Our thanks to prehistoric animal model collector Alberth, who is based in Costa Rica, for sending into Everything Dinosaur some photographs of the recently acquired Papo Mosasaurus model. It is always a pleasure to hear from Everything Dinosaur customers. We supply model collectors all over the world including many customers in Cental America.

The Papo Mosasaurus Model
The Papo Mosasaurus model is one of two marine reptile models being introduced by Papo this year. A Kronosaurus figure is due out in quarter 3/4 of 2023. The Mosasaurus marine reptile model measures over twenty-five centimetres long and it has an articulated jaw. Alberth emailed to say that the model had arrived in Costa Rica.

Looking Forward to the Arrival of the Papo Woolly Rhino Figure
There are lots of passionate Papo model fans. Alberth in Costa Rica was delighted with the Mosasaurus figure. A request has already been received to email an alert when the reissued Papo Woolly Rhino model becomes available.
Perhaps we will receive some pictures of this model too, when it arrives in Costa Rica.

To view the range of Papo “Les Dinosaures” and other prehistoric animal figures available from Everything Dinosaur: Papo Prehistoric Animal Models and Figures.
We are very grateful for Alberth for sending in the photographs. We would like to say “muchas gracias”.
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