A Crossword Inspired by the Rebor Range of Prehistoric Animal Replicas
Everything Dinosaur has designed a crossword puzzle themed on the exciting range of Rebor replicas and prehistoric animal models. This crossword is available as a free, pdf download helping to entertain all those fans of Rebor models currently at home due to the global coronavirus outbreak. The crossword has been compiled by team members to test the product knowledge of dinosaur fans and model collectors.
Everything Dinosaur’s Rebor Replicas Inspired Crossword

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
From One Across to Twenty-seven Down the Rebor Replicas Inspired Crossword
The first Rebor models came out in 2014. Since then, the range has grown and developed and consists of a huge variety of dinosaurs, pterosaur models and special figures such as the limited edition models, the Rebor “Oddities” and the recently introduced Komodo dragon, the first figure in the eagerly anticipated “GrabNGo” range.
The Rebor Range Features a Wide Range of Prehistoric Animals and Other Replicas

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
To view the extensive range of Rebor models available from Everything Dinosaur: Rebor Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animal Models.
Rebor Replicas – Testing the Knowledge of Collectors
The crossword has been designed as a bit of a challenge for the fans of the Rebor range. Since the introduction of these models six years ago, the range has increased and now contains a very wide range of dinosaurs – Velociraptors, tyrannosaurids, Stegosaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, armoured dinosaurs and ornithopods.
A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur commented:
“We have tried to feature as many Rebor figures and replicas as we could in our crossword puzzle. The crossword has been designed to test knowledge about the Rebor model range and we think that the clues, some of which are cryptic, make this quite a challenge. It was certainly a lot of fun creating the puzzle and it is available free from Everything Dinosaur.”
Free Rebor Themed Crossword Puzzle
To request your free Rebor crossword, simply contact Everything Dinosaur by email: Email Everything Dinosaur for your Free Rebor Inspired Crossword.
Some of the Rebor Themed Clues in the Crossword

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
If you email Everything Dinosaur, we will send out two pdf documents. One will contain the crossword grid to fill in, the second pdf will contain the actual crossword clues. Our team members have prepared an answer grid as well, if participants get stuck, then all they have to do is to email Everything Dinosaur and our staff will be happy to email over the answers.
We would like to wish everyone the very best of luck with this very special crossword challenge.
To contact Everything Dinosaur about the free Rebor inspired crossword puzzle: Email Everything Dinosaur.
The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
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