All about dinosaurs, fossils and prehistoric animals by Everything Dinosaur team members.
21 05, 2022

New Mary Anning Statue Unveiled at Lyme Regis

By |2024-12-31T09:34:46+00:00May 21st, 2022|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal News Stories, Dinosaur Fans, Educational Activities, Famous Figures, Main Page, Photos|1 Comment

A statue commemorating the life and work of the pioneering palaeontologist Mary Anning has been unveiled in her hometown of Lyme Regis. Mary Anning (1799 – 1847), made some remarkable fossil discoveries along Dorset’s “Jurassic Coast”, although during her lifetime, her contribution to the nascent sciences of geology and palaeontology was not fully recognised.

The statue, created by artist and sculptress Denise Dutton, is placed on the seafront close to the sea defences, permitting Mary a view of Lyme Bay and the cliffs and shoreline that she explored with her brother Joseph as a child. During her lifetime she made several highly significant fossil discoveries in the Lower Jurassic marine beds, including the first ichthyosaur specimens to be scientifically studied, plesiosaurs and the first pterosaur fossil to be found outside Germany.

The unveiling of the Mary Anning statue at Lyme Regis (Dorset)

The statue commemorating the life and work of Mary Anning is unveiled. Picture credit: Mary Anning Rocks.

Picture credit: Mary Anning Rocks

Mary Anning Rocks

Young Evie Swire was the inspiration behind the charity Mary Anning Rocks, when she enquired on returning from a fossil hunting trip at Lyme Regis “why isn’t there a statue to Mary?” A fund-raising campaign was organised and on what would have been Mary’s 223rd birthday, Evie, now a teenager and her fellow campaigners unveiled the beautiful statue commemorating a key figure in the history of the Earth Sciences.

Mary Anning statue unveiled at Lyme Regis

Crowds flocked to see the unveiling of the new statue of Mary Anning unveiled, some people even dressed up like Mary. Picture credit: Mary Anning Rocks.

Picture credit: Mary Anning Rocks

Supporting and Celebrating the Role of Women in the Sciences

Everything Dinosaur was one of the first organisations from outside Lyme Regis to back the campaign and to help raise awareness. Since the charity’s inception, Everything Dinosaur has helped to promote and support the fundraising.

Mary Anning’s discoveries in the 19th Century helped shape scientific understanding of prehistoric life, but her work was never properly credited due to the fact that she was a woman and because of her lowly social status. A large crowd turned out for the unveiling, and team members at Everything Dinosaur are looking forward to one day soon returning to Lyme Regis and paying our respects to Mary Anning and her statue.

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“We did so want to be there at the unveiling. The statue of Mary is not only a tribute to her, but it also helps to raise awareness of and celebrate the role of women in the sciences.”

Mary Anning Statue Unveiled

A close-view of the Mary Anning statue which was created by leading artist and sculptress Denise Dutton. Mary is holding an ammonite fossil in her left hand. Picture credit: Mary Anning Rocks.

Picture credit: Mary Anning Rocks

Anya Pearson one of the hard-working trustees of the Mary Anning Rocks charity exclaimed:

“It was a monumental day for a monumental Woman – At last!!!”

Our congratulations to all those people who have worked so hard to ensure that Mary Anning can be honoured in this way.

Commemorating the Life and Work of Mary Anning

Mike from Everything Dinosaur commented:

“The statue is wonderful way to commemorate the life and work of Mary Anning.  We congratulate all those people who helped to bring this about.  It will do a lot to boost the profile of Lyme Regis and the Dorset coast. The Mary Anning statue will attract a lot of visitors to the area.”

The Everything Dinosaur website: Prehistoric Animal Figures.

21 05, 2022

The “Prehistoric Secret Science Show” at Wollaton Hall (Nottingham)

By |2024-12-31T09:03:02+00:00May 21st, 2022|Adobe CS5, Dinosaur Fans, Educational Activities, General Teaching, Main Page, Teaching|0 Comments

Those enthusiastic scientists and educationalists at Wollaton Hall (Nottingham), are hosting an exclusive “Prehistoric Secret Science Show” on Tuesday 24th May, 2022 (4.30pm to 8.45pm). It will feature a veritable cornucopia of talks, presentations and workshops plus the chance to meet professionals engaged in current scientific research on Tyrannosaurus rex!

Prehistoric Secret Science Show at Wollaton Hall (Nottingham).

Led by the Nottingham City Museum’s Learning and Education team, the evening event (Prehistoric Secret Science Show), will showcase a range of speakers from the University of Nottingham, the University of Birmingham, Rutland Water Nature Reserve, as well as Nottingham City Museum’s Curator of Natural Sciences, Dr Adam Smith.

An Exclusive Event

Organised by those dedicated and talented members of Nottingham City Museum’s Learning and Education team, this evening event “Prehistoric Secret Science Show”, will showcase a range of speakers from the University of Birmingham, Rutland Water Nature Reserve and the University of Nottingham. Palaeontologist Dr Adam Smith (Nottingham Museum’s Curator of Natural Sciences), a world authority on Mesozoic marine reptiles will also be presenting.

Titus T. rex is King in secret science show.

Those enthusiastic scientists at Wollaton Hall (Nottingham) are hosting an exclusive “Prehistoric Secret Science Show” which will feature a tour of the “Titus” T. rex is King exhibition as well as chance to meet some of the scientists currently studying this iconic dinosaur.

Natural Science and Dinosaurs

This exclusive event is ideal for anyone interested in prehistoric life, palaeontology, Natural Science and dinosaurs, it has been especially designed for children at upper primary or secondary school, college, university and adults. It looks set to be an interesting evening that covers a wide range of topics, plus gives everyone the opportunity to meet “Titus” the Tyrannosaurus rex exhibit too!

Event Details

Date: Tuesday 24th May (2022)

Location: Wollaton Hall (Nottingham)

Entry: 4.30pm

Event ends: 8.45pm

Ticket Prices – Adult: £15 Ticket Prices – Child £10

Schools and other large groups have one free adult per ten children with additional adults at the usual £15. Contact the event organisers for more information.

Event is open to all ages, including children at secondary school, college, university and adults. It is aimed especially for children over ten years old, although anyone with a keen interest in dinosaurs would be welcome.

Free entry for carers when accompanying a paid ticket. Please note car parking charges apply.

Please note this event has now finished.

For dinosaurs and other prehistoric animal figures, visit: Dinosaur Toys and Models.

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