The beautiful Chesil Beach and the Fleet Lagoon attract over 150,000 visitors each year. The site is managed by Natural England, and it is famed for its stunning views and wildlife especially migratory birds. However, the Fleet Lagoon (England’s largest lagoon at around 480 hectares), is a great place to visit if you are a fossil collector. Fossils can be found along almost the entire length of the lagoon. There are exposures of the Oxford Clay, Forest Marble, Kimmeridge Clay formations and Corallian limestones. It would be great if a visitor to this part of the UNESCO “Jurassic Coast” had a guide to help them navigate this remarkable part of the Dorset coastline.
Such a guide is now available, thanks to authors Steve Snowball and Heather Middleton. The pair have compiled a comprehensive and informative field guide to the safe and responsible collection of fossils from the Fleet Lagoon area.

The front cover of the new book that explores the remarkable fossils of the Fleet Lagoon of Dorset entitled “A Field Guide to the Jurassic Fossils of the Fleet Lagoon, Dorset” written by Steve Snowball and Heather Middleton.
Picture credit: Steve Snowball
Readers of this blog will be familiar with a series of guidebooks, co-authored by Steve Snowball that help fossil collectors explore various parts of the Dorset coast. Back in 2022, we wrote about a wonderful collaboration between Steve Snowball and Craig Chivers who imagined an Edwardian gentleman visiting this picturesque part of the world.
To read Everything Dinosaur’s review of the excellent: Jurassic Fossils of the West Dorset Coast – A Time Traveller’s Guide.

Several excellent guides have been published about fossil hunting on the Dorset coast by Steve Snowball and Craig Chivers. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
“A Field Guide to the Jurassic Fossils of the Fleet Lagoon, Dorset”
This is a comprehensive and beautifully crafted field guide. It is illustrated in full colour throughout, and it focuses on the wide variety of fossils associated with the area and its unique geology. If you thought that Tidmoor Point and its Oxford Clay exposures was the only place to collect fossils in this area, it’s time for a rethink. This is an up-to-date and definitive guide with superb photographs of fossil specimens and wonderful artwork by the talented palaeoartist Andreas Kurpisz.

A school of curious ichthyosaurs. Fossils of these marine reptiles have been found in the Fleet Lagoon area. Picture credit: Andreas Kurpisz.
Picture credit: Andreas Kurpisz
Helpful Identification Charts
Readers will be able to explore marine reptile bones and teeth from the Kimmeridge Clay as well as Corallian echinoids and stunning ammonites such as Quenstedioceras as well as Kosmoceras from the Oxford Clay. The book contains helpful identification charts and plenty of advice on making the most of your fossil hunting adventure. All the localities along the thirteen-kilometre length of this picturesque, tidal body of water, which separates Chesil Beach from the mainland, are fully described.
The vivid artwork of Andreas Kurpisz brings to life the ancient landscapes of southern England and the huge variety of prehistoric creatures that once inhabited them. It is a wonderful guidebook for either the keen walker, casual visitor to the area or dedicated fossil hunter.

A trio of rhamphorhynchid pterosaurs soar over the tropical landscape of the area we now know as Dorset. Picture credit: Andreas Kurpisz.
Picture credit: Andreas Kurpisz
“A Field Guide to the Jurassic Fossils of the Fleet Lagoon, Dorset” has received praise for its informative text and illuminating photographs. If you intend to visit this part of Dorset, it will prove to be an essential companion on your travels.
Book Details
Here is further information about this new fossil hunting guide:
Title: “A Field Guide to the Jurassic Fossils of the Fleet Lagoon, Dorset”
Authors: Steve Snowball and Heather Middleton
Illustrated by Andreas Kurpisz
ISBN: 978-1-7395570-3-4
Publisher: Siri Scientific Press
It contains 256 pages.
RRP: £24.99 and it is available on Amazon: “A Field Guide to the Jurassic Fossils of the Fleet Lagoon, Dorset”
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