Getting into the Spirit of the Term Topic
At Everything Dinosaur we get the chance to meet and work with some amazing teachers and learning support providers. The term “teaching professions” is most certainly merited and it always fills us with a sense of pride when we are able to assist and enthuse hard-working, dedicated school teachers and teaching assistants. Sometimes, members of the teaching team will go that extra step to help motivate and inspire the next generation of scientists. Key Stage 1 children studying dinosaurs at Rykneld Primary school, were very appreciative of Lisa Tee, one of the teaching assistants, who got her nails painted with a variety of dinosaur designs – good for you Lisa.
Teaching Assistant Inspires Pupils
“Digital Dinosaurs”

A member of the teaching staff gets into the spirit of the dinosaur term topic. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Lisa Tee/Rykneld Primary School/Everything Dinosaur
What a wonderful way to help inspire and motivate the pupils! We have to “hand” it to the member of the teaching staff her “handiwork” is inspirational.
A member of the teaching staff has certainly got into the spirit of the dinosaur and prehistoric animal term topic.
Our dinosaur workshop was very well received by teachers and pupils. We provided a number of extension ideas and suggestions, even some drawings of dinosaur footprints, however, none of the dinosaur tracks that we sent over had painted nails, perhaps next time…
Everything Dinosaur stocks a huge range of educational dinosaur-themed toys and games, all aimed at inspiring the next generation of young scientists. Our toys and gifts are all recommended by our own dedicated and enthusiastic teaching team.
To view the range of prehistoric animal-themed items in stock: Replica Models of Iconic Fossil Animals – Learning Section.