Win an Oviraptor Dinosaur Soft Toy with Everything Dinosaur
Win “Ovi” the Oviraptor Soft Toy with Everything Dinosaur
This competition has now closed.
Lots of entrants in our “Win Ovi the Oviraptor” soft toy competition already. Some very creative and clever surnames for our Oviraptor soft toy have been suggested but there is still time to enter as the closing date for this competition is not until Friday April 11th.
We thought it would be fun if we could come up with a contest with an egg theme as Easter approaches and so we come to Oviraptor, the dinosaur whose name means “egg thief”. When the fossils of this dinosaur were first discovered, it was mistakenly believed that the Oviraptor had been eating the eggs of another dinosaur. Scientists now know that although the diet of the virtually toothless Oviraptor is uncertain, the dinosaur whose fossils were found was actually protecting a nest of its own eggs.
Some very clever names for “Ovi” have been suggested, “Ovi Oswald”, “Ovi wan Kenobi”, “Ovi Osborne” and “Ovi Ovious”. When the competition closes, we will put all the entrants into a hat and select a winner at random.
Win “Ovi the Oviraptor” Dinosaur Soft Toy with Everything Dinosaur

Visit Everything Dinosaur’s Facebook Page, give our page a “like”, leave a comment suggesting a surname for “Ovi”.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Dinosaur Soft Toy
For your chance to win a super, soft and cuddly “Ovi” the Oviraptor soft toy simply log on to Everything Dinosaur’s Facebook page, (click on the picture above or the Facebook logo below), “like” our page and leave a comment on the “Ovi” the Oviraptor picture suggesting a surname for our “Ovi”.
“Like” Everything Dinosaur’s Facebook Page
Good luck and have fun coming up with names of our “Ovi”.
To view the range of dinosaur soft toys available from Everything Dinosaur: Dinosaur Soft Toys – Prehistoric Plush.
This competition has now closed.