Battle of the Killer Giants
This weekend saw Everything Dinosaur team members delivering a series of family themed dinosaur presentations at Liverpool World Museum. One of the prehistoric animal topics covered was an update on the research and study into the spinosaurids. Was for example, Spinosaurus aegyptiacus the biggest theropod known to science, indeed the biggest terrestrial carnivore known in the fossil record?
Tyrannosaurus rex and Spinosaurus
The audience are invited to make up their own minds, if an imaginary battle took place between a Tyrannosaurus and a Spinosaurus. We collated all the votes from the many hundreds of visitors who took part in our workshops, the results from this weekend’s activities are summarised below:
Battle of the Killer Giants T. rex versus S. aegyptiacus
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The audience votes were quite close but when all the information was compiled 54% of the theatre goers who voted thought that T. rex would win in a fight with Spinosaurus compared to 46% who thought that Spinosaurus would come out on top.
To view other survey results from this Everything Dinosaur presentation: Museum Visitors Take Part in Dinosaur Study.
A Replica of a Spinosaurus – A More Modern Interpretation
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The picture above shows a more interpretation of Spinosaurus by Safari Ltd.
To view the range of Safari Ltd models in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Wild Safari Prehistoric World Replicas.
the reason spinosaurus would win is because it is twice as big and t-rexhad small useless claws but the most usefull bite of ALL TIME spinosaurus had the most usefull claws OFF ALL TIME,if t-rex bit spinosaurus’s neck GAME OVER but it would have to face spinos usefull arms then GAME OVER for t-rex if spinosaurus bit t-rex’s neck GAME OVER FOR T-REX spino would have to face t-rex’s useless arms again GAME OVER for t-rex t-rex has a 1/3 chanse of winning the king is spinosaurus
In real life Spinosaurus walked on all fours to maintain balance so it would struggle to lift itself up and by that time T-Rex takes a massive bite plus in 2020 scientists discovered T-Red had a bite force of 12,800 pounds and Spinosaurus with a bite force of about 5000 pounds which is 1/3 the strength of a T-Rex
Tyrannosaurus in a real fight would win.
Tyrannosaurus hunted large Hadrosaurus and Ceratopsians, while Spinosaurus hunted fish.
Tyrannosaurus had a bite force of 12800 pounds per square inches. And Spinosaurus being 4270.
Tyrannosaurus weighed 31000 Pounds and Spinosaurus weighed 17000 Pounds.
Tyrannosaurus would win, not lose, despite what you think, poor Spinosaurus wouldn’t stand a chance, its teeth were made for spearing fish, not tearing the flesh of large prey or enemies.
And the only chance for Spino to win, is to fatally wound the Tyrannosaurus with its claws, then try and use its arms and mouth to snap the Tyrannosaurus’ neck.
One last thing, Spinosaurus had weak jaws and…. A WEAK BITE. So Spinosaurus would win hands down. It has a 0.0001% to win.
I take both: Tyrannosaurus Rex because although it is smaller, and it has small arms, and just two claws, my dinosaur book says that those claws were a bit useful. And Spinosaurus because it was larger and had stronger claws but still, with a bite force more than that of any other land-animal Tyrannosaurus Rex could possibly win. Spinosurus’ teeth are smooth and not strong enough. But there’s a chance that Spinosaurus could win: in Jurassic Park 3, Spinosaurus kind of camouflages in the trees when it fights with Tyrannosaurus Rex. So I’d say both would win in certain environments.
I would say tyrannosaurus because its bite force was waaaaaaaaay stronger than spino’s the only real chance spino would stand if it was near or near a lake or if it would be able to wound the T-rex with its claws, and than it would have to snap rex’s neck and its mouth was really weak compared to rex’s.
the size of creatures matters as equal aged rex and spin0 if battles then spino could resist rex bite with its paws.but if rex is aged and spino very younger the rex would bite off the spino
If we look at size elephant is bigger than lion but the king is lion
Here spinosaurus is bigger than tyrannosaurus rex but king is alway t rex
For the trex hard bite to work it would have to grip on and put a lot of pressure but spino would need to stand still but spino is fast and agile so spino
I would say Spinosaurus has 50% chance to win while the Tyrannosaurus Rex has 50.1% chance to win, in my opinions. Why? They don’t live together in the same time. But I will tell you, Spinosaurus may have used its claws to fight the Trex, just like the Indominus Rex. But the king of the dinosaurs, Trex, has it’s enormous bite to kill the Spinosaurus. But because the Spinosaurus is big, it also has big muscles. Its strong hands n’ claws may have slapped the Trex back and forth across the face. But the Trex has a silly weapon: It’s little tiny arms, it may have used it for slashing, but the JAWS is more useful, once it bitten the spinosaurus and put it down, Mr. Spino used it jaws to bite the Trex neck, the problem is: once the Trex bite the Spinosaurus’ sail, oops! Wrong time for Spino! The Spinosaurus would be paralyzed to death. All this fight is from land. But but but! If the Trex and Spinosaurus Fought near a deep river, none a minute, the Spinosaurus wins!
But I will tell you, Spinosaurus is my favorite!