Countdown to TetZooCon 2016
The countdown has started, tetrapods from all walks of life will be getting ready for the third annual TetZooCon gathering this Saturday (1st October). The great and the good in the TetZoo-verse will be making their way to the London Wetland Centre (Barnes, London, SW13) to enjoy a series of presentations from illustrious speakers covering topics as wide ranging as British reptiles and amphibians, palaeoart, pterosaurs and sea monsters.
For soft toy dinosaurs and prehistoric plush: Dinosaur Soft Toys.
TetZooCon 2016
Highlights this year include John Hutchinson providing an insight into locomotion and biomechanics, specifically kneecaps, expect some jumbo sized explanations as pachyderms get placed up front and centre!
Look out also for Hannah O’Regan’s (University of Nottingham), talk on the Ursidae in the archaeological record could TetZooCon be turning into a teddy’s bear picnic? Certainly, organisers Darren Naish, John Conway and friends have ensured that tea and coffee is included in the admission price of £50 and attendees can pick up lunch and other snacks at the London Wetland Centre in between the cornucopia of events, activities and speakers that have been assembled.
Countdown to TetZooCon 2016

TetZooCon banner 2016.
Picture credit: Darren Naish
For further information on this event and for last minute ticket information check out this link: TetZooCon 2016.
Palaeoart, Plushies and Publications
TetZooCon gives fans of biology, zoology, palaeontology, cryptozoology, conservation and how animals (living and extinct) are portrayed in art, literature and fiction the opportunity to meet up once a year and to indulge their interest in all things related to the Tetrapoda and the contents of the world-famous blog Tetrapod Zoology (currently hosted by Scientific American and followed by Everything Dinosaur team members).
On the subject of blog writers followed by Everything Dinosaur, renowned flying reptile expert Mark Witton (he of Mark Witton’s blog), will be attending and conference delegates will be able to purchase signed prints of his artwork as well as copies of his new book “Recreating an Age of Reptiles”.
Over the course of the day visitors will be able to peruse and purchase a range of merchandise including spectacular illustrations and to get their hands on some of the very latest publications. Rumour has it that the recently refurbished lecture theatre at the London Wetland Centre will see the unveiling of the new dinosaur book “Dinosaurs: How They Lived and Evolved” by Darren Naish, only a limited number of copies of this highly anticipated new volume will be available, doors open promptly at 9am with the first presentation scheduled to start at 9.20am, best to get there early to avoid disappointment.
The TetZooCon Quiz
Just prior to the traditional end of event trip to the local hostelry and bringing down the curtain on the day-long activities there is the quiz and look out for some fantastic prehistoric animal scale replica prizes provided by Everything Dinosaur who are once again proud to be involved in such a worthwhile event.
Up for Grabs a “Winston” Rebor Replica and Other Prizes

Rebor 1:18 scale Velociraptor model
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
We wish all the delegates and speakers a wonderful day! Perhaps next year it will be a two day event, now that’s a thought!
Look Out for Everything Dinosaur at TetZooCon 2016

All ready for the TetZooCon 2016.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
The Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.