The Diversity of the Ceratopsidae – Inspiring a Nasutoceratops Dinosaur Model
The last decade or so has been regarded by many palaeontologists as the “Golden Age of Horned Dinosaurs” could a cow be the inspiration behind a Nasutoceratops dinosaur model? There have been so many new genera of horned dinosaur described, revisions of earlier research and a whole set of new theories looking at everything from mating rituals, ontogeny and phylogenetic relationships. Model manufacturers have been keen to reflect the changing state of play with this branch of the Ornithischia. Both CollectA and Safari Ltd have got into the habit of producing at least one new ceratopsian figure each year.
Nasutoceratops Dinosaur Model
In 2015, for example, a Nasutoceratops dinosaur model will be introduced by both CollectA and Safari Ltd. This dinosaur, the name means “large nosed horn face”, was only formally described back in 2013. It lived in what was to become Utah, towards the end of the Cretaceous period and this hefty herbivore sported a pair of large brow horns that pointed forward like the horns of some types of cow.
An Illustration of Nasutoceratops (N. titusi)
Picture credit: Raul Martin
To view an article written by Everything Dinosaur on the dinosaur discovery: “Large Nose, Horn Face” – Nasutoceratops.
Both models are extremely well done and Everything Dinosaur will be stocking both the CollectA Nasutoceratops and the Wild Safari Dinos model.
New for 2015 the Wild Safari Dinos Nasutoceratops
Picture credit: Safari Ltd/Everything Dinosaur
To view the range of dinosaur models from the Safari Ltd series stocked by Everything Dinosaur: Wild Safari Prehistoric World.
The Diverse Ceratopsia
The diversity of the horns and bony ornamentation within the Ceratopsidae is amazing. When the fossil material which was to become the holotype for the Nasutoceratops titusi was being evaluated, it was remarked how the horns reminded the scientists of the horns of a cow. We spotted a cow the other day that reminded us of the new CollectA Nasutoceratops dinosaur model. Could this have been the inspiration behind the CollectA replica?
To view the CollectA “Prehistoric Life/Prehistoric World” model range available: CollectA “Prehistoric Life/Prehistoric World” Models.
Cow Reminds Everything Dinosaur of Nasutoceratops
Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur
A cow from the Mesozoic, how ridiculous, not at all, as this article proves: Prehistoric Udders!
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