed print was most probably made by a large, meat-eating dinosaur – a likely ancestor of the Utah State Dinosaur, the Allosaurus.

Locals are incensed about the loss of this fossil.  The area is known for its dinosaur tracks and many visitors to the area come up to the Hell’s Revenge trail to view the evidence of dinosaurs preserved in what is now sandstone, but was once a sandy shoreline next to an early Jurassic lake.

A Picture of the Fearsome Late Jurassic Predator Allosaurus (A. fragilis)

Allosaurus attacks
Allosaurus attacks.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Team members at Everything Dinosaur wish the Utah State authorities well in their search for the fossil and hopefully this rare and very important dinosaur fossil will be found soon.

Visit Everything Dinosaur’s award-winning website: Dinosaur Toys and Models.

9 03, 2014

A Video Review of the New Carnegie Dinosaur T. rex Model

By |2024-05-02T10:15:44+01:00March 9th, 2014|Everything Dinosaur Products, Everything Dinosaur videos|1 Comment

Carnegie Dinosaurs T. rex – Video Review

Everything Dinosaur team members have produced a brief (4:47) video review of the Carnegie Dinosaurs Tyrannosaurus rex model that has come out this year.  This T. rex replica is the only new addition to the excellent Carnegie Collectibles scale model series and it is great to see another example of a tyrannosaur model.

Carnegie Dinosaurs T. rex

A Video Review of the Carnegie Dinosaurs T. rex Model

Video credit: Everything Dinosaur

Everything Dinosaur Video Review

In the video review, we comment on the care taken by the design team over the size and shape of this dinosaur’s feet.  In addition, we discuss the position of those famous tiny arms and explain how this model reflects some of the latest thinking with regards to Late Cretaceous theropods.

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur stated that they had enjoyed making a short video review of this impressive tyrannosaur figure.

To view the range of prehistoric animal models and figures in the Wild Safari Prehistoric World model range: Safari Ltd. Wild Safari Prehistoric World Models and Replicas.

8 03, 2014

A Review of the Wild Safari Dinos Monolophosaurus Model

By |2023-03-11T11:58:36+00:00March 8th, 2014|Everything Dinosaur Products, Product Reviews|0 Comments

Monolophosaurus Dinosaur Model Reviewed

Recently introduced into the varied and diverse Wild Safari Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life model series is this replica of the Mid Jurassic predatory dinosaur from North-west China called Monolophosaurus (M. jiangi).

Although, not the biggest meat-eating dinosaur from China, the discovery of Monolophosaurus has helped palaeontologists to develop a better understanding of how theropod dinosaurs evolved and radiated into a number of different Super-Families dominating ecosystems and becoming the foremost land-based predators for next 110 million years or so.


Monolophosaurus means “single crested lizard”, it was named in 1993 and this new dinosaur model from the design team of Safari Ltd amply demonstrates how this dinosaur got its name.   There is a large ridge of bone running from the tip of the snout to just before the eye-sockets, this formed a substantial crest, the function of which remains unknown.

Although an integral part of the skull, this crest was largely hollow and it being used in head-butting contests between rivals has been ruled out as the crest is too weak to withstand the stresses of such impacts.  It was probably used as a visual signalling device between mature individuals and in recognition of this theory, the designers at Safari Ltd have painted their crest with a splash of bright red.

The Wild Safari Dinosaurs Monolophosaurus Dinosaur Model

Middle Jurassic Theropod Dinosaur

Middle Jurassic theropod dinosaur.

Picture credit: Safari Ltd

Wild Safari Dinos Monolophosaurus

A common mistake made by dinosaur model collectors is to assume that Monolophosaurus is closely related to the dinosaur known as “Double crested lizard ” – Dilophosaurus.  When we compare the Monolophosaurus replica with the Wild Safari Dinosaurs Dilophosaurus model, there is some resemblance, both dinosaurs had distinctive crests, but this similarity is only superficial.  Although, the exact taxonomic position of Monolophosaurus remains open to debate, most palaeontologists believe that this dinosaur is a primitive member of the Tetanuran group of meat-eating dinosaurs and as such it is more closely related to Allosaurus than it is to Dilophosaurus.

Dilophosaurus and Monolophosaurus Compared

Wild Safari Dinosaurs compared.

Wild Safari dinosaurs compared.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Known from a single fossil specimen of an adult animal, this dinosaur grew to lengths of around five and a half metres.  With a total length of 21 centimetres, we at Everything Dinosaur estimate that this replica is in approximately 1:26 scale.  The fossilised skull bones of Monolophosaurus represent one of the best preserved theropod dinosaur skulls found to date.

This model is very well balanced and gives the impression of a strongly built dinosaur.  The tail makes up around half the length of the model.  Although the actual size of this dinosaur’s tail is unknown, as when the strata containing the fossils of Monolophosaurus was being excavated it was discovered that almost the whole of the tail had already weathered out of the rocks and been eroded away.

The model makers at Safari Ltd have once again done a fantastic job when it comes to painting.  Even individual teeth in the long, narrow jaws have been carefully picked out.  The body and flanks are painted a reddish brown with a slightly lighter tan coloured line merging into a stone coloured underside.

The skin texture is excellent, although no skin impressions of Monolophosaurus have been found, this dinosaur has been given a hide comprising of irregularly shaped and sized dermal scales.  There is a single row of raised scales that run from the back of the head to almost the end of the tail giving this meat-eating dinosaur a striking, formidable appearance, very appropriate really as it was probably the apex predator in its environment.

Carnegie Prehistoric Animal Replicas and Wild Safari Dinos: Safari Ltd. Wild Safari Prehistoric World Models and Figures.

This is an exciting addition to the Wild Safari Dinosaurs model range made by Safari Ltd and it is always a pleasure to see an important fossil specimen interpreted as a prehistoric animal replica.

7 03, 2014

Young Dinosaur Fans Impress with their Dinosaur Knowledge

By |2023-03-11T11:56:08+00:00March 7th, 2014|Educational Activities, Teaching|0 Comments

Springbrook Pupils Discuss Dinosaurs

This morning a team member from Everything Dinosaur visited Springbrook Primary school and met some of the young dinosaur fans who had been learning all about dinosaurs and fossils with their teacher.  Together we looked at just how big some dinosaurs were and the rib bone that we showed the class reminded Liam of a “golf club”.  Abu and Ethan were very good at pronouncing the name of dinosaurs and Miss Foxcroft joined in too.

Young Dinosaur Fans

Luke remembered what needed to be done when it came to pouring the casting mixture into the moulds and he was able to guide his chums as they cast their replica fossil.  Kyle said that his favourite dinosaur was Tyrannosaurus rex and he explained that T. rex was a carnivore and that it ate other dinosaurs.  Kyle had even made a model of this fearsome meat-eater and our dinosaur expert took a picture of it.

Model of a Tyrannosaurus rex

Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur model.

Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur model.

Picture credit: Kyle/Everything Dinosaur

Kyle then went on to explain that although Tyrannosaurus rex had short arms they were very strong.

With the enthusiastic Miss Caines and Mrs Makin helping, one of the walls in the classroom had been decorated with a colourful T. rex and a brown painted Triceratops, lots of words had been stuck up onto the dinosaur scene so that the children could refer to the wall poster when writing about dinosaurs in their work books.  The wall poster is a great way to help with the teaching about dinosaurs in school.

Big Dinosaurs Feature on a Big Wall Poster in the Classroom

Colourful dinosaurs lurking behind a tree.

Colourful dinosaurs lurking behind a tree.

Picture credit: Abu, Ethan, Liam, Luke and Kyle

T. rex Teeth

Abu, Liam and Luke said that the teeth of T. rex were the size of a banana, what a wonderful description. Perhaps the teaching team could help the children measure some bananas so the fruit can be compared to a dinosaur’s tooth.

When it comes to measuring, the dinosaur footprint diagrams that Everything Dinosaur sent over as part of the follow up from the dinosaur workshop in the school, might help the children too.  They could measure the footprints and then compare the footprint’s made by a dinosaur to the size of their own feet.  Perhaps if the teaching team could find a tape measure, then maybe Ethan could measure around his chest to see if  his rib bones are bigger or smaller than the “golf club” shaped dinosaur rib bone he saw earlier.

To view the range of prehistoric animal toys and gifts available from Everything Dinosaur: Dinosaur Toys, Models and Gifts.

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