Anfield Infants and Primary School Learn all About the Dinosauria
With Everything Dinosaur team members having worked at Liverpool Museum, it seemed only natural for us to extend our work in Merseyside by getting involved in a number of school visits to deliver dinosaur themed workshops. Working with children up to Key Stage 3, our dedicated staff have been conducting a number of such visits over the spring term. With the return to school after the half-term break, Year 2 pupils at Anfield Primary and Infants School started their dinosaur topic today.
Teaching About Dinosaurs
Over the remainder of the spring term the enthusiastic pupils will be learning all about dinosaurs and to “kick off” this subject area one of our dinosaur experts visited the school.
Dinosaur Themed Artwork on Display at the School
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The children in the three classes that were involved in the dinosaur and fossil workshops (Whizz Kids, High Flyers and Bright Sparks) had prepared lots of questions. The start of this new scheme of work had provided ample opportunity for independent learning as well as group work.
Lots of Questions Prepared for Everything Dinosaur
Answering Questions
Questions ranged from how big were the teeth of dinosaurs? How did the dinosaurs get their names? More capable learners demonstrated a lot of subject knowledge by asking more specific questions such as how fast could Utahraptor run?
We did our best to answer all the questions asked and our extension materials helped the teaching team with their follow up lessons and activities.
High Flyers
The High Flyers class along with Miss Ross and Miss Colebourne created a huge picture of a meat-eating dinosaur, as it had three fingers on its hand, we did not think this was a Tyrannosaurus rex, with its three-fingered hand perhaps it could have been an Allosaurus or even a Giganotosaurus. The fact sheets we provided on carnivorous dinosaurs certainly helped the children to understand the difference between these large meat-eating dinosaurs.
The scale drawings led to an exercise being suggested whereby the children sorted these theropods and placed them in order of potential size.
To view the range of dinosaur and prehistoric animal themed gifts available from Everything Dinosaur: Prehistoric Animal Toys.