Latest Update About Prehistoric Animal Model Retirements from Schleich
Dinosaur Models Retired from the Schleich Range
Recently, Everything Dinosaur posted up pictures on the company’s Facebook page of the new prehistoric animal models to be introduced by Schleich in July 2018. As well as new model introductions for this year (a total of eight figures), Schleich are also retiring several replicas. Today, we list Schleich dinosaur retirements.
Comings and Goings from the Schleich Dinosaur Model Range

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur/Schleich
Listing Schleich Dinosaur Retirements – Goodbye to the Mini Dinosaurs
All the Schleich mini dinosaur models have been retired. The Schleich mini dinosaur model range was introduced in early 2015. It consisted of eight very collectable prehistoric animal figures, seven dinosaurs and one pterosaur (Quetzalcoatlus). Ranging in size from 5.5 centimetres to a fraction under 7 centimetres in length, these colourful models were ideal for representing juvenile animals in dioramas. Last year, four new additions to this series, were introduced. However, the decision has been taken to end production of all the mini prehistoric animal figures.
In Early 2017, New Models were Added to the Schleich Mini Dinosaurs Model Range

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
Everything Dinosaur has been able to secure some of the very last stock of these hand-painted figures, including the highly sought after Schleich mini dinosaurs Velociraptor (ocean blue). It is our policy not to exploit the rarity of models, these carefully crafted figures are being offered for sale at the same price as when this range was first introduced three years ago.
The Schleich Mini Dinosaurs Velociraptor (Ocean Blue)

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur/Schleich
Large Schleich Dinosaurs Out of Production Too
Several of the larger dinosaur models in the Schleich range have been retired too. One of the casualties is the Schleich Therizinosaurus model (orange and blue colouration). This model has been replaced by black/red painted replica, a prelude to the introduction of a juvenile Therizinosaurus figure later this year.
The Schleich Therizinosaurus Figure (Orange/Blue Colouration) is Out of Production

Picture credit: Schleich
A Velociraptor figure introduced in 2014 has been discontinued. The Schleich Styracosaurus and the red Carnotaurus models were withdrawn last autumn. Also retired is the Schleich Green Velociraptor replica. However, once again, Everything Dinosaur has been able to secure some remaining stock, giving collectors the opportunity to complete their Schleich model collections.
The Schleich Green Velociraptor Model Has Been Retired

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur/Schleich
To view the range of Schleich prehistoric animal models available from Everything Dinosaur: Schleich Prehistoric Animals and Dinosaurs.
The Demise of the Light Green T. rex Dinosaur Model
Another victim of the cull is the light green Tyrannosaurus rex model. This figure was introduced in the early summer of 2014 and although no official explanation for its withdrawal has been received by Everything Dinosaur team members, it is likely, that with the introduction of the more recent T. rex models, plus the imminent arrival of a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex model in the summer, Schleich may have thought that they simply had one T. rex too many.
The Schleich Light Green T. rex Dinosaur Model has been Retired

Picture credit: Schleich
Visit the Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
Schleich Prehistoric Animal Models
The Schleich range of prehistoric animal models has undergone some significant changes in the last few months. As well as the retirement of several large models, the smaller dinosaur line remains limited and the mini figures have been withdrawn. In addition, the 2016 model and jigsaw sets (marshland, waterhole, lava field and discovery) have also been taken out of production. We shall have to see what happens in 2019, whether Schleich continues to reduce the number of dinosaur figures it makes, or whether the company brings out a similar number of new figures to this year (8 figures in total), helping to increase the variety within the range.