An Exclusive Schleich Amargasaurus Video Showcase

By |2024-05-12T07:15:35+01:00February 23rd, 2022|Dinosaur Fans, Everything Dinosaur News and Updates, Everything Dinosaur Products, Everything Dinosaur videos, Main Page, Photos of Everything Dinosaur Products|0 Comments

Everything Dinosaur team members have produced a short YouTube video highlighting the new for 2022 Schleich Amargasaurus dinosaur model. The video was posted up onto the company’s YouTube channel earlier today and is part of a project to help customers make informed purchase decisions by creating videos showcasing prehistoric animal models and figures.

The Everything Dinosaur YouTube video showcasing the new for 2022 Schleich Amargasaurus dinosaur model. Video credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Video credit: Everything Dinosaur

New for 2022 Schleich Prehistoric Animal Models

In early 2022, Everything Dinosaur received five new prehistoric animal models that had been introduced by Schleich, there was a model of the Triassic marine reptile Nothosaurus and four dinosaurs namely Majungasaurus, Styracosaurus, Parasaurolophus and an Amargasaurus. All five of these new Schleich models featured in short YouTube videos, the first to be posted up was the Parasaurolophus model, the last new Schleich figure to be put into the video spotlight was the Amargasaurus model.

Schleich Amargasaurus.
The Schleich Amargasaurus dinosaur model. One of five new Schleich prehistoric animal models recently introduced.

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur explained that as the company physically stocked the models, storing them in their own warehouse, they could shoot short videos that highlighted the features of the replicas and figures giving potential customers the opportunity to view actual models rather than just relying on the manufacturer’s product images.

Schleich Amargasaurus dinosaur model
The new for 2022 Schleich Amargasaurus dinosaur model shown in lateral view. The Amargasaurus figure is on a turntable which permits the viewer to see the model from various angles. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Videos Under 45 Seconds in Length

Tests were still being carried out to see how best to upload product showcase videos onto Everything Dinosaur’s website without the loading time of the site being compromised. Videos had been kept to a maximum length of around 45 seconds, permitting viewers to see the figure in plenty of detail. The models are placed on a turntable so that they can be viewed from various angles.

The video showcase highlights features such as the beautifully painted eye on the figure and the wonderful, intricate skin texture. Highlights that could be missed when relying solely on the images provided by Schleich.

New for 2022 Schleich Amargasaurus
The new for 2022 Schleich Amargasaurus dinosaur model – a close-up view of the head with its shiny black eye. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the new for 2022 Schleich Amargasaurus and the rest of the prehistoric animal models in the Schleich range: Schleich Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models.