New Processes Helps Mail Order Business Continue to Operate
Everything Dinosaur Mail Order Business Still Operating
These are certainly challenging times for us all. The coronavirus pandemic continues and team members at Everything Dinosaur would like to convey our thoughts and sympathies to all those people who have been affected by the virus. We would also like to extend our very best wishes to each and every one of our customers, social media followers and friends. We are all living through a very difficult set of circumstances but Everything Dinosaur continues to provide assistance, advice and support.
Everything Dinosaur Providing Assistance and Support
Our mail order business is still operating, we have been following UK Government advice implementing hygiene measures, social distancing and cleanliness regimes. Fortunately, we were kept very well informed with regards to the position in China earlier on in the year and in January (2020), we began to put into place new practices and contingency plans that enabled our mail order business to keep operating.
Everything Dinosaur’s Mail Order Business is Still Operating

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Everything Dinosaur continues to pack and despatch orders. Our mail order business is still open and we continue to send out parcels to our customers all over the world. Everything Dinosaur is not extinct!
Uncharted Territory for Businesses
COVID-19 and all its implications represent uncharted territory for all businesses. Everything Dinosaur has been challenged on numerous fronts but we are doing all we can to continue operating. We are still able to pack and depatch parcels and we have arranged a collection routine that means that parcels can be collected by various couriers and Royal Mail staff using a rota system. This has enabled us to provide collections twice daily and on certain days of the week three times a day.
Working closely with our postal partners across the globe we have been able to maintain delivery services. However, delivery delays are to be expected. Many countries have implemented special measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and these measures have had an impact on delivery times.
Whilst the situation remains fluid, it is reassuring for Everything Dinosaur’s customers to note that we have maintained our five-star rating for customer service (as independently verified by the rating company Feefo). Indeed, many of our customers have praised our team members for packing and despatching orders so promptly permitting swift deliveries to be made.
Everything Dinosaur Maintaining their Mail Order Operations

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The models featured in the image (above) are Mojo Fun models.
To view the Mojo Fun model range: Mojo Fun Prehistoric and Extinct Figures.
Everything Dinosaur Comments
A spokesperson for Everything Dinosaur commented:
“Our dedicated staff are doing all they can to assist and help customers. We do appreciate that being able to place and receive orders at this time helps to provide a sense of normality and that our customers are trying to sort birthday presents and other gifts for loved ones. Being able to indulge in a hobby such us model collecting can help with mental well-being when many of our customers are self-isolating at home. We are doing all we can to maintain mail order operations. In additon, we continue to provide free teaching resources, fact sheets, puzzles and quizzes as well as finding time to support key workers in our community.”
Everything Dinosaur remains committed to doing all that it can to assist parents, guardians, teaching professionals and all the many thousands of followers, customers, social media followers and fans that we have.
The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.