“Wind Hunter” Rebor Announces New Replica
Utahraptor ostrommaysorum – “Wind Hunter” from Rebor
No sooner have we completed writing about the work to remove an enormous sandstone/mudstone block that may contain the remains of six Utahraptors, then it is time to release the first pictures of the new Rebor Utahraptor replica. The next edition to the 1:35 scale replica series is going to be model of Utahraptor ostrommaysorum and what a beautiful sculpt it is. Our team members have followed the “Utahraptor story”, since this enigmatic dinosaur was formally named and described back in 1993. It is regarded as the largest of the “raptors” and we have speculated that a similar sized “raptor” may one day be discovered in Europe.
Rebor Utahraptor Replica
To read more about the “Utahraptor block”: Potential Predator Trap and Utahraptor.
Coming Soon to Everything Dinosaur 1:35 scale Replica of Utahraptor
Picture credit: Rebor/Everything Dinosaur
With its integumental covering of coarse “proto feathers” and quills on the forearms, this is indeed an intriguing interpretation of a carnivorous dinosaur. We love the fact that the base has been painted a dark, red, sandstone colour, we suspect that this is in recognition of the work done on the Arches National Park Utahraptor concretion, that has been featured in the media very recently, but was actually first discovered back in 2004 (first bone from the site in 2001).
The Arches National Park, found to the north of the town of Moab (Utah), is famous for its sandstone arches and structures. Parts of the Park, managed by the U.S. National Parks Service, are referred to as the “Red Rock Wonderland” due to the abundance sandstone geological features.
The Rebor 1:35 Scale Utahraptor Replica
Picture credit: Rebor/Everything Dinosaur
Like the earlier releases Yutyrannus and T. rex, this replica has an articulated lower jaw. The forelimbs also move, in recognition that these types of dinosaurs were “graspers and grabbers” as one of our colleagues frequently mentions whenever we get onto the subject of Early Cretaceous theropods.
A Striking, Dynamic Pose for the Replica
Picture credit: Rebor/Everything Dinosaur
The dinosaur can be removed from its base (can you spot the skull bones on the mount in the picture) and it is certainly a very dynamic and dramatic pose. Made from a composite of PVC and polystone (like the Rebor Yutyrannus), this looks like to be another “must have” prehistoric animal replica for 2015.
Everything Dinosaur team members will post up more information soon, it will be added to our Rebor range later in the spring.
For further information and to see the current Rebor models: Rebor Prehistoric Animal Models and Figures.
To contact Everything Dinosaur with a view to reserving one of these superb Rebor Utahraptor replicas: Email Everything Dinosaur.